Innectis Community Forum

Innectis - Minecraft Server => Suggestions => Topic started by: TheReasoning on January 05, 2013, 12:02:16 PM

Title: Proposition to add a new rank.
Post by: TheReasoning on January 05, 2013, 12:02:16 PM
So, Eggnaug and I we're talking last night, and an interesting topic was brought up, respect.

Some of the newer players may not know this, but back in the early days of the server, to get Goldy meant something. There was  a respect to all the Goldy's, and nowadays that has changed drastically. Not to point fingers, but a lot of the Goldy's nowadays are not even liked among the community, let alone respected players.

My suggestion would be to add a new rank. This rank would be only for those voted to have it, for the helpful, likable, and respected players among the community, so we are able to distinguish them from other players.

Anyways, thanks for reading! Please vote now =]   

Edit: One similar suggestion may be to give the User Council members a specific rank.

Edit 2: I do not support the Builder's stick, this post is simply for a rank to separate the respected and helpful players from the rest.
Title: Re: Bring back the Builder Rank!
Post by: SGT_ADZ on January 05, 2013, 12:20:42 PM
Most of the current Goldies are vT goldies so yes we need a new rank. This rank would have to have minimum requirements for you to be eligible for it.
Title: Re: Bring back the Builder Rank!
Post by: l_iamW on January 05, 2013, 12:22:17 PM
I paid for goldy...
Title: Re: Bring back the Builder Rank!
Post by: SGT_ADZ on January 05, 2013, 12:33:32 PM
Then you would be eligible for this rank :P

Title: Re: Bring back the Builder Rank!
Post by: TheReasoning on January 05, 2013, 01:02:38 PM
Most of the current Goldies are vT goldies so yes we need a new rank. This rank would have to have minimum requirements for you to be eligible for it.
  • Certain amount of time played, 25 days or more maybe?
  • Paid your way to Goldy through your own means

25 days seems high, the only players currently with that play time are the Staff, and Lue.
Title: Re: Bring back the Builder Rank!
Post by: SGT_ADZ on January 05, 2013, 01:32:30 PM
You'd be surprised with the amount of people with 25 days
Title: Re: Bring back the Builder Rank!
Post by: chrisjones23 on January 05, 2013, 01:49:57 PM
This was my first suggestion to the user council except i called it rainbow VIP ^^ but yea if the user council disscussion was anything to go by we are ready for a new rank and the council seemed to back it. Maybe time to see what users think ^^
Title: Re: Bring back the Builder Rank!
Post by: luetzj on January 05, 2013, 02:12:56 PM
25 days seems high, the only players currently with that play time are the Staff, and Lue.
Not sure if that's an insult or a complement. Hopefully a complement.

You'd be surprised with the amount of people with 25 days
Don't most paying goldies have 25+ days?

My own thoughts on the matter would be a minimum playtime, and well liked/known from the users and staff. Perhaps you could apply and the staff would vote. The builder rank should have something, perhaps some sort of command or feature that they have access to, to thank them for their dedication to Innectis.
Title: Re: Bring back the Builder Rank!
Post by: SGT_ADZ on January 05, 2013, 02:40:30 PM
We were considering on giving this rank the builders stick, but we shall see. It needs some sort of feature to entice people to get this rank, maybe the ability to set bold/italic prefixes?
Title: Re: Bring back the Builder Rank!
Post by: l_iamW on January 05, 2013, 02:41:27 PM
We were considering on giving this rank the builders stick, but we shall see. It needs some sort of feature to entice people to get this rank, maybe the ability to set bold/italic prefixes?

Bold and Italic prefixes should only be for Mods and Admins so Users can easily see they are mods/admins. As if someone has Admin in bold you will more likely be able to see it then it in non bold.

Wait why did you change the topic name to Bring back the Builder Rank. I voted for a new rank but not for Builder to be back.
Title: Re: Bring back the Builder Rank!
Post by: SGT_ADZ on January 05, 2013, 02:45:42 PM
Liam, the builder rank was last in Otaku, which I don't think you were a part of? No Staff actually uses Bold/Italic prefixes. We have different coloured names for a reason. :P
Title: Re: Bring back the Builder Rank!
Post by: l_iamW on January 05, 2013, 02:50:13 PM
Liam, the builder rank was last in Otaku, which I don't think you were a part of? No Staff actually uses Bold/Italic prefixes. We have different coloured names for a reason. :P

I was not a part of Otaku but believe me I know quite alot about it thanks to somebody (Nosliw) I know the Builder Rank gave you a stick which allows you breaks blocks instantly.
Title: Re: Bring back the Builder Rank!
Post by: Skye on January 05, 2013, 04:40:49 PM
Title: Re: Bring back the Builder Rank!
Post by: GSTa2000 on January 05, 2013, 06:27:52 PM
I payed for Goldy. Although. I think it's the servers population that is bringing the gold's down. Way to many new members are thinking Goldy's are staff but when they're told Goldy's aren't staff they completely forget how much money it costs. How much effort someone has put in to be a higher rank on the server. They do it to get in to the server more, to help it stay online... or some people do it to boast and rise over others(which is horrific).

Some more information on the new builder rank would be nice. Will the Builder rank be higher than Goldy VIP? Will they be voted to be in this rank? What abilities will they have?
Title: Re: Bring back the Builder Rank!
Post by: Eggnaug on January 05, 2013, 07:57:45 PM
Builder Rank isn't about getting new perks. It's more of a respected player thing. 
Title: Re: Bring back the Builder Rank!
Post by: TheReasoning on January 05, 2013, 08:01:33 PM
Builder Rank isn't about getting new perks. It's more of a respected player thing.

Perfectly worded, and also @Lue it was a complement, and all of the currently active Goldies at this point in time at least have far less playtime then 25 days. Myself included, also if you look at some of the former highly respected staff members, Ostracod, Imf, Flex even, they have FAR less then 25 days, and are tremendously respected. At least among those who know who they are.

And on another note.
Skye, sometimes it's better to just say nothing at all.
Title: Re: Bring back the Builder Rank!
Post by: luetzj on January 05, 2013, 08:11:19 PM
That's good magic! :P

I do like SGT's idea of giving them the builder's stick.
Title: Re: Bring back the Builder Rank!
Post by: Skye on January 06, 2013, 01:05:27 AM
I'm expressing my opinion on a thread. All a new rank would bring is more of the "look how much more I care about this server than you just because you haven't been around for a long time hahahahahaha" feeling.
Title: Re: Bring back the Builder Rank!
Post by: zandercz07 on January 06, 2013, 01:35:28 AM
I'm expressing my opinion on a thread. All a new rank would bring is more of the "look how much more I care about this server than you just because you haven't been around for a long time hahahahahaha" feeling.
Yeh, agree it would be more a bragging rank!
Title: Re: Bring back the Builder Rank!
Post by: l_iamW on January 06, 2013, 03:39:01 AM
Yes but it will also get more new players to join us and stay instead of this scenario:

"Player1 joined the server for the first time

l_iamW: Welcome!

Player1 left the server"

and he never returned..
Title: Re: Bring back the Builder Rank!
Post by: zandercz07 on January 06, 2013, 07:59:52 AM
Yes but it will also get more new players to join us and stay instead of this scenario:

"Player1 joined the server for the first time

l_iamW: Welcome!

Player1 left the server"

and he never returned..
Someone with the tank builder won't keep a new user on cause the user has to buy Goldie then play for 25 days! I have played since July and I only have 8! Also, some people with this rank will tease people about it and go I am the best. It is more likely going to be a bad thing
 For the new users. I have seen many new users play for 1 hour than never come back due to people being mean to them when they first log on and bragging.
Title: Re: Bring back the Builder Rank!
Post by: l_iamW on January 06, 2013, 08:18:39 AM
Yes but it will also get more new players to join us and stay instead of this scenario:

"Player1 joined the server for the first time

l_iamW: Welcome!

Player1 left the server"

and he never returned..
Someone with the tank builder won't keep a new user on cause the user has to buy Goldie then play for 25 days! I have played since July and I only have 8! Also, some people with this rank will tease people about it and go I am the best. It is more likely going to be a bad thing
 For the new users. I have seen many new users play for 1 hour than never come back due to people being mean to them when they first log on and bragging.

But the 'Time Played' is new. Iv been on Innectis since Otaku Craft turned into Innectis and I only have 5 days played.
Title: Re: Bring back the Builder Rank!
Post by: ryanteck on January 06, 2013, 09:56:24 AM
Yes but it will also get more new players to join us and stay instead of this scenario:

"Player1 joined the server for the first time

l_iamW: Welcome!

Player1 left the server"

and he never returned..
Someone with the tank builder won't keep a new user on cause the user has to buy Goldie then play for 25 days! I have played since July and I only have 8! Also, some people with this rank will tease people about it and go I am the best. It is more likely going to be a bad thing
 For the new users. I have seen many new users play for 1 hour than never come back due to people being mean to them when they first log on and bragging.

But the 'Time Played' is new. Iv been on Innectis since Otaku Craft turned into Innectis and I only have 5 days played.

Its not that new. Its about 1 or two worlds ago and when lynxy was fully active...
Title: Re: Bring back the Builder Rank!
Post by: RickTheRuler on January 06, 2013, 12:10:49 PM
Hasn't it been reset a couple times though?
Title: Re: Bring back the Builder Rank!
Post by: SGT_ADZ on January 06, 2013, 01:18:15 PM
I have never seen a goldy say "I'm the best", none of the current goldies tease people.... -.-
Title: Re: Bring back the Builder Rank!
Post by: luetzj on January 06, 2013, 01:48:05 PM
I have never seen a goldy say "I'm the best", none of the current goldies tease people.... -.-

I've never seen a paid goldy tease, but some of the vT goldies...
Title: Re: Bring back the Builder Rank!
Post by: alexshield10 on January 06, 2013, 02:08:51 PM
Someone with the tank builder won't keep a new user on cause the user has to buy Goldie then play for 25 days! I have played since July and I only have 8! Also, some people with this rank will tease people about it and go I am the best. It is more likely going to be a bad thing
 For the new users. I have seen many new users play for 1 hour than never come back due to people being mean to them when they first log on and bragging.
I joined 1 month after u I have 15 days playing time, when I see a new user join they get the occasional 'WELCOME!!' And then they either play for 30 mins or leave, yeah but we do need a way to keep more new users online.
Title: Re: Bring back the Builder Rank!
Post by: Vector on January 06, 2013, 05:37:39 PM
I am not in favor of this. The build stick is reserved to those who have shown an incredible amount of support for the server. OrangeBlueZ and SkyeHeart are two such individuals who have done so with their donations. If it is such a rank that would have this, it is for those who have shown this kind of support.

I do not see it being handed out for amy criteria other than supporting the server with a massive amount of donations. Play time only shows dedication, not an active support of the server.
Title: Re: Bring back the Builder Rank!
Post by: TheReasoning on January 06, 2013, 06:12:23 PM
I am not in favor of this. The build stick is reserved to those who have shown an incredible amount of support for the server. OrangeBlueZ and SkyeHeart are two such individuals who have done so with their donations. If it is such a rank that would have this, it is for those who have shown this kind of support.

I do not see it being handed out for amy criteria other than supporting the server with a massive amount of donations. Play time only shows dedication, not an active support of the server.

Alpha, this post was by no means in support of a Builder's Stick, it was in support of a much needed new rank to separate out the respected players from the rest.
Title: Re: Bring back the Builder Rank!
Post by: Vector on January 06, 2013, 06:49:04 PM
That does represent a sad decision by those willing to donate based off vT...

I do see issues with this. There are Goldys who act out of character, who were given their ranks by others. Goldys who have paid for their ranks are far less likely to act out of character. It's quite sad.
Title: Re: Bring back the Builder Rank!
Post by: luetzj on January 06, 2013, 06:54:15 PM
That does represent a sad decision by those willing to donate based off vT...

I do see issues with this. There are Goldys who act out of character, who were given their ranks by others. Goldys who have paid for their ranks are far less likely to act out of character. It's quite sad.

If not this, a rank that only Goldies who payed for themselves? The rank would only be given if they were a good player, and can provide proof of their payment, not someone else.
Title: Re: Bring back the Builder Rank!
Post by: TheReasoning on January 06, 2013, 07:43:32 PM
That does represent a sad decision by those willing to donate based off vT...

I do see issues with this. There are Goldys who act out of character, who were given their ranks by others. Goldys who have paid for their ranks are far less likely to act out of character. It's quite sad.

It is sad, but it is true, and that is why something needs to be done. I hope you can see my point and reconsider your vote.
Title: Re: Bring back the Builder Rank!
Post by: luetzj on January 06, 2013, 07:53:03 PM
That does represent a sad decision by those willing to donate based off vT...

I do see issues with this. There are Goldys who act out of character, who were given their ranks by others. Goldys who have paid for their ranks are far less likely to act out of character. It's quite sad.

It is sad, but it is true, and that is why something needs to be done. I hope you can see my point and reconsider your vote.

The vT donations, while benefiting the server had brought some people up into Goldy that really shouldn't be there. Does skye still do her vT donations?
Title: Re: Bring back the Builder Rank!
Post by: Skye on January 06, 2013, 09:23:53 PM
Dude, it doesn't matter what rank they are. Goldy isn't a higher power. You aren't a god. You're the same as any other user. People who paid are 100% the same as the people who got paid for. Are you saying Seanman10, MadJackJack, MinyMiloCat, SGT, Gohkamakazi, StarScythe, Haspet, and PajamaDay aren't the same as people who donated on their own like myself, magical, lue, etc? Because that's what it sounds like. You all sound as if I brought a cancer to the server. It doesn't matter what rank anyone is, if they're going to act like a child, they're going to act like a child, weither they're anything from admin to guest.
Title: Re: Bring back the Builder Rank!
Post by: TheReasoning on January 06, 2013, 10:41:00 PM
Dude, it doesn't matter what rank they are. Goldy isn't a higher power. You aren't a god. You're the same as any other user. People who paid are 100% the same as the people who got paid for. Are you saying Seanman10, MadJackJack, MinyMiloCat, SGT, Gohkamakazi, StarScythe, Haspet, and PajamaDay aren't the same as people who donated on their own like myself, magical, lue, etc? Because that's what it sounds like. You all sound as if I brought a cancer to the server. It doesn't matter what rank anyone is, if they're going to act like a child, they're going to act like a child, weither they're anything from admin to guest.

Skye, i'm sorry but this made 0 sense. In case you failed to read it in the first place I will explain it here.

I did not mention anything about the differences between donator goldies and vT donators. That was completely and 100% the replies in this poll, not myself.
Title: Re: Bring back the Builder Rank!
Post by: Eggnaug on January 06, 2013, 11:27:08 PM
People who had others donate for them did not contribute to the server as much as the person who donated for others. A rank based on contribution and dedication to the server should be limited to people who have contributed by donating money themselves instead of having others do it for them.
Title: Re: Bring back the Builder Rank!
Post by: TheReasoning on January 06, 2013, 11:39:13 PM
People who had others donate for them did not contribute to the server as much as the person who donated for others. A rank based on contribution and dedication to the server should be limited to people who have contributed by donating money themselves instead of having others do it for them.

It's not even that, it's just the lack of respect some of the players have. Not to point fingers but some of the vT Donators simply screw around because they can. They did not donate, they got it for free essentially, so they have nothing to lose.

Side Note: InB4 Egg makes his 1337th post.
Title: Re: Bring back the Builder Rank!
Post by: Skye on January 07, 2013, 12:05:12 AM
inb4 op can't inb4
Title: Re: Bring back the Builder Rank!
Post by: Nosliw on January 07, 2013, 05:09:38 AM
I'm not sure this makes sense, the Builder rank should be for good builders, not those dedicated to Innectis, this is just the same as previous proposals for another rank for dedicated members..
Title: Re: Bring back the Builder Rank!
Post by: l_iamW on January 07, 2013, 08:24:06 AM
This thread was at first about getting a new rank now its just a argument about VT donatorsand Paid donators
Title: Re: Bring back the Builder Rank!
Post by: Hretsam on January 07, 2013, 06:05:25 PM
So, propose we would add this rank.

Who is the one that says who gets this rank, what does he/she get extra?
Who can get this rank?
Title: Re: Bring back the Builder Rank!
Post by: TheReasoning on January 07, 2013, 06:15:16 PM
I talked to Skye about this yesterday, what I came up with was to have a new rank possibly for the members of the User Council. That way we are sure they are mature, and respected players who are worthy of the rank (due to the fact they need to be nominated for, and also voted into the rank, same as the User Council).

Also, I would not expect anything such as a "Builders stick" or extra abilities unless the Dev team found it would be appropriate.

Also worth noting, this is just a suggestion, and frankly the one I find most appropriate, but if someone feels a new rank should be gained in another way, or be separate from the Council, please feel free to express your opinions. =]
Title: Re: Bring back the Builder Rank!
Post by: luetzj on January 07, 2013, 06:22:30 PM
I can see having the User Council having a rank, but I would think that it would be separate from a dedicated rank.
Title: Re: Bring back the Builder Rank!
Post by: chrisjones23 on January 07, 2013, 06:34:51 PM
Rainbow prefixes (mainly just so they stand out form goldys) other than that dosn't really need extra abilities but maybe the user council is a good way to determine the people who get the rank.
Title: Re: Bring back the Builder Rank!
Post by: TheReasoning on January 07, 2013, 06:45:44 PM
Rainbow prefixes (mainly just so they stand out form goldys) other than that dosn't really need extra abilities but maybe the user council is a good way to determine the people who get the rank.

Only one problem with this. As stated from Hretsam before, Multi-colored prefixes are hard to add, so as I do like this idea, I doubt the Devs would allow this =[

Although if this can work, it would be great because that way players can have Multi-colored prefixes, but still keep their dedicated rank (name color) to eliminate any confusion.
Title: Re: Bring back the Builder Rank!
Post by: Skye on January 07, 2013, 06:47:16 PM
If you want a rainbow prefix you probably won't be able to change it freely, because it really is hard to set them lol
Title: Re: Bring back the Builder Rank!
Post by: Nosliw on January 08, 2013, 04:02:39 AM
If you want a rainbow prefix you probably won't be able to change it freely, because it really is hard to set them lol
Although, it could be coded to create rainbow prefixes :P
Title: Re: Bring back the Builder Rank!
Post by: chrisjones23 on January 08, 2013, 06:15:08 AM
If you want a rainbow prefix you probably won't be able to change it freely, because it really is hard to set them lol

Dosnt bother me i had to ask when i first became goldy too.
Title: Re: Bring back the Builder Rank!
Post by: Nosliw on January 08, 2013, 06:17:13 AM
If you want a rainbow prefix you probably won't be able to change it freely, because it really is hard to set them lol

Dosnt bother me i had to ask when i first became goldy too.
HaHa! I remember that, it wasn't that bad tbh :P
Title: Re: Bring back the Builder Rank!
Post by: Skye on January 08, 2013, 08:21:11 AM
Make it different colors is a little different than setting it...
Title: Re: Bring back the Builder Rank!
Post by: Eggnaug on January 08, 2013, 01:14:49 PM
User Council should not be required for new rank. Remember, the forum is separate from the server.
Title: Re: Bring back the Builder Rank!
Post by: TheReasoning on January 08, 2013, 09:59:28 PM
User Council should not be required for new rank. Remember, the forum is separate from the server.

This is correct, but this does not always have to be the case. Actions on the server almost always accurately reflect server behavior and vise versa. Personally, I do not see why the 2 are separate, if this was 100% the case, we would not have the ability to donate from the forums, and then receive a rank in-game. Is that not true?
Title: Re: Bring back the Builder Rank!
Post by: luetzj on January 08, 2013, 10:23:26 PM
This is correct, but this does not always have to be the case. Actions on the server almost always accurately reflect server behavior and vise versa. Personally, I do not see why the 2 are separate, if this was 100% the case, we would not have the ability to donate from the forums, and then receive a rank in-game. Is that not true?

I believe hret does the donations manually.
Title: Re: Bring back the Builder Rank!
Post by: TheReasoning on January 09, 2013, 01:02:44 AM
This is correct, but this does not always have to be the case. Actions on the server almost always accurately reflect server behavior and vise versa. Personally, I do not see why the 2 are separate, if this was 100% the case, we would not have the ability to donate from the forums, and then receive a rank in-game. Is that not true?

I believe hret does the donations manually.

Yes, but there are links on the forums which allow you to donate.
Title: Re: Bring back the Builder Rank!
Post by: Nosliw on January 09, 2013, 04:56:59 AM
Being on the User Council should not earn you a new rank on the server, the reason for this is because the new rank would be above goldy, and it is currently possible for non-goldy's to join the User Council.. This would mean that people who are not already Goldy would desperately want this new rank in order to gain access to Goldy Features. This could further lead to nominations based on greed and what would be the point in that?

I know that you would likely suggest that they only get access to features from their rank, however with the current inheritance system, that would involve manually blocking each and every command for those non-goldys who achieve User Council.. And then each time we update and add or change a permission, we would need to update them for each of those players again.. This is pointless, although it would be possible to create a work around, they would also display "USER COUNCIL" as their rank, not showing what their true rank would be (i.e. user, vip, etc).

However, having User Council as an extra criterion would work, providing another one is that the user is Goldy as well. Although. I'm not sure about this.. It could be restricting it too greatly?
Title: Re: Bring back the Builder Rank!
Post by: l_iamW on January 09, 2013, 11:04:07 AM
Also if your goldy you can just make your prefix User Council and Dev Team should make it only the users in the Council can have the prefix.
Title: Re: Bring back the Builder Rank!
Post by: wolfshond7 on January 09, 2013, 04:26:04 PM
I think that builders rank should be given to people that can build nice things. That build high, that build alot. That have been playing  for along time on Innectis. And NOT only should been given to people that have been donating. Not everyone is so rich as OBZ And Skye. The stick and the ability to fly is very limited and should only been given to max. 6 people. Only the ones that have been spending time on Innectis. If you say 25 days. You think "It's not so much because alot of people have about that time" But it's 25 days FULL-TIME playing almost a HOLE MONTH! That kind of people should be able to earn the Builders Rank. Or you can call it "Trusters Rank", But some people try to show themself to other people how nice they are, what they can but most of the people does not even give them the change. And that is very importand. Because Alpha said that OBZ and Skye showed real support. But if a nice person does NOT have the money and try to prove him in another way, is often ignored because. Skye, Lue Magical, Star, SGT, Nosliw, Wolf,  Chris, Ostra, Imf Lynxy Hret L_iam, Eggnaug, Merc, WhiteRaven, Ryan, Alpha, Guin and even more people has been showing so much support to this server. But only OBZ and Skye are chosen because they have been given the server money to support them. And all the other support that other people does are ignored or forgotten fast.
Title: Re: Proposition to add a new rank.
Post by: Skye on January 09, 2013, 04:33:52 PM
I changed the title of this thread, as well as some body text. We aren't talking about a builders rank, we're talking about a rank that signifies your reputation to be outstanding.
Title: Re: Proposition to add a new rank.
Post by: haspet on January 09, 2013, 07:54:08 PM
Sorry If this has been said, I didnt have time to read 4 pages of comments.

I propose Respect Points. You can give people 1 respect point or take one away per person. You can also change your respect point on that person, such as you make someone your friend and they turn around and grief you. Or the other way around... anyway if you get a whole lot of respect points (idk 100? 50? 200?) you can get the rank ADDED to your current rank, so its just a "for show, im respected you should respect me" thing, so if you have like 500 respect points but you cant afford to donate you can still get your rightful respect. but so we dont have respect ranks flying around, the number of respect points needed should be high, but realistic. If there are (numbers made up) 100 people who go on the server, the number shouldnt be 500.
Title: Re: Proposition to add a new rank.
Post by: TheReasoning on January 09, 2013, 07:58:31 PM
Sorry If this has been said, I didnt have time to read 4 pages of comments.

I propose Respect Points. You can give people 1 respect point or take one away per person. You can also change your respect point on that person, such as you make someone your friend and they turn around and grief you. Or the other way around... anyway if you get a whole lot of respect points (idk 100? 50? 200?) you can get the rank ADDED to your current rank, so its just a "for show, im respected you should respect me" thing, so if you have like 500 respect points but you cant afford to donate you can still get your rightful respect. but so we dont have respect ranks flying around, the number of respect points needed should be high, but realistic. If there are (numbers made up) 100 people who go on the server, the number shouldnt be 500.

Although it could work, I feel this would turn the entire server into a popularity contest..
Title: Re: Proposition to add a new rank.
Post by: Nosliw on January 10, 2013, 04:41:29 AM
Respect points eh? That certainly seems like an intresting concept? Although, I am not sure about he ability to change who you give it to? Perhaps just allow you to give them once every week? And whoever has the most (or maybe top 3) get an extra prefix before their curent prefix that says something like 'Respectable'? Although that isn't a new rank, to me it sounds fun ^^
Title: Re: Proposition to add a new rank.
Post by: TheReasoning on January 10, 2013, 03:50:17 PM
I still feel it would turn the server into a popularity contest, and players would use their votes improperly, casting their votes for their friends rather then the people who deserve it.
Title: Re: Proposition to add a new rank.
Post by: chrisjones23 on January 10, 2013, 04:03:34 PM
after how karma turned out on the forums you think this is a good idea?
Title: Re: Proposition to add a new rank.
Post by: TheReasoning on January 10, 2013, 04:14:09 PM
after how karma turned out on the forums you think this is a good idea?

Care to elaborate? Or speak to me on skype in case it is obvious and I am not getting it.
Title: Re: Proposition to add a new rank.
Post by: Eggnaug on January 10, 2013, 04:30:32 PM
We use to have this thing where you could like or dislike someone's post kinda like youtube videos. Karma points are the sum of the likes/dislikes. People kept spamming dislikes on those they didn't like and it became an issue when a certain person ended up having negative 80 karma.
Title: Re: Proposition to add a new rank.
Post by: TheReasoning on January 10, 2013, 05:07:29 PM
Ive seen that on other forums, there are ways of making it work, if you'd like I can explain methods elsewhere.
Title: Re: Proposition to add a new rank.
Post by: Nosliw on January 11, 2013, 06:19:40 AM
With the thing I said, I didn't mention giving negative points :P
Title: Re: Proposition to add a new rank.
Post by: chrisjones23 on January 11, 2013, 06:47:05 AM
No but haspet did
Title: Re: Proposition to add a new rank.
Post by: Nosliw on January 11, 2013, 07:01:38 AM
No but haspet did
That was why I suggested something a little different, I didn't like the idea of withdrawing it :P
Title: Re: Proposition to add a new rank.
Post by: haspet on January 25, 2013, 09:28:36 PM
So Randomly this poped into my head, another idea

every month, (or week idk) you have ONE respect point you can use on ONE person. So, you have to think about it and use it wisely. Respect points will add up, and not be reset, UNLESS... you choose possible outcome of this idea number 1.
Possible Outcomes for the rest of this idea:
1. after you get x respect points, you get respect rank for 1 month/6 months/a year and points are reset (to keep numbers low and make sure there are not 50 people with the rank)
2. after you get x respect points, you get respect rank, might make too many people have the rank if its permanant. (You could make it so if they are inactive, it goes away?)
3. two, but after your points are reset.
4. one, but after your points are reset.
5. top 5/10 people with respect points get respect rank, (to keep numbers low)

I suggest if alot of people think some of these are good ideas making a poll. :P
Title: Re: Proposition to add a new rank.
Post by: TheReasoning on January 25, 2013, 10:00:41 PM
So Randomly this poped into my head, another idea

every month, (or week idk) you have ONE respect point you can use on ONE person. So, you have to think about it and use it wisely. Respect points will add up, and not be reset, UNLESS... you choose possible outcome of this idea number 1.
Possible Outcomes for the rest of this idea:
1. after you get x respect points, you get respect rank for 1 month/6 months/a year and points are reset (to keep numbers low and make sure there are not 50 people with the rank)
2. after you get x respect points, you get respect rank, might make too many people have the rank if its permanant. (You could make it so if they are inactive, it goes away?)
3. two, but after your points are reset.
4. one, but after your points are reset.
5. top 5/10 people with respect points get respect rank, (to keep numbers low)

I suggest if alot of people think some of these are good ideas making a poll. :P

Would turn the server into a popularity contest.
Title: Re: Proposition to add a new rank.
Post by: Eggnaug on January 25, 2013, 10:26:27 PM
So Randomly this poped into my head, another idea

every month, (or week idk) you have ONE respect point you can use on ONE person. So, you have to think about it and use it wisely. Respect points will add up, and not be reset, UNLESS... you choose possible outcome of this idea number 1.
Possible Outcomes for the rest of this idea:
1. after you get x respect points, you get respect rank for 1 month/6 months/a year and points are reset (to keep numbers low and make sure there are not 50 people with the rank)
2. after you get x respect points, you get respect rank, might make too many people have the rank if its permanant. (You could make it so if they are inactive, it goes away?)
3. two, but after your points are reset.
4. one, but after your points are reset.
5. top 5/10 people with respect points get respect rank, (to keep numbers low)

I suggest if alot of people think some of these are good ideas making a poll. :P

Would turn the server into a popularity contest.

What do you think staff elections are? Popularity based on how people feel about the candidates of elections. If more people like one person over the rest, the liked person wins the election.
Title: Re: Proposition to add a new rank.
Post by: TheReasoning on January 25, 2013, 10:27:56 PM
So Randomly this poped into my head, another idea

every month, (or week idk) you have ONE respect point you can use on ONE person. So, you have to think about it and use it wisely. Respect points will add up, and not be reset, UNLESS... you choose possible outcome of this idea number 1.
Possible Outcomes for the rest of this idea:
1. after you get x respect points, you get respect rank for 1 month/6 months/a year and points are reset (to keep numbers low and make sure there are not 50 people with the rank)
2. after you get x respect points, you get respect rank, might make too many people have the rank if its permanant. (You could make it so if they are inactive, it goes away?)
3. two, but after your points are reset.
4. one, but after your points are reset.
5. top 5/10 people with respect points get respect rank, (to keep numbers low)

I suggest if alot of people think some of these are good ideas making a poll. :P

Would turn the server into a popularity contest.

What do you think staff elections are? Popularity based on how people feel about the candidates of elections. If more people like one person over the rest, they win the election.

That's why they were changed, were they not? The most recent staff member SGT was not promoted through an election...
Title: Re: Proposition to add a new rank.
Post by: Eggnaug on January 25, 2013, 10:30:09 PM
It varies from time to time, but yes. That does help reduce problems with popularity over players who deserve positions.
Title: Re: Proposition to add a new rank.
Post by: haspet on January 25, 2013, 10:39:23 PM
Maybe we can just do something to make goldies more respected instead?
Title: Re: Proposition to add a new rank.
Post by: luetzj on January 26, 2013, 12:26:18 AM
Maybe we can just do something to make goldies more respected instead?

If there was a way to have goldies be more respected, I think it should be only paid goldies to separate the dedicated from the rest.

Title: Re: Proposition to add a new rank.
Post by: TheReasoning on January 26, 2013, 12:40:03 AM
Maybe we can just do something to make goldies more respected instead?

If there was a way to have goldies be more respected, I think it should be only paid goldies to separate the dedicated from the rest.

I disagree, I'm not about to start naming names, but some paid goldies are just as disrespectful as some of the others.
Title: Re: Proposition to add a new rank.
Post by: l_iamW on January 26, 2013, 04:12:12 AM
Maybe we can just do something to make goldies more respected instead?

If there was a way to have goldies be more respected, I think it should be only paid goldies to separate the dedicated from the rest.

I disagree, I'm not about to start naming names, but some paid goldies are just as disrespectful as some of the others.

But paid goldies are showing more respect to the server as they paid with there own money instead of someone elses.
Title: Re: Proposition to add a new rank.
Post by: Skye on January 26, 2013, 08:13:36 AM
Maybe we can just do something to make goldies more respected instead?

If there was a way to have goldies be more respected, I think it should be only paid goldies to separate the dedicated from the rest.

I disagree, I'm not about to start naming names, but some paid goldies are just as disrespectful as some of the others.

But paid goldies are showing more respect to the server as they paid with there own money instead of someone elses.
You do realize there's 2 staff whom I've donated to goldy for, as well as some of the highest community members who I've also donate for, right? It does NOT MATTER WHO DONATED TO THE SERVER, it matters on the person. Look at Arron. He was the highest rank, then he "hacked" some admins. Xboxmadman, who is now perm banned for constantly insulting Joel. How about DJCreeper? I'm sure there more. I'm so sick of hearing about vT vs $$ donations, BECAUSE IT'S THE PEOPLE NOT THE MEDIUM
Title: Re: Proposition to add a new rank.
Post by: Skye on January 26, 2013, 08:14:24 AM
Maybe we can just do something to make goldies more respected instead?

If there was a way to have goldies be more respected, I think it should be only paid goldies to separate the dedicated from the rest.
Absolutely not.
Title: Re: Proposition to add a new rank.
Post by: bmanwoody on January 26, 2013, 08:57:42 AM
I briefly read through this, there is a lot of debate about this and things people are missing. The main points I can think of is:

1. Skye is right, it doesnt matter about vT donation, Yes they may have not used their own money but despite this, if you are going to be immature, that reflects on you as a player not a rank.

2. If a new rank was implemented and you were "serious" about be respected you wouldnt care for anything extra like a builders stick or anything, you would be glad that innectis as a whole respects you.

3. Many Goldies "think" they deserve a new rank because to many "immature" people have the goldie rank and have bought it down to a low level. I disagree just because lots of people have a rank doesnt mean its any less of a rank. AGAIN it reflects on you as a person not a rank.

I expect people will have something to say again but to sum what I think up.....A new rank would be a great idea but maybe the way it is gained is through a staff vote or something, vT donations is rubbish rank does not reflect respect or maturity or even commitment. Im sure staff will come up with a solution but just remember you cant please everyone!

Any ways after all Hretty owns the server and he has his minions to help run it, at the end of the day what they as a collective say goes.

Before I go on to even more of a tangent ill stop as I have lost my train of thought.........

Title: Re: Proposition to add a new rank.
Post by: Nosliw on February 04, 2013, 04:43:18 AM
I guess this topic has died a bit.. Although this topic has reached Hret :P

Removed Sticky.
Title: Re: Proposition to add a new rank.
Post by: TheReasoning on February 04, 2013, 05:21:52 PM
I guess this topic has died a bit.. Although this topic has reached Hret :P

Removed Sticky.

When a verdict has been reached, I would like to be notified, please.
Title: Re: Proposition to add a new rank.
Post by: l_iamW on February 05, 2013, 02:24:24 AM
I don't think we are going to get anywhere...
Title: Re: Proposition to add a new rank.
Post by: TheReasoning on February 05, 2013, 05:00:51 PM
It's only fair to know who, and what this "trio" is, as well as what the perks are.
Title: Re: Proposition to add a new rank.
Post by: luetzj on February 05, 2013, 05:55:54 PM
It's only fair to know who, and what this "trio" is, as well as what the perks are.

I think that we'll find out soon!
Title: Re: Proposition to add a new rank.
Post by: Skye on February 05, 2013, 07:07:17 PM
Am I allowed to tell?
Title: Re: Proposition to add a new rank.
Post by: luetzj on February 05, 2013, 07:50:09 PM
Am I allowed to tell?

Yup, go ahead and tell me. :P

Thought that was for user council.
Title: Re: Proposition to add a new rank.
Post by: RickTheRuler on February 05, 2013, 09:42:14 PM
I'm kind of curious now. :3
Title: Re: Proposition to add a new rank.
Post by: luetzj on February 05, 2013, 09:57:03 PM
I'm kind of curious now. :3

On who the trio is?
Title: Re: Proposition to add a new rank.
Post by: Vector on February 05, 2013, 10:13:38 PM
Indeed, I'm not sure what would happen with a new rank. It would have to be extra special in order to get introduced into our community.
Title: Re: Proposition to add a new rank.
Post by: Nosliw on February 06, 2013, 05:03:42 AM
Indeed, I'm not sure what would happen with a new rank. It would have to be extra special in order to get introduced into our community.
Someone isn't in the know..
Title: Re: Proposition to add a new rank.
Post by: Eggnaug on February 06, 2013, 09:41:30 AM
Indeed, I'm not sure what would happen with a new rank. It would have to be extra special in order to get introduced into our community.
Someone isn't in the know..

None of the staff are... Including me.
Title: Re: Proposition to add a new rank.
Post by: Vector on February 06, 2013, 10:58:03 AM
Indeed, I'm not sure what would happen with a new rank. It would have to be extra special in order to get introduced into our community.
Someone isn't in the know..
I'm aware of a second pr.... it's blatantly obvious if you pay attention to a select few people on the server. :P
Title: Re: Proposition to add a new rank.
Post by: l_iamW on February 06, 2013, 10:59:23 AM
What are you guys on about?
Title: Re: Proposition to add a new rank.
Post by: Skye on February 06, 2013, 12:05:03 PM
3 people were given a * next to their prefix. They're the special ones.
Title: Re: Proposition to add a new rank.
Post by: l_iamW on February 06, 2013, 12:15:54 PM
Why and who?
Title: Re: Proposition to add a new rank.
Post by: Eggnaug on February 06, 2013, 03:54:05 PM
3 people were given a
  • next to their prefix. They're the special ones.
Wait, shouldn't you have that too?
Title: Re: Proposition to add a new rank.
Post by: SGT_ADZ on February 06, 2013, 03:54:57 PM
Oh, I know who!
Title: Re: Proposition to add a new rank.
Post by: l_iamW on February 06, 2013, 04:05:20 PM
I know luetjz has one. But why do they have a [ * ]
Title: Re: Proposition to add a new rank.
Post by: Hretsam on February 06, 2013, 06:16:09 PM
Removed, topic locked, suggestion not going to get added.

Won't reconsider...