I like the idea.
Was playing an survival game with some people the other night. It got potential.
If you can describe in detail how it should work, I can add it later. (as getting the details straight is hard).
What I mean with details is:
- Things that are allowed
- Things that are not allowed
- Conditions of winning
- Conditions of losing
- Re spawning allowed?
- If teambased
- Allow teamkilling (penalty)
- How to mark teams (wool on heads? Team based name above your head -> that would make you lose your skin)
- Instead of killing a player, capturing it (forcing team member to 'save' the other)
- Grace period when disconnected (like if you leave, you have 2 min to return or your out of the game)
- World, Map, inventory, etc...
Like I said before, this can work out to be something nice!
Wow, Already new posts while writing this!