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Messages - CertainlyNotNosliw

Pages: [1]
Bans / Re: Ban Appeal
« on: August 11, 2014, 08:49:11 PM »
Might I ask just WHY Nosliw having parts of old IDP source code is such a terrible thing in the first place if he isn't handing it out to anyone, even I have snip bits of IDPs code that could be used in other places if so desired. I use it for research and practice since it does need some refactoring, why couldn't he do the same with his own work to improve what he does?  I don't see why people find it all that terrible.
Ok, this is unrelated but just out of curiosity. How did you get IDP snippets, and when did you learn Java? Oo

On a slightly more on-topic note, thanks for your support everyone :)

All About Development / Re: What do you want to know?
« on: August 11, 2014, 05:22:20 AM »
Ooo.. Ooo.. I have a question... How much do you procrastinate?

Bans / Ban Appeal
« on: August 11, 2014, 05:14:33 AM »
Meh, since I didn't get the chance when I was first banned because my forum account was already locked up the instant this thread was made, I would like to make an appeal now. (Reference to ban)

I completely deny allegations of stealing IDP source code, I have only  referenced the project with regards to code that I have produced myself, nor do I feel this to be valid anyway since I put a lot of time and effort into IDP, if I really wanted to 'steal' the source, I would have made it publicly available at the time I resigned. I also deny stealing members, I have not advertised the server on Innectis at all, although some other players may have, however I have not encouraged this act at all.

P.S. Oh, and I am making this appeal on behalf of Nosliw, because, as my username suggests, I am not Nosliw ;)

Suggestions / Re: Line of sight
« on: August 11, 2014, 05:05:42 AM »
NoCheat? I could have sworn IDP itself added the LOS checks. Even so, NoCheat is very easily customized, you can not only disable certain checks, but change what it does when one fails, for example kick, warn, nothing, etc.. If it is the IDP LOS check that I'm thinking about, then the problem is that it treats all blocks that are not on the exception list as full blocks. This could be fixed with perhaps 'Partial Blocks', something that would allow certain blocks to ignore LOS checks on some faces, for example repeaters on the top face, where there is mostly air.

The reason line of site checks were added is to prevent players from accessing chests/waypoints/levers that are on the other side of walls. This can be done via hacks, or by breaking a block and trying to interact with the lever/chest/etc on the other side before the block re-appears, playing with other peoples levers isn't cool!

Ahem.. speaking from a completely outside point of view here.. because after all, I am not Nosliw ;)

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