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Messages - alexshield10

Pages: [1] 2 3 4
Suggestions / Re: /craft in Inventory
« on: January 27, 2013, 03:16:21 AM »
So would this just be available to super VIP + or everyone if not u would need a way to set different crafting boxes for VIPs and users it seems like a lot of work if u had to do this ^ :P

Suggestions / Re: Caps Restriction
« on: January 19, 2013, 06:51:13 AM »

Suggestions / Re: Forum Filter?
« on: January 16, 2013, 09:44:35 PM »

I think its a bit stupid to have the filter, I found that swearing is more common in schools than this forum.
True, true so actually we don't need a filter admins remove the swear words anyway!

Filter are needed! Even if some parents are protective it is needed come on we don't need more people becoming angry swearing maniacs!

Suggestions / Re: Forum Filter?
« on: January 15, 2013, 03:04:53 PM »
i found out what the c word was when i was 8, f word when i was 6! swearing is society these days but i am just hoping we can restrict it.

Suggestions / Re: New IDP Games
« on: January 14, 2013, 04:22:11 PM »
paintball? Or a team shooter  8)

Suggestions / Re: Forum Filter?
« on: January 14, 2013, 04:17:54 PM »
I'll have a nice chat with you on MSN about what you just posted then. :) See you when you wake up, sweetcheeks.
Sure thing, love.
You're supposed to be married to Lynxy! You should be ashamed!
D: (gasps) *then lynxy looks coincidently at this topic*

Suggestions / Re: Forum Filter?
« on: January 14, 2013, 02:26:46 AM »
Poll Added.(ends on january 17th.)

Suggestions / Forum Filter?
« on: January 12, 2013, 06:18:19 PM »
Before you criticise me look at these:,117.msg503.html#msg503 ,,341.msg1791.html#msg1791,,1436.0.html
^^^ These are just some of the instances were people have swore if u look up some bad words in the search bar, You would find a lot more,
The reason i brought this up is because they're could be some young kids on the forums.

Suggestions / Re: An AFK command
« on: January 07, 2013, 04:22:10 PM »
And how will this make people know they are AFK
usually when a server has a /afk command and u type it comes up in the chat box saying '(player) is now afk.'

Bans / Re: aidencool6
« on: January 07, 2013, 04:10:57 AM »
Sheesh aiden u r about to go over the barrier  :P

Suggestions / Re: Bring back the Builder Rank!
« on: January 06, 2013, 02:08:51 PM »
Someone with the tank builder won't keep a new user on cause the user has to buy Goldie then play for 25 days! I have played since July and I only have 8! Also, some people with this rank will tease people about it and go I am the best. It is more likely going to be a bad thing
 For the new users. I have seen many new users play for 1 hour than never come back due to people being mean to them when they first log on and bragging.
I joined 1 month after u I have 15 days playing time, when I see a new user join they get the occasional 'WELCOME!!' And then they either play for 30 mins or leave, yeah but we do need a way to keep more new users online.

Bans / Re: aidencool6
« on: January 06, 2013, 03:44:39 AM »
I think this thread should of been locked a long time ago
4 days is a long time? wow

Bans / Re: Goldfishkid
« on: January 02, 2013, 02:17:41 AM »
Hang on a minitue I was banned for 10 days for greifing and i hadn't greifed withfore why does goldfishkid get off the hook so easily i say add another 8 days
Hang on i was banned for 5 days for arguing, aiden consider your self lucky,
very,very,very,very,very lucky....

Bans / Re: aidencool6
« on: January 02, 2013, 02:14:50 AM »
(I am writeing this because SGT_ADZ hasn't bothered to)

Aidencool6 has been banned for 1 day for being rude and discouraging new members that had just joined. From what I can gather he is very sorry and would like to be unbanned but i must put that into further consideration. Oh yes he was also being rude about my nick which he agrees was a mistake he just thought the nick was to stop other people from advertiseing on the server about other servers ect. Plus none of this is a lie Aidencool6 is literally banned so don't delete this post thinking it's spam because it's not! But by the looks of it Aidencool6 is very ashamed (Which is why I'm writeing this) and is also sorry. If anyone has anything they would like to add on about this matter post it here. But yeah he is very sorry this is not spam Enjoy innectis everyone and those newbies if your reading this all of those things I said where jokes. (We are not hackers).
Aiden i have had enough of u, spamming the forums with me please unban me when u have griefed, been mean, discouraged users, if i was able to i would remove u r account on the forums, your posts mean nothing to me u r just a liar.

Announcements / Re: User Council
« on: December 31, 2012, 09:19:22 PM »
No asking for nominations that's how I got ruled out (Until Nosliw says other wise).
dude he left innectis 8 months ago and just came back give him a break.

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