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Messages - mercilessdegree

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Announcements / Re: One last party, let's go out with a bang!
« on: March 06, 2017, 09:29:53 AM »
4 days til I crash the server
If the server goes to creative mode you'll have to beat me to it... edit using cheater....999999 TNT block set little....not fair..

Announcements / Re: The end of the AlphaBlend era
« on: February 13, 2017, 09:18:48 AM »
From me joining the server as that guy in the hockey skin, to the beaver, to...uhhh....girl skins (#blameMerc)
Damn right, you are welcome my friend.

But on a serious note, whilst "I told you so" may be appropriate here, this is no laughing matter. You put your heart and soul into this place and for that I think everyone has to give you some merit. We as friends had our ups and downs just like the server, and although it pains me to see both it and you go, it's good to see that something more will rise from the ashes. I will definitely be peeking at that GitHub and the world download when they're up you can be sure of that, who knows maybe at times we can all work out a kind of "reunion" where a server is hosted for everyone to say hi to their old friends and see what comes of it; either way I am glad you decided to move forward, and I wish you the best in your future endeavours (all of you).

But hey, let's not be sad bud; at least we finally figured out that durability bug before this happened amirite? One for old times /)

Announcements / Re: Extra important info!!
« on: September 01, 2016, 02:36:47 PM »
I forgot to include..

Time Zone: Eastern! ;D

Experience-listed above.
Just want to point out to you that you can edit your posts for future reference :P At the top of your post next to quote there's a modify button.

Also is anyone besides Alpha here actually qualified to develop Java?  ;D

All About Development / Re: Improving TinyWE
« on: August 15, 2016, 05:48:04 PM »
This doesn't say how you're improving it...? This just says what ASync WE is and what it does.
If only it said that /twshift was actually useful and moved the blocks not just the selection lol

Suggestions / Re: New standard for social engagement?
« on: August 13, 2016, 08:51:55 PM »
Personally I feel we shouldn't focus much on voice communications. We've had a skype group for years and rarely has anyone actually gone and tried to call at all, and as far as I know, no one is really interested in it too much. Teamspeak is focused almost entirely on organised voice calling and from my use not only is discord fairly bad at it compared to skype, the calls have always dropped and/or lost good signal mid-call. Discord (like sykpe) is also far less controllable than a platform like teamspeak as you don't have direct control over the server like you would with hosting your own from your PC, and if you wanted to ban people from it for some reason it would also be more difficult. Another thing is that most people in the group aren't even active any longer so actually getting enough people into a new group in the likes of TS or discord would be a hassle and probably wouldn't end up enough to make it worthwhile.

I believe that right now we need to focus more on getting the community back together than trying to move or control them at once. Like herding sheep, you should get them all in one place before trying to move them or they will end up confused and scattered, possibly losing you a large portion of that group; so perhaps this change if any could be postponed to when everyone is collected and interacting rather than going out on a whim.

*EDIT* Discord claims that their "core functionality" will remain free, however have disclosed no information on what this is, so entrusting our communication to a currently in-testing platform that may become paid or even subscription based, that could also change in any number of ways with no warning may not be a great idea
I personally prefer skype but on the basis of what it is teamspeak is slightly easier to drop in and out.

Discord is the new hipster one isn't it?
And yes Ryan. Yes it is.

I think we should use a platform like:
Facebook Messenger

More phone based. All the platforms you used in the poll are unknown to me (except for Skype). We could rather use more mainstream messengers like the ones I just listed above.
Discord has a free mobile app that functions better than all three of those.
Someone sounds like a discord fanboy/fangirl (Apologies for my horrible memory)
If I recall skype has a mobile app that whilst buggy, has satisfied most people for a multitude of years.

Announcements / Re: Innectis, transparency, and my situation
« on: August 03, 2016, 07:51:24 PM »
Merc has a point, Alpha. Almost everything you've done as a member of Staff has been phrased in terms of what you want. This isn't a new problem - since the day you became Admin you've often made decisions that seemed to fly in the face of both reason and the general consensus of the community because it's what you wanted. You've spent so long trying to build a legacy that you've forgotten a legacy means nothing if there's nobody left to acknowledge it.

Look man, I'll be straight: If I said that your actions as a staff member engaging with the community didn't play a part in me leaving, I'd be lying. I don't harbour any grudge or ill will though. I don't hate you. Like I said, you're a brilliant coder and an alright guy, but your ethos makes you suited for something other than the face of Innectis.

ArkaTekk, you're only new (unless you're an alternative of Ryan, in which case hi Ryan!) so you haven't seen or been through the things that the fossils like Alpha, Merc or myself have. I'm being a bit harsh, yes, but this had been a particular sticking point for many of us.
Now, whilst I do agree with your main message here, and I am one of the people who has badgered Alpha the most lately. But I would like to clarify that I do not feel as strongly about everything to the same extent as you do.

Announcements / Re: Innectis, transparency, and my situation
« on: August 03, 2016, 06:11:05 PM »
So what is going to change? What are the specific goals and improvements to make and how are we going to find a solution? Reviving Innectis is not going to be easy. I believe we should start advertising in some way because otherwise Innectis is just not going to get any traffick whatsoever.


We need to first complete all the outstanding things that we started on and then we can figure things out from there.

I began writing a huge rant, but it seems rather pointless seeing as I'm unlikely to return to Innectis.

Alpha, if I'm going to give a few words of advice:

1) Keep on doing IDP, but step down as community manager. This place needs someone dedicated who actively listens to their playerbase and staff and is consistently present. You're brilliant at coding, but historically have had a less than stellar record in community engagement - if the players and even your staff abandoning you isn't an indication of that, then I don't know what is.

2) It's good to see you don't want to micromanage everything anymore. That was a huge issue for myself and a number of players when we left. Make sure you don't start slipping back into those bad habits.

3) If all else fails, then please, just let go of the past and let this place fade gracefully into obscurity.

Best of luck.

I guess I didn't explain good enough which is why you still suggested I step down. This issue doesn't just affect Innectis, but it affects me. I'm still confident I could perform well, but I just needed a well-deserved break.

I'd still want to be head of the website and head of IDP but as far as community projects go I'd rather suggest but not be the one to see them out. That's for another discussion with the staff to figure out though. I'd still do my own server projects.

I know you had some ill with the community but not sure why. Now I think I'm the one that caused that. If so then I am truly sorry.
I've noticed in what your recent communications, this reply, and this letter is you keep saying everything you do is for you, and that you are your biggest concern. Here is a great example so I had to point it out. You wont do what people feel best for your own sake, when you should really be listening to your community for your community rather than doing what is essentially satisfying your ego. If you step down you'll feel like you've failed, you've made that abundantly clear to us all at this point, but why not put that aside for one minute and realise that even if you feel like you have failed that doesn't mean you have, and instead of clinging onto ghosts of the past and staying in a perpetual feeling of failure, actually do what needs to be done and try your best to satisfy yourself.

I spent a large portion of my childhood and probably about 1/3 of my time on the internet since getting my own computer on this server, and I've kept personal contact with you as well Alpha. You know full well that I like you and that none of us want to see any of this go down in flames, can you please just listen to us and give the suggestions a try, I know you have ways to revert pretty much everything on the server if need be so why wont you just try them out for the server, and seeing as you care more about it than anything else, yourself. Please man c'mon

P.S. This big letter you've been leading us to for months, your big excuse as to why you never go any further, is nothing new. This has all been said before and is basically just a recap, and not just in my eyes.

I began writing a huge rant, but it seems rather pointless seeing as I'm unlikely to return to Innectis.

Alpha, if I'm going to give a few words of advice:

1) Keep on doing IDP, but step down as community manager. This place needs someone dedicated who actively listens to their playerbase and staff and is consistently present. You're brilliant at coding, but historically have had a less than stellar record in community engagement - if the players and even your staff abandoning you isn't an indication of that, then I don't know what is.

2) It's good to see you don't want to micromanage everything anymore. That was a huge issue for myself and a number of players when we left. Make sure you don't start slipping back into those bad habits.

3) If all else fails, then please, just let go of the past and let this place fade gracefully into obscurity.

Best of luck.

You're a meanie head
And please don't insult people for their opinions, especially with insults as childish as that kthx <3

Announcements / Re: Recent Staff Changes
« on: July 19, 2016, 09:04:21 PM »
I not only say [bump] but RYAN WHERE'S MY EVERYTHING BRO

Announcements / Re: Innectis and Minecraft 1.8 - Process Started
« on: March 31, 2015, 06:19:48 PM »
Great job. Could we possibly hope for any "secret commands" *wink wink* *hint hint*

Announcements / Re: 1 year anniversary as owner
« on: August 16, 2014, 08:27:17 AM »
Happy aniversaryyyyyyyyyyy sissy-pu

Bans / Re: Ban Appeal
« on: August 12, 2014, 07:47:59 PM »
Ahh lighten up Luigi, go play with the ghosts in your mansion.
(For any future people reading this, his skin right now is luigi)

Bans / Re: Ban Appeal
« on: August 12, 2014, 11:07:57 AM »
Might I ask just WHY Nosliw having parts of old IDP source code is such a terrible thing in the first place if he isn't handing it out to anyone, even I have snip bits of IDPs code that could be used in other places if so desired. I use it for research and practice since it does need some refactoring, why couldn't he do the same with his own work to improve what he does?  I don't see why people find it all that terrible.
Ok, this is unrelated but just out of curiosity. How did you get IDP snippets, and when did you learn Java? Oo

On a slightly more on-topic note, thanks for your support everyone :)
I've been friends with nearly every developer since I joined and all of them have been nice enough to give me tips and short lessons, experience is somethiny I lack and they have so two and two go together like a puzzle.
And don't worry, it isn't highly important top end code I have,or even fully complete sections in some cases, it's just practice.

Oh, and I started trying stuff a couple years back, I'm starting a computing course soon to follow up on it.

Bans / Re: Ban Appeal
« on: August 11, 2014, 08:42:41 PM »
Might I ask just WHY Nosliw having parts of old IDP source code is such a terrible thing in the first place if he isn't handing it out to anyone, even I have snip bits of IDPs code that could be used in other places if so desired. I use it for research and practice since it does need some refactoring, why couldn't he do the same with his own work to improve what he does?  I don't see why people find it all that terrible.

Suggestions / Re: Line of sight
« on: July 29, 2014, 05:15:27 PM »
I'm with Dsh pleeeaaaaaaassseeeee
If the item WASN'T in my line of sight, I couldn't have even clicked on it so what sense is made there?
I really don't see when this is anything but annoying (Or at least never seen or heard of it).

Bans / Re: mUSICkAT
« on: May 18, 2014, 05:21:55 PM »
Hm, Alpha, I have to speak to you about kat ASAP.

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