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Author Topic: News 04-03-2012  (Read 6621 times)


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News 04-03-2012
« on: March 04, 2012, 06:29:19 PM »

Hello Everyone!

It's been a while again since I last posted a new topic. But no fear, we got one again!

First of all, I want to explain my absence the last couple of weeks (and the following).
Due to some problems here I haven't been able to come online much. I try to come around as much as possible but often I just don't got the time.
But as it's out of my power to do anything about, this will continue for 2-3 more weeks.
For things that happen on the server please contact Lynxy or Alpha as much you can this weeks, they will respond much faster then me.
Of course you can always send me an e-mail, or talk to me on MSN/Skype if you want to. But I won't read the forums much. So if you need me, send an e-mail.

Now going to better news!
Minecraft 1.2 is out! We are working hard to get it ready for the update.
We are finishing some things as we speak, but we believe we can update soon!

This update will also include a new and improved command handling with 'SmartArgs' & 'ParameterArgs'. (these will be explained further on)
Also the shop will do his reintroduction to the server!
And of course other new features.

Well, that was all I had to say for now.
Happy mining everyone!

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Re: News 04-03-2012
« Reply #1 on: March 05, 2012, 03:26:49 AM »
Cool, looking forward to the new updates.