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Author Topic: What is Build-A-Feature?  (Read 7173 times)


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What is Build-A-Feature?
« on: September 05, 2016, 02:21:24 AM »
Build-A-Feature is a community initiative that allows players to contribute ideas for future server features. Being a reply only board, the ideas first have to be added here, taken either from the suggestion board or from ideas the staff come up with and would like the community to help build.

Once a feature has had enough ideas put into it, it will be reviewed by the staff until it is considered feature-complete. The topic will then be locked and moved to the "Complete Features Queue" board to be added to the server in a future update. Once added to the server the topic will be moved to the "Complete Features" board.

Some of the things you can do in a Build-A-Feature topic:

  • Give your ideas to the feature
  • Build on ideas already given
  • Work together to make the ideas more mature

And please, no arguing. If you disagree on an idea, then figuring out why is so much better than saying, "No, that's a stupid idea!" Comments that are attacks on a user or their ideas will be removed. If you really like an idea someone else made, then you can expand on that, and leave the ideas you don't like alone.

The Build-A-Feature initiative is subject to change at any time. The changes will be listed as replies to this topic.
« Last Edit: September 05, 2016, 12:16:04 PM by AlphaBlend »
  • AlphaBlend
I like to make things. That pretty much describes the kind of person I am.