What is the real issue here?
1. The truth hurts, sorry but I say it as it is.
2. Some people are good at Minecraft, others are bad.
3. We do need to advertise to get a better audience of new players, for as I see it we do not have a large enough community to accurately represent any span of players, for it seems everyone complains no matter what. (And on a side note, it seems to me all the new players are [generally] younger kids who are easily susceptible to a "death induced rage", and don't have the patience to learn from their mistakes."
I am sorry if the word "whining" offended anyone, but again, read #1. I have a blunt way of stating the facts, haters will hate, and i'm more then prepared to endure the repercussions, for not everyone seems to be realistic in these situations. I've said it before and i'll say it again,
you can not please everyone. I am simply starting to get fed up with the constant bickering from one party to the next.
I occasionally see SGT around but I NEVER see Reasoning.
As for this,
I will not speak for Adam, however the reasons I am not active on the server at the current time are many.
1. I am working full time, and what time I have I enjoy having a social life, not being cooped up behind a screen during my summer. Going o parties, the bar, hanging out with friends, etc.
2. I do not enjoy (Vanilla) Minecraft/Innectis as much anymore, for it is not complicated enough and I feel Mojang is slacking in the updates department. What time I do play on Minecraft I have been playing heavilly modded/far more complex versions of the game.
3. I do not feel like I want to speak to much of the community members on a "friend" level and it feels like a "job" at this point in time, therefore stripping the enjoyment away. This may seem offensive, but I don't mean it how it likely sounds. I have a very specific view of the internet, which few people know/understand here, so please do not take offence.
Setting the NoMonsters flag to a default flag in Lot Areas. This means there would mean you would have no monster threats in the lot areas unless you asked a staff member to remove the flag.