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Author Topic: Some rules set on pvping?  (Read 7065 times)


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Some rules set on pvping?
« on: May 04, 2014, 08:05:03 PM »
Yeah I know you are most likely reading the title and thinking it's either "stupid" or "not needed" but through observation and even looking at the current rules it may need to be done.

   Yes it is part of the game no matter how you look at it, which I am not saying "get rid of pvp" because then we would remove part of the game. But also it has been known to cause a large amount of the arguments on the server. Which usually end up in someone breaking the rules. Specifically Rules 1(be nice), 2 (Don't abuse/spam the chat) and rule 8(Don't harass others). I am going to use a few examples:,2678.0.html First of all, this old report, they started to advoid the filter because Minekid02 interupted their pvp fight and as expected, it upset them. But however they are not the only ones (and even then what they did was minor at worse), Minekid after words proceeded to continuously call  them and I (I told Minekid that doing that was rude and he flipped at me as well) various names. The only reason why I did not report way back then was because Robbie already reported (even though he missed Minekid's part in the whole thing).
   Then of course our most recent report was caused by a fight over pvp and I even saw another argument which was based on pvping today. As well some people in the past lure people onto pvp lots to kill them via lying about showing them a build or tping. There has to be something done, even if it's a minor rule like "don't abuse pvping". Just because that can make people quit the server which we don't want.
« Last Edit: May 04, 2014, 08:07:20 PM by CanadianR »
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Re: Some rules set on pvping?
« Reply #1 on: May 04, 2014, 08:09:12 PM »
All my yes.
Arguments because of PVP are often caused because of item loss, so for that particular problem I suggest a separate PVP world where items and exp are not lost, and pvp is disabled everywhere else, or player-caused death does not result in item (and exp?) loss. Not sure about any other problems, though.
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Re: Some rules set on pvping?
« Reply #2 on: May 04, 2014, 08:56:46 PM »
There is an ever shifting view on PVP.  It is most certainly a distinct and necessary function.  It has little use in Innectis on whole for a variety of reasons, most importantly I believe that this is a 'community building' server.  Innectis is not a survival server.  It's in the name Innectis - 'Build this'

Yes, we do things other than build, and PVP related functions can and should be a part of it.  But if so it should be entirely voluntary and very regulated so it can not be abused.

On a personal note, I have to disagree on removing death penalties.  The gamer in me needs penalties.  Without penalties, there is no risk.  No risk means skill is not required.  Fights become battles of attrition - Who is willing to keep fighting longer.  Fights devolve into who gets bored first.  Penalties allow for reward to go with that risk.  You should be willing to lose something in order to stand to gain something, especially with other people getting involved.  To take that away makes it essentially pointless - Why would I want to kill someone if they just keep coming back and haven't lost anything?  If I beat you, you should NOT be able to just come back forever without me gaining from it. Skill should be awarded, and lesser players should be penalized if they fail against them.  Be it items, xp, vT, territory, whatever. 

People get upset when they get beat in PVP.  Historically PVP has been a very poor venture on innectis except for limited events and organized games.  Part of it lies with the poor implementation of PVP combat with Minecraft as a whole.  The other part lies with the people participating in it.  We have a huge variety of people and age groups within our community and it is natural that maturity levels vary with it.  Innectis has some great PVP events to offer, with the class based combat and similar stuff held on event world.  But by no means is that the draw of the server, nor should it be promoted as such.

There are plenty of avenues to safely fight already in existence.  You can bank your stuff and pvp with set items already.  For that reason I cannot justify in my mind expending time, data, or man hours just to make something I see as a terribly shallow feature.  PVP as-is, or dont PVP at all.
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Re: Some rules set on pvping?
« Reply #3 on: May 04, 2014, 11:12:23 PM »
Here are the official rules of PvP.

If you fight in PvP and die, it's your fault. Don't complain that you lost items, XP, and vT. There's a reason why PvP can be toggled on and off. In the event that you teleport or walk onto a lot with a PvP flag, it's still your fault. You are given a warning that you are entering a PvP lot and are given a fair amount of time to leave the lot before you can be killed. We've given plenty of precautions to prevent issues with PvPing.

There is even measurements in place to prevent people from cheating. Players cannot teleport away after being attacked by others and logging out while in PvP will kill you. You can only leave the battle by not taking damage for 10 seconds. It would be unfair to the other participants not to get the chance to kill the other player. In most cases, they just used durability on their weapons and/or their armor and it is unfair for them to waste that durability if they can't gain from it in some way.

In any event, it is still ultimately your fault if you lose and die during PvP. There are plenty of warnings letting you know that you are in PvP mode or have entered a lot with PvP. Don't blame others when you are in control of when you can and cannot be attacked. PvP is dangerous and if you aren't willing to face the consequences of losing a battle, don't PvP.
« Last Edit: May 05, 2014, 12:48:16 PM by Eggnaug »
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Re: Some rules set on pvping?
« Reply #4 on: May 05, 2014, 05:00:03 AM »
It is now 10 seconds, both by pvp and normal damage.
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Re: Some rules set on pvping?
« Reply #5 on: May 05, 2014, 06:13:04 PM »
To be fair, if you fall for it, it's kind of your fault. However I would not be against a warning saying something along the lines of "Warning! You are about to be teleported to a PVP area"
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Re: Some rules set on pvping?
« Reply #6 on: May 05, 2014, 06:42:07 PM »
That would be helpful. Warning! You are about to be teleported to a PVP area" Do you wish to be teleported? Then have the player type /accept
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Re: Some rules set on pvping?
« Reply #7 on: May 05, 2014, 07:54:43 PM »
To be fair, if you fall for it, it's kind of your fault. However I would not be against a warning saying something along the lines of "Warning! You are about to be teleported to a PVP area"
Yeah, that would help a lot, besides, doing that kind of stuff kind of abuses pvp lot flag and tp. Which THAT nobody likes.
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Re: Some rules set on pvping?
« Reply #8 on: May 06, 2014, 12:45:33 AM »
Just the kind of protection we need. I like it.
  • AlphaBlend
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