Not trying to help florfy...but since they are friends irl, it's very likely that they all played at florfy's house. thus having the same IP a few times over the course....Also, you have to factor in that maybe nethercraft may or may not have given the account and/or they were playing a prank on nether....
Truthfully, I didn't look up from my laptop until it was too late

Well, I think carebearkiller told me earlier, but I wasn't paying attention.
And second...
You, nethercraft798, and carebearkiller12 all had the same IP on the same day, many times over the course of the last year up to last august that I checked. First it was alleged carebearkiller did it then I was told you did it.
I'm keeping you and carebear banned until I can figure this whole situation out. He said she said they said... the story has changed 2 times now. What am I going to think?
many times over the couse of the year? well, nethercraft798 is one of the friends I mentioned to come to my house and play Minecraft, innectis, etc.
And besides, carebearkiller also comes over to my house sometimes... so, maybe they were both at my house at the same time? one or more of them usually brings their laptops when there are more than 1 guest. (I never take the time to remember little details, like who comes to my house at specific times)