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Author Topic: Adding to [stash]  (Read 5848 times)


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Adding to [stash]
« on: March 02, 2014, 01:27:00 AM »

Stashes Crops & etc. (Cacti, Leaves, Lily Pads)
(If you do this right now, it is set to "Crops" and doesn't even put those in)


(Just seems needed.)
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Re: Adding to [stash]
« Reply #1 on: March 02, 2014, 04:49:30 PM »
So you want [stash] groups? I guess I can add that to redmine, but we'd all have to agree on what is a "group".


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Re: Adding to [stash]
« Reply #2 on: March 02, 2014, 10:17:42 PM »
So you want [stash] groups? I guess I can add that to redmine, but we'd all have to agree on what is a "group".

Make a new topic with peoples inputs, and then add to the list as new items are added to a [stash] group?
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Re: Adding to [stash]
« Reply #3 on: March 02, 2014, 10:29:37 PM »
Well, here is a first draft of some groups you could have:

Tools                                                                                                        dyes
-hoe                                                                                                         -red rose
-pickaxe                                                                                                   -cactus green
-axe                                                                                                         -purple dye
-shovel                                                                                                     -cyan dye
-fishing rod                                                                                               -light gray dye
-flint and steel                                                                                          -gray dye
-carrot on a stick                                                                                      -inc sac
-shears                                                                                                    -lapis lazuli (item)
-bucket (lava/water/empty)                                                                     -dandelion yellow

Utility blocks (not redstone related)
-anvil (of any damage value or type)
-crafting table
-ender chest
-enchantment table

redstone related
-trapped chest
-note block
-iron/wood door
-redstone lamp
-iron/gold/stone/wooden pressure plate
-trapdoor (iron/wooden for next update)
-redstone torch
-wooden/stone button
-tripwire hook
-fence/fence gate
-redstone repeater
-tnt minecart
-hopper minecart


-sand (red)
-sandstone (smooth/chiseled)

stone related
-cobble/stone slabs
-stone bricks (mossy/cracked/chiseled)

unrefined ores
-iron ore
-gold ore
-diamond ore
-redstone ore
-coal ore
-lapis lazuli ore
-emerald ore
-nether quartz ore

refined ores/storage blocks
-nether quartz
-lapis lazuli (block)
-redstone dust/block
-diamond (block/item)
-iron ingot/block
-gold ingot/block
-coal (item/block)
-emerald (item/block)

hostile mob drops
-spider eye
-rotten flesh
-ender pearl
-blaze rod
-nether star
-gold nugget
-magma cream
-ghast tear

friendly mob drops
-wool (any color)
-raw beef
-raw chicken
-raw porkchop

-lily pad
-melon block
-pumpkin seeds
-melon seeds
-sugar cane
-sapling (any type)
-flowers (any type)
-bone meal
-mushroom (red/brown)
-tall grass
-dead bush
-leaves (any type)
-cocoa beans

W.I.P. to be finished later...
« Last Edit: March 03, 2014, 09:01:14 AM by Johncrazboy »
  • Johncrazboy