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Author Topic: Dear Innectis  (Read 12825 times)


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Dear Innectis
« on: August 27, 2013, 10:54:21 PM »
I want to talk about some stuff that I think all of you need to hear. There is a very specific reason why Hret left and it is a constant issue in many different communities. I will get to that point a bit later in this announcement, but for now I want to say some thoughts of mine about the community as a whole.

As a community, we are based around Minecraft, a game that is very fun and many things are possible. All the community members come together to have fun and hang out with each other. We enjoy this game and people help each other. This game was meant to have fun on, and that's just what the entire staff want to provide to you players. One of our jobs is to bring an experience that each and every one of our players will enjoy. We can't guarantee that they will stay with these experiences that we bring, but we do try to make them enjoyable. Each and every person that comes here has the satisfaction of playing on a server whose features were written not by third-party bukkit plugins, but by our very own Innectis Development Team. This allows us to present an endless opportunity of features that the community requests. We choose what goes into our plugin, not some third-party developers.

One concept on everyone's mind that no one wants to talk about or even deal with is drama. It exists in so many forms and we try to keep it away from our community in general. Problem is that it always ends up creeping up on us when we least expect it. Everyone has disagreements with each other, yet that should not turn into endless drama. This is a game, there shouldn't be anything wrong with playing it, but when people have differing opinions it's hard to come to a point where people agree with each other and then their issues slowly turn into monsters that can eventually devour the whole community.

Hret was a fabulous leader that I looked up to very much. I learned a lot from him during my long experience as an admin/developer and I enjoyed many moments chatting with him in regards to Innectis affairs. Everyone loved him and they enjoyed all the fun that he provided. He was by far the best owner of a community I had ever met, and will never forget how he carried Innectis through the long 2+ years that Innectis has existed in his tenure. We will all miss him.

Hret left because this concept just kept getting larger and larger and he couldn't take it anymore. Too many bans and too many arguments, both in the general staff, and in the development team, were pretty awful at times. He finally decided to hang up the towel after our squabble earlier this month. He wanted to hand Innectis over to Lynxy but she was too busy with work so I was the next best person in line for the job so he gave it to me.

Shortly after he left, there was a problem in the development team, mainly because something was going to be added but I disagreed heavily on it. It got to the point I couldn't deal with a specific developer because this problem has been recurring, and finally got to the point I couldn't handle it anymore. Then this person left, and it seems like we were settling down and there was not going to be anymore problems for awhile. Boy was I wrong.

Much after that we ended up getting problems from certain members of the community. Griefing here, griefing there, bad behavior, you know. However, it seems as if the problems were much worse than before. We've had at least 2 permabans (one of them indefinite as of this writing), a long ban, and then some other things happening. Are people really showing their true colors or are they really upset that Hret left? Old members left saying we were dying, something I wasn't really prepared to hear... So much has happened you'd think I'd want to hang up the towel myself and call it a good bye forever to Innectis.

It's as if since I've become owner there has been a lot of dissent among the community. It's as if they miss Hret so much and yet are not willing to accept me as the new owner. People think things are going to change for the worse, and that we may end up being radically different than when we were when Hret was owner... I want everyone to know that that is not true in the least. I don't want to make rash decisions that I feel will drive the community down even further.

We have our mod elections currently nearing an end, and there has been an issue in regard to one of the candidates. None of the staff seem to be having the same opinions and there isn't much I can really do about that. I'm not going to comment on what has actually happened, but all these dissenting opinions show us that it's like we are really no different than the players holding mod elections. We're so wrapped up in our own opinions that it seems nothing good ever really gets done.

How are we supposed to move forward when all of this drama comes from out of nowhere? I'm trying to clean up the mess that was left with Hret's leaving, and we are inching our way forward but it seems like we're falling back even more than we are going forward. It also doesn't help that people think our community is dying with Hret leaving. Did OtakuCraft die when it was apparent it might? No, people moved on to Innectis and continued the legacy.

Now it seems we have arrived at a similar situation, and it's up to the staff, and community, to decide what goes on from here. It is my will that we press on and continue to be such a great community that we've already been. It will be hard to do this without your support. From this point onward, let us try to clean up the mess that was left behind. Start showing appreciation for each other and pave a way for a bright future.

I cannot say happy mining as that is not appropriate...
« Last Edit: August 27, 2013, 11:04:46 PM by AlphaBlend »
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Re: Dear Innectis
« Reply #1 on: August 27, 2013, 11:38:00 PM »
Things are not peachy and are not looking the best right now. I see this as an official admission of this fact rather than the pointless, foolish optimism and sugar-coating of the past.

I have the utmost respect for not just glossing over everything, Alpha. The first step to fixing a problem is admitting that there is one.

P.S. You should totally delete my lots. That's one thing I'm still adamant on.
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Re: Dear Innectis
« Reply #2 on: August 28, 2013, 01:27:03 AM »
Well said. I for one, don't seem to be fazed by the effects of Hret's departure. Sure there were a *few* fun times with him. But in the whole, I have actually rarely seen him on. I kept on wondering to myself and I considered Hrets appearance to be a "rare"occurrence. It would seem sad that old members have decided to screw up the server and others, IMO, are using this chance to just rage on the server. I would believe the perhaps Hret's departure was a bit of a "Showy" end. That is just my opinion..

On a side-not, I think Innectis should extend their empire from just having 1 server.
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Re: Dear Innectis
« Reply #3 on: August 28, 2013, 02:43:03 AM »
I want to say something but I don't know what will be appropriate. Just going to say Alpha I read what you said and agree with you 100% What old members said Innectis was dying and left?
  • l_iamW


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Re: Dear Innectis
« Reply #4 on: August 28, 2013, 03:37:45 AM »
I guess you could call me one of the old members, not old enough to have seen Jincos but Innectis has got a lot of new faces coming in granted some are causing problems but still, new people means we are doing good, INNECTIS SHALL PROSPER WHOOOOO
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Re: Dear Innectis
« Reply #5 on: August 28, 2013, 04:06:55 AM »
Innectis is not falling... Come one guys. Alpha a lot of the bans lately have come from very new members allowing people to there lot who grief they may not be aware of this. The Innectis community really is slowly growing. with some of Innectis's most loved members leaving. look at how many new players are joining. Yes Innectis is going through some hard times but look at what we have gotten through before. We need to be optimistic here. This is by far the best server I have ever seen. All of my friends that i have gotten on to innectis pretty much think the same.

Innectis has evolved from OtakuCraft. which I was not a part of. But i know that some people that have recently left were OtakuCraft members... The question is why did they stay for so long??? Its because of the innectis community, the amazing capability of the members & staff and the very special IDP, Innectis dedicated plugin. For people like Alpha, Hretsam, Lynxy, Nosliw and others to work on the plugin and get it where it is today was because thy really liked the server. They had faith in Innectis, keep your heads up.

Innectis will never be the perfect, nothing is, But it's pretty dam good.

GSta out.

Happy mining people. :P Lol stole your line Alphie. hehe
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Re: Dear Innectis
« Reply #6 on: August 28, 2013, 05:17:00 AM »
Alpha if it makes you feel any better at all I didn't leave because you were the owner. I respect you a lot and I think you will do what's best for the server. I just feel that iv had my time and it is the appropriate point for me to leave, I also never ruled out coming back. I have a couple of ventures I want too pursue myself maybe the will wok out or not I don't know, but ill always be an Otakucrafter and an innectian. The servers end fate after all this I don't know it all depends on how well the staff are willing to cut the crap and work together to keep this the best damned server it can be.

The bottom line is you guys need to pull yourselves together.
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Re: Dear Innectis
« Reply #7 on: August 28, 2013, 06:22:09 AM »
Alpha well said for one, we can't say you guys as we are all the ??guys??.
We need to find a way to plow on like we did in the ArronM moment.
We can do this lets just stick together.


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Re: Dear Innectis
« Reply #8 on: August 28, 2013, 07:59:58 AM »
If it helps Innectis I am starting to miss Minecraft. Maybe its time for me to return but I have a lot of revising to do for GCSE's :/ Catch 22
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Re: Dear Innectis
« Reply #9 on: August 28, 2013, 08:22:13 AM »
As chris said, if the staff can get their problems solved, I'd be willing to come back, and tom, just shut up. Please.
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Re: Dear Innectis
« Reply #10 on: August 28, 2013, 03:27:12 PM »
As chris said, if the staff can get their problems solved, I'd be willing to come back, and tom, just shut up. Please.

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Re: Dear Innectis
« Reply #11 on: August 28, 2013, 04:23:40 PM »
I wrote a fairly long message here but deleted it because it didn't seem to fit, so instead I'll say good luck sorting out these issues. A nice place to start is to look at what went wrong, without pointing fingers..
  • Nosliw
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@EventHandler(priority = EventPriority.LOW)
public void onPlayerJoin(PlayerJoinEvent event) {
    Player player = event.getPlayer();
    if (player.getName().equals("SGT_ADZ") {
        player.kickPlayer("Yeah... Nah!");


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Re: Dear Innectis
« Reply #12 on: August 28, 2013, 04:50:15 PM »
Very touching story, another good place to start is to not run in and change everything Hret had set in stone..

You know what i mean.
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Re: Dear Innectis
« Reply #13 on: August 28, 2013, 09:12:14 PM »
Even though I am leaving temporarily, my reason isn't because Innectis was dying. I thought it was doing just fine without Hretsam.
Even though N_I_N_J_A and Freddietrev and Luvs and other people were being drama kings/queens, we seemed to be fine with them around.
I don't get why people have to be so unhappy now. I love this server and I love the people here.
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Re: Dear Innectis
« Reply #14 on: August 31, 2013, 04:09:28 AM »
As chris said, if the staff can get their problems solved, I'd be willing to come back, and tom, just shut up. Please.
Well said, Guin favourite comment of the month.
As players, we have a job to do. Are job is to play and be apart of the community and stick with it nomatter what gets thrown at use. That's what's so great about are community. We stick together.
I have a message for all those griefers, bullies and annoying brats:
“If you are going to grief go somewhere else, if you are going to be an idiot log off the server, if you are a person that enjoys others anger and frustration go bother another community. But stay away from innectis unless you are here to have a great time that everyone will enjoy”
  • zandercz07