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Author Topic: Nether/End lots, should we have them?  (Read 8079 times)


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Nether/End lots, should we have them?
« on: May 15, 2013, 10:02:09 PM »
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Alright, so lets start. Recently I was getting a little bit bored with Innectis, my mind was blocked and I found myself just thinking; "what the heck should I do now?". Then I thought to myself, I've built almost everything that I wanted to build, or... what I am able to build.

What I am referring to is the limitations that the current world has on us. As we stand now we are only able to have lots in 1 world, "Main World". This limits us to a certain set of things we are able to work with, sure we can go mining Nether Brick and decorate our lots, but I'm looking at the big picture here. The one thing I have wanted to built on Innectis since Day 1, was an Enderman Farm. I loved the idea of being able to get a crazy fast XP farm going, while collecting a ton of Ender Pearls around for use where ever I wished, but as is now, that's impossible.

As is now, we are stuck using 1 set of mobs, 1 set of weather, 1 set of sky, 1 set of well, world generation and I'd like to see that change. Now I have a few suggestions as to what we could do to create these lots and have them completely functional, but before I continue, i'd like to share a little Q&A I had with our admin AlphaBlend on some of the many possible issues with these lots.

Q: What are you trying to suggest here?

A: New worlds, 1 Nether, and possibly 1 for The End where players would be able to obtain lots.

Q: What happens if the worlds change? What if there is a new block type added?

A: Players would be informed of this before obtaining the lot, since these would most likely be separate worlds, players could go into the originals, which would be regenerated, collect some of the new blocks, and use them however they wish.

Q:Skye made a nether lot area, why do we need this new shenanigans?

A: Skye created a Netherrack lot area, within mainworld, with a bunch of lava and a covered ceiling, it is currently unattractive to most players, and does not have the world properties of the real Nether. (No offence to Skye)

Q: Why don't we buff our current worlds instead of adding new ones?

A: Because our current worlds limit us, 90% of players who actually want these lots would use them for the world properties such as the Mobs, and in our current world setup, that's simply impossible.

Alright, we're finished that so let's get on with it, hopefully you're still with me here. So finally, here is a list of pros and cons I came up with in regards to adding some new lot areas.

-More space for lots seeing as the current Mainworld is getting crowded
-Ability to work with the full range of mobs
-Would not need to be updated unless a MASSIVE overhaul by Mojang took place
-At no time would staff need to transfer lots
-People have asked for these for a long time, give the players what they want =]
-Could give a practical use to Nether Portals (portal takes you to your nether lot?)

-Adding new worlds could cause stress on the server (Maybe? If an Admin could clear this up please?)
-Staff would need to take time to create this

One more thing here before I leave you be, how would we obtain these lots?

1. A money sink is needed in this server, so why not create one? Make lots purchasable for whatever amount of VT?

2. The difference between Goldy and Super VIP is subtle, and before the Goldies go all for this and everyone else hates it just think about it. Super, $25. Goldy, $50, yet there is no major benefit from Goldy over Super, maybe we need to change that? Maybe these lots could be Goldy only.

3. VIP+ having access, since Users are only able to have 1 lot, and by default it's in MainWorld lot areas.

End Note, if there is anything you'd like to add to the pros/cons, of if you'd like a question answered, please let me know and i'll edit it into the post.
  • TheReasoning


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Re: Nether/End lots, should we have them?
« Reply #1 on: May 16, 2013, 01:17:29 AM »
I agree with this idea, with a rank-based allowance.

One of my favourite places on Innectis used to be the Aether. Sure, towards the end of its days it became a relatively disused, griefed area of the server, but that doesn't diminish what it was during its 'golden age'. What I'm picturing for the End world is something very similar: huge floating islands of Endstone which players can claim and build on.

As for the Nether, we used to be able to rig Nether portals to teleport us to another lot that we own. I don't know whether or not that feature was removed, but I think it would be great to allow portal-to-portal linkups between lots. Maybe the only way to access the Nether lot world would be through a portal in the spawn, or a portal that you have built that links you directly to the lot?

Bit of word-vomit there, but do you understand what I'm getting at?
  • gohKamikaze
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Re: Nether/End lots, should we have them?
« Reply #2 on: May 16, 2013, 01:38:30 AM »
What I'm picturing for the End world is something very similar: huge floating islands of Endstone which players can claim and build on.

Spoke to Alpha about this already, unfortunately he does not like the idea of giving people Endstone because it is a "Rareish block" and the End is a "Special place". It dosn't really make much sense to me, butpersonally I'd be happy with a little dirt pad which I can build my own Endstone Island out from. =]
  • TheReasoning


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Re: Nether/End lots, should we have them?
« Reply #3 on: May 16, 2013, 05:10:31 AM »
I don't like the idea of the end lots, but we COULD fix up the issue with the nether lot area, I'm not a huge fan of adding new worlds just for this either. However, it is possible to change the biome within the real world of the nether lot area. This would mean that you get the light level, lava flowing and mobs spawning just like the nether, this was to be the idea with the first Nether lot Area, but it just never got finnished.
  • Nosliw
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@EventHandler(priority = EventPriority.LOW)
public void onPlayerJoin(PlayerJoinEvent event) {
    Player player = event.getPlayer();
    if (player.getName().equals("SGT_ADZ") {
        player.kickPlayer("Yeah... Nah!");


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Re: Nether/End lots, should we have them?
« Reply #4 on: May 16, 2013, 05:31:34 AM »
What I'm picturing for the End world is something very similar: huge floating islands of Endstone which players can claim and build on.

Spoke to Alpha about this already, unfortunately he does not like the idea of giving people Endstone because it is a "Rareish block" and the End is a "Special place". It dosn't really make much sense to me, butpersonally I'd be happy with a little dirt pad which I can build my own Endstone Island out from. =]

Yes a rare block which is why I have about 2000 of it...
  • chrisjones23


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Re: Nether/End lots, should we have them?
« Reply #5 on: May 16, 2013, 05:33:17 AM »
Yes a rare block which is why I have about 2000 of it...
Yet you sell it for what? 1,000 vT each? Its not ultra rare, but its no-where near common..
  • Nosliw
I'm here to help.. With the following exception:

@EventHandler(priority = EventPriority.LOW)
public void onPlayerJoin(PlayerJoinEvent event) {
    Player player = event.getPlayer();
    if (player.getName().equals("SGT_ADZ") {
        player.kickPlayer("Yeah... Nah!");


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Re: Nether/End lots, should we have them?
« Reply #6 on: May 16, 2013, 06:36:46 AM »
Yes a rare block which is why I have about 2000 of it...
Yet you sell it for what? 1,000 vT each? Its not ultra rare, but its no-where near common..

Thats only the price for the stupid ;)
  • chrisjones23


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Re: Nether/End lots, should we have them?
« Reply #7 on: May 16, 2013, 07:10:09 AM »
Yes a rare block which is why I have about 2000 of it...
Yet you sell it for what? 1,000 vT each? Its not ultra rare, but its no-where near common..

Thats only the price for the stupid ;)

M8's R8's.
  • gohKamikaze
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Quote from: The Cloak
'Between you and me Yuric, I think those Ruskies need a good kick in the balls. Right in the testicles, the source of their commie power.'


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Re: Nether/End lots, should we have them?
« Reply #8 on: May 16, 2013, 10:35:10 AM »
What I'm picturing for the End world is something very similar: huge floating islands of Endstone which players can claim and build on.

Spoke to Alpha about this already, unfortunately he does not like the idea of giving people Endstone because it is a "Rareish block" and the End is a "Special place". It dosn't really make much sense to me, butpersonally I'd be happy with a little dirt pad which I can build my own Endstone Island out from. =]

Yes a rare block which is why I have about 2000 of it...

How on earth do you have 2k of Endstone?
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Re: Nether/End lots, should we have them?
« Reply #9 on: May 16, 2013, 04:10:04 PM »
Dude. I remember when we fought the ender dragon, anyone who was there, literally has NO use for endstone. AT ALL. That list is Chris, Star...SGT? Some others, too. Not sure though.
  • guineaman56


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Re: Nether/End lots, should we have them?
« Reply #10 on: May 17, 2013, 12:59:24 AM »
However, it is possible to change the biome within the real world of the nether lot area. This would mean that you get the light level, lava flowing and mobs spawning just like the nether, this was to be the idea with the first Nether lot Area, but it just never got finnished.

Wow, I had no idea that that was possible, I guess I had always presumed that the "Hell" Biome needed to be in a separate world, either way that's awesome. However would you reconsider the "End" lots even if they had the biome of the End, just without the Endstone? Ie, A dirt lot with the world properties of the end?

Dude. I remember when we fought the ender dragon, anyone who was there, literally has NO use for endstone. AT ALL. That list is Chris, Star...SGT? Some others, too. Not sure though.

The dragon has been fought more then just once remember. I have personally fought it twice. =]
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Re: Nether/End lots, should we have them?
« Reply #11 on: August 17, 2013, 10:18:52 AM »
The End lots may be a really bad idea, unless if you flag the WHOLE THING for no mobs. I don't want every single thing in my lot griefed by endermen, and, worse, Snuffles may appear out of nowhere.
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Re: Nether/End lots, should we have them?
« Reply #12 on: August 17, 2013, 11:02:09 PM »
Endermen dont take blocks from lots, and dragons dont spawn unless you force put the egg into the end portal - plus I'm guessing it would be a different end to the one where they fight and take end stone. I would really like an end lot for the purpose of an enderman xp farm.-.
  • DaftPunk03
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Re: Nether/End lots, should we have them?
« Reply #13 on: August 18, 2013, 11:58:13 AM »
You can just use a mcedit filter to change the biome.

We do not run like this, we can not simply MCEdit the server whenever we choose.
  • TheReasoning