I copied this form Nineza's thread on the other forum, but it can act as a Frequently Asked Question thread
KeyQ: - Question:
A: - Answer:
Extra informationMini SuggestionAnswered QuestionsQ: Can we completely mar the landscape of freebuild?
A: Yes, in effect. You can take any resource, flower, or block you stumble upon just so long as you're not griefing.
Q: Are we allowed to steal from unlocked chests? What about chests on lots?
A: Any chest that you can access you are allowed the steal from. This means locked chests, and chests you have access to, be it freebuild, the wilderness, or another player's lot.
Q: Are are allowed to steal blocks from lots?
A: Absolutely not. Stealing a
placed block is considered griefing, a bannable offense. For multi-player lot efforts, its up to the moderators to make the decision whether it was griefing or simply construction.
Q: How big and how many lots can regular users get?
A: They get a max of 1 lot, each a max size of 30x30.
Q: How big and how many lots can
VIPs get?
A: They get a max of 3 lots, each a max size of 100x100.
Q: How big and how many lots can
Super VIPs get?
A: They get a max of 5 lots, each a max size of 150x150.
Q: How big and how many lots do
Goldy donators get?
A: They can have as big and as many lots as they want, as long as its reasonable and they do not have empty lots. The absolute max is 300x300.
Q: What's that building stick thingy that admins get?
A: It's nothing that you can get!
Q: Is there a full comprehensive guide of everything the Innectis-Unique plugin does/adds?
A: Not yet, but most of the informations is posted in the
Tutorials section and the
Information section.
Q: Is there a '/suicide' or a '/kill' command?
A: Yes, /suicide
Q: Is there a command to view everyone online?
A: Yes, /who, however you can also push <TAB> for a list

Q: Is PvP enabled?
A: Yes, pvp is enabled.
However, when not in a lot. Both players need to activate pvp (with /pvp on).
And in some lots. PVP is enabled, you get a warning. But when you enter a pvp area, regardless of your own pvp setting, pvp is on.
Q: Do you have antihacks (anti-fly, anti-xray, etc)?
A: Yes, we can track you and put you back where you were before. We also have quotas on the amounts of specific ores you can mine in a 1-hour period and x-ray detection.
Q: Is there a money plugin, like iConomy?
A: Yes there is, but it's our own version of it. We came up with vT (Valutas) which can be used in the Server Shop!
Q: Is there a server shop?
A: Yes, you can get there with /warp shop, however you can also set up your own shops!
Q: Is there a black market, where we can buy rare items and suchlike?
A: Yes, you can get sponge and maybe others soon with /redeem which costs vote points.
Q: Is the Nether open?
A: Yes, say '/warp nether' to get there!
Q: If we take the Nether portal, can we use commands to get back to the main world?
A: All teleportation commands are disabled in the nether. This is to ensure it remains a dangerous place. Portals and waypoints do however work here.
Q: Is there a cooldown on the Nether warp portal, or a cooldown on the portal back?
A: There is no limit.
Q: WorldEdit. What are the restrictions on it for each user?
User - Not Usable.
VIP - Not Usable.
Super VIP - Usable, must have the items in inventory, must be under 1,000 squares a time, within their own lot, cannot WorldEdit certain blocks such as Adminium/Bedrock, or Liquids, only "/twset".
Goldy VIP - Usable, same as Super VIP, but have bigger edit area.
Moderator - Usable, same as Super VIP
Administrator - Usable, unlimited access to all WorldEdit functions (i.e. Fill, Stack, Expand...)
Q: Is flint and steel illegal, or can we use it?
A: You can use it to light netherrack or obsidian and you can light other blocks on lots with the 'Destruction' flag.
Q: Do you have BigBrother, or does the Innectis plugin supply something similar?
A: No we do not, we have most stuff already inside protected area's (lot's). So there is no need for it.
Q: Will the Old World get deleted?
A: Yes, in time, however for now it will remain open, look at the forums for more information.
Q: Where can I get resources?
A: Resource World, type '/warp reszone' or go through the portal at spawn to get there.
Q: Why can't I make a house in resource zone?
A: Resource world is not design to be built in as it is regularly reset.
Q: Can you reset Resource World? Its full of ocean.
A: No, there are 4 waypoints and the spawn, even if they all lead to water you will just have to swim, Reszone is automatically reset every server restart.
Q: Can I be the next moderator?
A: No, stop asking and let the Admin's decide, you just reduce your chances when you question them.
Q: What is classed as greifing, where can I find rules about it?
A: You can find rules and information about greifing
Q: Can I have free stuff?
A: As long as a user is willing to give it to you, Admin's and Mod's are not allowed to dish out free items so don't ask!
Q: Can I find out how long I have played for?
A: Yes, simply say /stats or /stats <PLAYER> to see someone elses.
Q: What can I do with PvP points?
A: You will soon be able to buy items at the PvP shop with them, these items will be rare items that most likely are not normally obtainable.
Q: What does IDP stand for?
A: Innectis Dedicated Plugin
Q: I see people with weird ranks like, 'Captain', 'Lord' & 'Hobo', what are they?
A: They are Goldy VIP, if you get Goldy VIP you get a custom Rank.
Q: I cannot find anyone with a Admin Or Moderator Rank, where are they?
A: Admins have red names and Moderators have a shade of green, you can search for that!
Q: I noticed a bug, what do I do?
A: Submit it on the forums under the 'Bug' section, be as informative as you can.
Q: Are we allowed to steal from furnaces & Dispensers?
A: You have to be lot allowed in order to access them (if its a lot), but if you can, sure!
Q: How do people get VIP?
A: People get VIP as a reward for donating, the type of VIP depends on how much you donate...
- $5 gets you VIP
- $25 gets you Super VIP
- $50 gets you Goldy VIP
Q: Can an Admin World Edit my lot for me?
A: Admin's are allowed to even out your lot and make a top layer of Stone/Grass/Dirt.
Q: How big are City Plots?
A: 30x30
Q: Why are Lots 31x31?
A: Hretsam made a mistake when setting up lot area resulting in some lots being 1 square larger each way.
Q: Can I build outside my lot?
A: Yes, proving you are VIP, not within the lot-area or anyone else's lot that you are not permitted on.
Q: Can I get a plot in the 'wild'?
A: Yes, providing you are VIP and your plot does not overlap anyone else's.
Q: Does a sub lot count as a lot?
A: No, you can (within reason) have as many as you want!
I hope you find these useful, please correct any missing or mistaken information as I do not know everything xD
End WordFeel free post new questions/answers below.