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Author Topic: Games  (Read 35348 times)


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« on: November 19, 2012, 06:41:23 AM »
With the new game system, we have introduced automated games into IDP, so far we have:
  • Spleef
  • Capture the Flag
    • Domination
    • Fortress Defence
    This thread will explain how to start a game, and what to do in them. The command to manage a game is /game, this allows you to start, stop, look up and limit games, here is the command structure:
    • /game [-listTypes (-lt)] [-listGames (-lg)] [-start <Game Type>] [-end] [-limitWin (-lw) <amount>]
    Each game has its own requirments, which will be explained later within this thread.

    Information soon.

    Ghast Survival
    Information soon.

    Capture The Flag
    Capture The Flag is a team based game focused on "Capturing" the opposing team's flag, while at the same time keeping your own flag safe. To score a point you need to bring the opposing team's flag to your base and "Capture" it, but this WILL require teamwork, as any flag carrier will be slower than normal.

    Before starting the game, these are the requirements:
    • You must be on a lot/sublot.
    • The lot must have the following sublots:
      • 1 x Blue Base (Lot Name: "BlueBase")
        • Must be fully inside the main lot.
        • Must be no more than ONE.
        • This lot's Spawn point is where Blue Team Respawns
      • 1 x Red Base (Lot Name: "RedBase")
        • Must be fully inside the main lot.
        • Must be no more than ONE.
        • This lot's Spawn point is where Red Team Respawns
      • 1 x Blue Flag (Lot Name: "BlueFlag")
        • Must be a Sublot within "BlueBase"
        • Red Flag MUST BE 1x1x1 (y-axis)
        • Must be no more than ONE.
      • 1 x Red Flag (Lot Name: "RedFlag")
        • Must be a Sublot within "RedBase"
        • Blue Flag MUST BE 1x1x1 (y-axis)
        • Must be no more than ONE.

    Starting the game
    To start the game, you must be the lot owner, players must be INSIDE either the red or blue base, if players are outside when the game starts, they will not be added. The players team is determined by what colour base they stand in. Each team requires a minimum of 2 players in order for the game to begin, however the teams do not need to be balanced. After all the players are in position, you need to decide if you wish to limit the game to a certain number of points. Then you type the following command:
    • /game -start CTF -lw <amount>
    The -lw trigger is for a score limitation, without this the game will continue until there are not enough players for it to. The game should now begin, all players will respawn in their respective Bases with a Bow, 6 Arrows, and a Sword (with a chance to get a better weapon). You can then go to fight, capture flags and try to win the game :)

    Scoring Points
    To score points, you will need to work together with your team to bring the enemy's flag to your base and left click your own flag. If your flag is stolen from your base you and/or your team will need to find whoever stole your flag, kill them, and bring your flag back to it's spawn point before you can "Capture" the other team's flag. Teamwork in Capture The Flag is critical to succeeding, as you'll need to work together to protect the flag carrier.

    Other Rules that should be known
    A few other game features that should be known that might not be obvious at first.

    • Carrying a Flag will slow you down, making it easier for the other team to stop you
    • Any "Dropped" flag will return to it's respective base if it isn't picked up after 30 seconds
    • If a player has Red or Blue wool on their head, they are in possession of that flag
    • If you kill a player in possession of a flag they will drop it where they died
    • If the area where a flag is dropped isn't adequate for the flag (3 vertical air blocks), it will return to it's respective base instead
    • These are the chances of getting a better Sword:
      • Wooden Sword: Default Sword
      • Stone Sword: 1:4
      • Iron Sword: 1:8
      • Gold Sword: 1:16
      • Diamond Sword: 1:32

    Ending the game
    The game will end when the score limit is reached, or there are not enough players on each team to continue. If a player leaves the arena, or logs out, they will exit the game, and their inventory will be returned to them. When the game ends, it will tell you the score and and who is on each time, as well as which team wins. The game will NOT hand out prizes.

    Domination is a PvP based game, that involves capturing control points and scoring points. You score points in order to win, you gain 1 point for every time you kill a member of the other team. You also gain 1 point every 30 seconds for each control point that your team owns. The winner is the first team to a set amount. You can use whatever methods of battle you wish, and use the Team Chat feature (putting '#' at the start of your chat) to discuss battle plans.

    Before starting the game, these are the requirments:
    • You must be on a lot/sublot.
    • The lot must have the following sublots:
      • 1 x Blue Base (Lot Name: "BlueBase")
        • Must be fully inside the main lot.
        • Must be no more than ONE.
      • 1 x Red Base (Lot Name: "RedBase")
        • Must be fully inside the main lot.
        • Must be no more than ONE.
      • 1 x Lobby (Lot Name: "Lobby")
        • Must be fully inside the main lot.
        • Must be no more than ONE.
        • It needs to contain at least 1 valid [Class] sign.
      • 3 x Capture Points (Lot Name: YOUR_OWN_NAME)
        • You can have up to 10, and a minimum of 3 Capture Points.
        • Capture Points cannot be within the Red or Blue base.
        • Capture points MUST BE 1x1x1 (y-axis)
        • Capture points will be named whatever you want.
    • There must be NO other sublots on the lot.

    Starting the game
    To start the game, you must be the lot owner, players must be INSIDE either the red or blue base, if players are outside when the game starts, they will not be added. The players team is determined by what colour base they stand in. Each team requires a minimum for 1 player in order for the game to begin, however the teams do not need to be balanced. After all the players are in position, you need to decide if you wish to limit the game to a certain number of points. Then you type the following command:
    • /game -start Domination -lw<amount>
    The -lw trigger is for a score limitation, without this the game will continue until there are not enough players for it to. The game should now begin, each player will be placed in the Lobby, where you can click [Class] signs in order to choose your class, you will then be given the correct equipment and begin the game. You can then go to fight, capture flags and try to win the game :)

    Choosing Classes
    When you are choosing your class (in the Lobby), you cannot be seen or harmed by other players, meaning that you appear to be the only player in the lobby (no distractions). To pick your class, you either right click the sign, or left click the item frame below the sign, these can be used to illustrate the class. A valid class sign would be formatted like so:
    • [Class]
    • Class_Name
    Once picking your class, you will be placed in your teams base, and ready to fight, and once you die again, you will be able to select your class again. You may also choose a random class by putting the class name as "Random", which will choose one of all of the classes and assign that to you randomly.

    Class List
    There are currently five classes, these are Warrior, Archer, Ninja, Mage and Medic. Each of these had their own advantages and disadvantages against each class, its best that you find out which one you prefer for yourself, however here is some basic information about each class and what they can do:
    • Warrior
      • Weapons: Iron Sword
      • Power Item: Stomping Boots (Iron Boots) - Knock away nearby enemies.
      • Srengths/Weaknesses: Heavy Bleeder - Take extra damage from arrows.
    • Archer
      • Weapons: Wooden Sword, Bow
      • Power Item: Speed Powder (Glowstone Dust) - Provides a 20 second speed boost, followed by 10 seconds of slowness.
      • Srengths/Weaknesses: N/A
    • Ninja
      • Weapons: Stone Sword, Ender Pearls - Teleport you to the location
      • Power Item: Invisible Powder (Sugar) - Makes the player invisible for 20 seconds.
        • Ends if the player gets hit by another player.
      • Srengths/Weaknesses: N/A
    • Mage
      • Weapons: Gold Sword - Sets target player on fire for 10 seconds.
      • Power Item: Poison Dust (Gunpowder) - Shoots a snowball that 'infects' a player for 5 seconds.
        • 'Infection' includes: Poison, Slowness & Blindness Effects.
      • Srengths/Weaknesses: N/A
    • Medic
      • Weapons: Wooden Sword, Golden Axe - Heals target player for 1 heart, and self for 1/2 heart.
      • Power Item: Empowering Dust (Redstone) - Empowers nearby allies with bonus effects.
        • 'Bonus Effects' includes: Speed, Jump Boost, Resistance & Night Vision Effects.
      • Srengths/Weaknesses: N/A

    Scoring Points
    To score points, you can either capture flags, or kill the other team. For every time you kill a member of the opposing team, your team gains 1 point, this is a slower way to gain points. The fastest way to gain points is to take over 'Capture Points', which will give you 1 point every 30 seconds each, as well as resupply you with power items (Red, Yellow, White & Grey) and consumables (Arrows & Ender Pearls). Capture points should be clearly marked by the map maker, such as ontop of a special block, Capture points start out as white wool, and when are captured, change to your teams colour, if the enemy then captures it, it becomes their teams colour. To capture one, simply stand within 3 blocks of the capture point for a period of time, the capture points will begin to flash if they are being captured, it is not possible to capture one if both teams are in range of the capture point. If you capture a point that has been captured by the other team, then you will first neutralize it (make it un-owned).

    Ending the game
    The game will end when the score limit is reached, or there are not enough players on each team to continue. If a player leaves the arena, or logs out, they will exit the game, and their inventory will be returned to them. When the game ends, it will tell you the score and and who is on each time, as well as which team wins. The game will NOT hand out prizes.

    More Information
    Looking for more information? Simply ask in-game, in this thread or via PM and we will be happy to help you. You can also watch this prepared video that will show some basic gameplay and information.

    Fortress Defence (Beta Stage)
    Fortress Defence is a team game in which all the participants are on the same team, they pick roles which define what items they start with, and then begin to build up a fortress in order to defend, when all the players die then the game will end. When a player dies, they become a monster, and all the other players will see them as the monster they pick, and they can then begin to attack!

    Before starting the game, these are the requirments:
    • You must be on a lot/sublot.
    • The lot must have the following sublots:
      • 1 x Player Base (Lot Name: "TownCenter")
        • Must be fully inside the main lot.
        • Must be no more than ONE.
      • 1 x Monster Base (Lot Name: "MonsterCamp")
        • Must be fully inside the main lot.
        • Must be no more than ONE.
      • 1 x Player Lobby (Lot Name: "PlayerLobby")
        • Must be fully inside the main lot.
        • Must be no more than ONE.
        • It needs to contain at least 1 valid player [Role] sign.
      • 1 x Monster Lobby (Lot Name: "MonsterLobby")
        • Must be fully inside the main lot.
        • Must be no more than ONE.
        • It needs to contain at least 1 valid monster [Role] sign.

      Starting the game
      To start the game, you must be the lot owner, there must be a minimum of 4 players inside the lot, if players are outside when the game starts, they will not be added. When you are ready to start, type the following command:
      • /game -start Fortress

      Choosing Job Roles
      When you are choosing your role (in the Lobby), you cannot be seen or harmed by other players, meaning that you appear to be the only player in the lobby (no distractions). To pick your role, you either right click the sign, or left click the item frame below the sign, these can be used to illustrate the class. A valid role sign would be formatted like so:
      • [Role]
      • Job Role
      You should discuss with your team what roles you should pick, if you do not have at least 1 key role, you will struggle to survive. Once picking your role, you will be placed at the town center, and ready to being building, and once you die you will become a monster and put into the monster lobby to pick from a monster type. It is recommeded that you have 1 key role of each, and the rest be builder, to quickly build up your fortress.

      Job Role List
      There are currently five classes, these are Builder, Blacksmith, Lumberjack, Baker and Alchemist. Each of these with the exception of Alchemist, is required for you to be able to build a fortress, however here is some basic information about each role and what they can do:
      • Builder
        • Equipment: 1 Diamond Pickaxe, 32 TNT
        • Tasks:
          • 1) Using the TNT, head towards the gravel quarry and place the TNT, it will instantly ignite, when Gravel is destroyed, it will drop Cobblestone, and rarely glowstone (Gold Dust). Also within the quarry you will find resources such as Coal, Lapis, Redstone or Emerald.
          • 2) Deliver your resources, the gold dust, lapis and coal should be given to the blacksmith, they need this in order to start crafting! The lumberjacks will need some coal too! And the Redstone & Emeralds should be given to the Alchemist, if you have one.
          • 3) Using the cobblestone, you will want to build your fortress, making the walls more than 1 block thick, and adding a floor, the mosnters can dig!
      • Blacksmith
        • Equipment: 3 Anvils, 3 cauldrons, 2 furnaces, 2 Chests, 2 Signs, 1 Stone Pickaxe
        • Tasks:
          • 1) Place all of your blocks, and set up close to the town. To fill your cauldrons, right click with lapis.
          • 2) When you get your shipments from the builders, you can start, with 5 glowstone dust in hand, and 1 coal in inventory, right click the furnace, it will begin to cook you a gold bar
          • 3) Take your gold bar, and smash it on the anvil, it will make a random gold tool/weapon/armour for you!
          • 4) Dip your gold tools into the cauldron, this will coat them and they will become diamond and then share them around! ;)
      • Lumberjack
        • Equipment: 1 Diamond Axe, 3 Iron Blocks, 3 Iron Bars, 2 Chests, 2 Signs, 1 Stone Pickaxe
        • Tasks:
          • 1) Find a forest and start chopping! When you break the bottom of a tree, it will all fall down, remember to replant those sapplings for more wood!
          • 2) When you have enough wood, you need to turn it to sticks and dust, so place down your Saw, this is 3 iron blocks in a row, and 3 iron bars ontop!
          • 3) Take your logs, and punch the Saw (Iron bars), this will break it into planks, planks break into sticks, and sticks into Wood Dust (gunpowder)
          • 4) Next up, go to where the fortress is being built, and get some coal, right click with it to craft torches, you should place them around, you NEED light when it gets dark!
          • 5) With your wood dust, you want to right click the cobblestone fortress, it will strengthen some of the blocks, turning it to Stonebricks, you will want to use this to repair
      • Baker
        • Equipment: 1 Diamond Hoe, 2 furnaces, 1 water block, 8 seeds, 8 sugar cane, 2 Chests, 2 Signs, 1 Stone Pickaxe
        • Tasks:
          • 1) Set up your farm! You want to get some wheat and sugar, but don't worry, they grow at super speed! To harvest sugar cane, break it with your hoe, and sugar will drop instead!
          • 2) Next place your furnaces, right click with 5 wheat in hand, and 3 sugar in inventory, it will cook you a random food package.
          • 3) Now you should distribute this food to your fellow players, and place cakes in key deffensive areas ;)
      • Alchemist
        • Equipment: 3 Enchanting Tables, 8 Redstone, 2 Chests, 2 Signs, 1 Stone Pickaxe
        • Tasks:
          • 1) Get more redstone and emerals from the builder.
          • 2) Right click your enchanting table to create a random power item set, here is a list:
            • 8 Healing Gems (Diamond) - Instantly recover health on right click, this item is consumed.
            • 8 Teleport Home (Paper) - Instantly teleport to the Town Center (so build your base there!), this item is consumed.
            • 16 Ender Pearls - Duh..
            • Iron Door - Can only be opened by players!
          • 3) Give these items out evenly, they will give a good advantage!

      When a player dies (or leaves the game and rejoins), they become a monster with infinite lives and night vision. They will not be able to leave the spawn area until the game owner releases them. They are different from normal monsters, they can jump, sprint and even dig, but don't worry, they cant pick up items, they get sent to the lobby and get to pick any of the below monsters:
      Monster List
      There are currently six monsters, these are Zombie, Skeleton, Creeper, Silverfish and Enderman. Here is some basic information about each monster and what they can do:
      • Zombie
        • Equipment: 1 Iron Sword
          • Hard: Wooden Pickaxe
          • Insane: Stone Pickaxe
        • Armour:
          • Easy: None
          • Medium: Full Chainmail Armour
          • Hard: Full Iron Armour
          • Insane: Full Diamond Armour
        • Potion Effects: (Normal & Above) Speed II
      • Skeleton
        • Equipment: 1 Infinity Bow, 1 Arrow, 8 * (LEVEL) Vines
          • Hard: Bow: Infinity I, Punch I, Power I
          • Hard: Bow: Infinity I, Punch II, Power II
        • Armour:
          • Easy: None
          • Medium: Full Chainmail Armour
          • Hard: Full Chainmail Armour
          • Insane: Full Iron Armour
        • Potion Effects: None
      • Creeper
        • Equipment: 1 Gunpowder (Right Click: Start casting, when complete, explode)
        • Armour:
          • Easy: None
          • Medium: Full Chainmail Armour
          • Hard: Full Chainmail Armour
          • Insane: Full Iron Armour
        • Potion Effects: None
      • Silverfish
        • Equipment: 1 Wooden Sword, 6 * (LEVEL) Silverfish Eggs
        • Armour:
          • Easy: None
          • Medium: Full Chainmail Armour
          • Hard: Full Chainmail Armour
          • Insane: Full Iron Armour
        • Potion Effects: None
      • Spider
        • Equipment: 1 Stone Sword
        • Armour:
          • Easy: Leather Boots
          • Medium: Full Chainmail Armour, Leather Boots
          • Hard: Full Chainmail Armour, Leather Boots
          • Insane: Full Iron Armour, Leather Boots
        • Potion Effects: Jump Boost (LEVEL) * II
      • Enderman
        • Equipment: 1 Stone Sword, 16 * (LEVEL) Ender Pearls
        • Armour:
          • Easy: None
          • Medium: Full Chainmail Armour
          • Hard: Full Chainmail Armour
          • Insane: Full Iron Armour

      Winning the Game
      You can't win.

      Ending the game
      The game will end when everyone has died, but the challenge is staying alive and killing each other. The game will NOT hand out prizes.

      Game Rules
      The individual game rules are at the game creators discretion, however here are some defaults:
      • Do not attempt to kill your team!
      • Do not attempt to help the enemy team in any way!
      • Do not attempt to play solo or not band together!
      • Do not attempt to cheat or abuse any bugs!
      • Do not attempt to destroy the fortress as a player!
      • Do not attempt to commit suicide!

      What makes this game hard? Well, for a start, when monsters spawn, they have increased spawn rates and will be given weapons! Next up, when you are in a dark area, you get blindness, so get those torches! Want more? When one of you dies, you becom a monster, and so you can dig in to the base, have fun ;)

      Difficulty Level
      What does (LEVEL) mean in the above? Well, there are 4 difficulty levels, Easy, Medium, Hard and Insane, each of these determine the amount of equipment that the monsters get, and hence, how difficult it becomes. The game starts on easy and the game creator can change the level, each level has a number, used in the above, replace (LEVEL) with the following numbers:
      • Easy: 1
      • Medium: 2
      • Hard: 3
      • Insane: 4

      Game Managment (Staff Only So Far)
      Congratulations, you've started a game! So now you want to manage it? Great, here are a few commands to do this:
      • /game -addPlayer <player> - Replacing <player> with a player name, if they are on the lot, they will be added to the game.
      • /game -parse level:<1-4> - Replacing <1-4> with a number between 1 & 4, will change the difficulty of the game.
      • /game -parse released:<true/false> - Replacing <true/false> with either 'true' or 'false' will change if monsters are released.
      • /game -parse revive:<player> - Replacing <player> with a player name, it will bring that player back to life, and put them in the Player Lobby.
      • /game -parse kill:<player> - Replacing <player> with a player name, it will kill that player and put them as a monster.
      • /game -parse class:<player>:<role> - Replacing <player> with a player name and <class> with a Player Job, will give that player that class's inventory.
      • /game -parse monster:<player>:<type> - Replacing <player> with a player name and <type> with a Monster Type, will give that player that monster's inventory.
      • /game -parse eject:<player> - Replacing <player> with a player name, it will remove that player from the game.

      More Information
      Looking for more information? Simply ask in-game, in this thread or via PM and we will be happy to help you. You can also watch this prepared video that will show some basic gameplay and information.

    If you have any questions, feel free to ask :)
    You're comments and suggestions are also welcome!
« Last Edit: May 08, 2013, 08:40:51 AM by Nosliw »
  • Nosliw
I'm here to help.. With the following exception:

@EventHandler(priority = EventPriority.LOW)
public void onPlayerJoin(PlayerJoinEvent event) {
    Player player = event.getPlayer();
    if (player.getName().equals("SGT_ADZ") {
        player.kickPlayer("Yeah... Nah!");


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Re: Games
« Reply #1 on: November 19, 2012, 05:45:06 PM »
Can I suggest that we should have Hunger Games or something these have been pretty popular on Minecraft or Iv seen a TDM were you throw snowballs at the other players(TDM) and its only one snowball to kill. I have played both of these and I got to admit there pretty fun.
  • l_iamW


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Re: Games
« Reply #2 on: November 19, 2012, 06:05:54 PM »
We'll see Liam, We'll see ;)
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Re: Games
« Reply #3 on: November 22, 2012, 06:11:37 AM »
You're not the only person to suggest the Hunger Games, maybe I should look up some information about it.. Whats TDM?
  • Nosliw
I'm here to help.. With the following exception:

@EventHandler(priority = EventPriority.LOW)
public void onPlayerJoin(PlayerJoinEvent event) {
    Player player = event.getPlayer();
    if (player.getName().equals("SGT_ADZ") {
        player.kickPlayer("Yeah... Nah!");


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Re: Games
« Reply #4 on: November 22, 2012, 12:40:34 PM »
TDM is Team Deathmatch - I thought you would of known that from our UT days.
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Re: Games
« Reply #5 on: November 24, 2012, 08:49:51 AM »
The CTF migration is nearly complete, and this topic will be updated once the server is updated with the migration.
  • AlphaBlend
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Re: Games
« Reply #6 on: November 25, 2012, 10:02:40 AM »
I should build an arena of some sort, but I don't know what.
  • luetzj


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Re: Games
« Reply #7 on: November 26, 2012, 05:18:35 AM »
Updated the Domination game, it now includes classes! Also, to capture the capture points, you need to stand near them now!
  • Nosliw
I'm here to help.. With the following exception:

@EventHandler(priority = EventPriority.LOW)
public void onPlayerJoin(PlayerJoinEvent event) {
    Player player = event.getPlayer();
    if (player.getName().equals("SGT_ADZ") {
        player.kickPlayer("Yeah... Nah!");


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Re: Games
« Reply #8 on: November 28, 2012, 10:02:57 PM »
Capture the flag migration complete. Marked as such, and updated description a bit.
  • AlphaBlend
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Re: Games
« Reply #9 on: November 29, 2012, 01:18:19 AM »
Redid the CTF section to match the Domination section's format. (sorry for stealing your format Nos :P)
« Last Edit: November 29, 2012, 01:41:59 AM by StarScythe7 »
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Re: Games
« Reply #10 on: November 29, 2012, 04:47:16 PM »
Hopefully, once someone spawns the items on the lot. Cluster Chunk can get added to this list too. =]
  • TheReasoning


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Re: Games
« Reply #11 on: November 29, 2012, 05:27:23 PM »
What is Cluster Chunk?
  • luetzj


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Re: Games
« Reply #12 on: November 29, 2012, 11:42:03 PM »
A cluster of different types of blocks, 1 for each team, goal is to get to the other teams chunk and destroy their bed, last team with a player wins.
  • TheReasoning


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Re: Games
« Reply #13 on: November 30, 2012, 10:07:12 PM »
A cluster of different types of blocks, 1 for each team, goal is to get to the other teams chunk and destroy their bed, last team with a player wins.

Ah, this is to be a game like CTF, that is run by IDP?
  • luetzj


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Re: Games
« Reply #14 on: December 01, 2012, 12:27:56 AM »
It is almost 100% run able in vanilla, the only thing the IDP is needed for is regenerating the arena once a game is finished.
  • TheReasoning