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Author Topic: TinyWe  (Read 6389 times)


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« on: June 18, 2011, 10:25:15 PM »
I am posting this here, as it was a suggestion to begin with.

Here are the original posts:

Quote from: Theyoungster1
what the heck happened with the WE? we can't get  resources from it anymore, making it pretty useless since that's kinda  what we use it for...

not to mention destroying waypoints doesn't get you your 3 lapiz blocks back...  

i think it would be really nice to get the blocks back from WE and destroying waypoints, if that's okay.

Quote from: Sciamancer
It can now be used to mine blocks in the Resource Zone (see portal in spawn).

This  is to prevent massive holes in the regular world just taking up space,  and to prevent massive areas being stripped down to ugly nothingness.

Although  I agree about the waypoints thing, there needs to be a way to destroy  them and receive all your resources back... does mining them not work? I  haven't tried.


Quote from: Nosliw
I also disagree with the new World Edit update, They said this is to  stop people getting materials from the ground in big holes, well users  can simply world edit down 1 layer at a time and take the materials they  need or replace stone with air and take them, they tried to solve an  issue here however it didn't work.

The simple solution is already  in place, World Edit will follow the quota of 16 diamond/lapis an hour,  so why did this need to be done? I spent a large amount of yesterday  talking to Lynxy & Hret and they don't seem to happy to change this  back D:

Often though World Edit isn't used for mass mining, for  example I use it to correct my mistakes, if I place a block of Obsidian  in the wrong place, I can World Edit it away, if I did break it with a  pick, the item would most likely fall and burn in lava. Large amounts of  users use the Tiny World Edit to make the game a little easier when  building large structures, however now this doesn't seem to be as much  the case.

Tiny World Edit was also used for demolition, users  would select the area and then be able to get all the materials back  from their unwanted structure, saving them time, this is also no-longer  possible. The getting items back from World Edit was a large feature,  however now it has been removed it halves the usefulness of it.

I  believe this has been done because HretSam is like Notch, Notch removes  'bugs' that other people see as features to the game. HretSam is doing  something similar, he doesn't play the game from a users point of view  and so he doesn't see what users want, the only way he does it through  the forums. He needs to spend a little more time seeing things from a  players point of view.

I hope this will change someone's mind

Quote from: Sciamancer
Nosliw makes a good point. A solution could be  simply banning hole mines in the regular world, with a suitable  punishment. Not banning, mind you; a warning at first. Reporting your  own hole, of course, won't result in banning, seeing as they're so  widespread already. Fill up the hole with stone (and dirt at top).  Viola.

Sidenote: Youngster, that is one of my favorite lines from Portal 2. (Your Signature)


I got a lot of negative reactions about the new TinyWE system. Where i tought you would see it the same way i do.
Now clearly you don't but that is not that bad.

Now, i will see if i can find a way to let both systems work somewhat the same.
Do you guys mind if you need to 'pay' an item to get blocks back? (They will be stored in the database, and will most likely be sugarcanes or something similar)

And as for Nosliw, ok maby you saw this as Notch did a while back.
But i will try to get a solution that where all happy with.

  • Hretsam


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« Reply #1 on: June 19, 2011, 03:58:49 AM »
Quote from: Hretsam;22
Now, i will see if i can find a way to let both systems work somewhat the same.
Do you guys mind if you need to 'pay' an item to get blocks back? (They will be stored in the database, and will most likely be sugarcanes or something similar)

You mean something like One (1) Sugar Cane = One (1) block, or One (1) Sugar Cane = One (1) Tiny World Edit?

I would favour it being free, however if it had to cost some kind of item, it would have to be something easy to get as I often do World Edit all the time as if it was something like slimeballs then it would be to much effort to get it. I didn't exactly get what you meant by 'They will be stored in the database', my best guess is that you mean we will get the Sugar Cane and say a command such as /twpoints which will remove all the sugar cane in our inventory and give us some kind of points that will be used for Tiny World Edit, if so then would it be better than having to take Sugar Cane with me everywhere :P If this does happen though there would have to be some kind of message when you do Tiny World Edit telling you how many you have left.

Personally I dislike the idea of having to pay for Tiny World Edit, it won't stop people from World Edit mining, that is why the quota was first put in place for World Edit was it not? I believe that this is enough to fix the problem and a pay system won't help, it will only lead to a large amount of sugar cane farms :P
  • Nosliw
I'm here to help.. With the following exception:

@EventHandler(priority = EventPriority.LOW)
public void onPlayerJoin(PlayerJoinEvent event) {
    Player player = event.getPlayer();
    if (player.getName().equals("SGT_ADZ") {
        player.kickPlayer("Yeah... Nah!");


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    • ArronM
« Reply #2 on: June 19, 2011, 09:52:45 AM »
I think it shuold be free, but anyone found making "massive holes" shuold be banned, or stripped of world edit
  • ArronM
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