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Author Topic: annahelle and kevmar18  (Read 9872 times)


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Re: annahelle and kevmar18
« Reply #15 on: July 23, 2012, 10:16:16 PM »
well why should you ban someone for speaking another language that is sort of being racist how would you feel if you got banned for being mexican that is kind of what it is like no offense to any mexicans out there and no offense for calling you racist or your choice i just think that is just not nice to people who speak another language they will get bored and get off if no one can talk to them but i agree with alpha mostly it is not fair plus it is hard to learn another language lots of us are still learning some new words sort of all of us don't know all of english
« Last Edit: July 23, 2012, 11:11:46 PM by bpat »


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Re: annahelle and kevmar18
« Reply #16 on: July 24, 2012, 01:33:15 AM »
well why should you ban someone for speaking another language that is sort of being racist how would you feel if you got banned for being mexican that is kind of what it is like no offense to any mexicans out there and no offense for calling you racist or your choice i just think that is just not nice to people who speak another language they will get bored and get off if no one can talk to them but i agree with alpha mostly it is not fair plus it is hard to learn another language lots of us are still learning some new words sort of all of us don't know all of english

First of all, race and language are different things. They got banned because they spoke an other language, not because they are Mexican, Asian or whatever.

Where does it say that?

It doesn't indeed. Somewhere along the way the rule was lost in traffic to the new forums. However thought it was pretty obvious.

Look people, we are an English server. So talk English. If you want to talk in your native language use the private chat, local chat or a chatroom for it. If you can't live with that, you might need a different server. You don't see me talking to everybody in Dutch?

The idea behind it is simple like Egg already said:
Quote from: Eggnaug
I cannot properly moderate if I cannot understand players.
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