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Author Topic: Bridge problem idea  (Read 4683 times)


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Bridge problem idea
« on: July 29, 2011, 03:48:56 PM »
I've noticed that for some reason bridges will become unremovable (this happens to my tower when i use redstone near it).
this hasn't been a problem for me because I can just right click my iron door and dont need a lever or button. But today when I right clicked my iron door to open it, it activated a bridge anyways! The bridge streched all the way to the top of my tower. I don't want to wait for an admin every time this happens so i came up with this idea.
I know you cant destroy bridges and gates to stop people from getting unlimited wood. But what if insted of indestructable wood, why not make it possible to destroy, but have it not drop anything. this would let people fix any bridge gliches themselves without them getting free wood or fences (for gates).
I still want to know how my iron door activated a bridge.
  • kevinray
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