BridgesIn the last update bridges got changed a lot.
How to make a bridge:To make a bridge you need to make 2 lines of obsidian where you want your bridge.
The lines of obsidian can be up to 16 blocks apart! So you can make pretty long bridges.

Now that you have made the area where you want your bridge, you just need to activate it.
This can be done with a lever or redstone.
To power a bridge with a lever, put a block next to a piece of cobblestone, and put a lever on it.
When you power the lever on, it will make the bridge.

To make a bridge work with redstone, you need to power one of the obsidian blocks with a redstone repeater or diode.
Shown below is the basic setting to power a bridge with redstone.

Since IPD 4.0 you can also make the bridge work with other materials then wooden planks!
To do this, put the block you want under the obsidian block that is getting powered.
If there is no block, or the block is not allowed it will use the default wooden planks as bridge material.
Materials that are allowed: Stone, Dirt, Cobblestone, Wooden Planks, Glass, Lapiz Lazuli block, Standstone, Gold block, Iron block, Brick, Bookcase, Mossy Cobblestone, Diamond block, Workbench, Ice, Snow block, Clay, Pumpkin, Netherrack, Soul sand (slow sand), Glowstone and Jack o' Lantern.

You can do a lot with bridges, even the form is not limited to the standard flat setting.
The bridge below is still powered by that single piece of redstone.

Blocks that can be used as bridge:
Blockid | Name |
1 | Stone |
1 | Stone |
2 | Grass |
3 | Dirt |
4 | CobbleStone |
5 | Wood/planks |
18 | leaves |
20 | Glass |
22 | Lapiz lazuli block |
24 | Sandstone |
27 | Powered Rail* |
28 | Detector Rail* |
30 | Cobwebs |
35 | Wool |
41 | Gold block |
42 | Iron block |
43 | Double slabs |
44 | Slabs |
45 | Brick |
47 | Bookcase |
48 | Mossy cobble |
51 | Fire* |
53 | Wooden stairs |
57 | Diamond block |
58 | Workbench |
60 | Farmland |
65 | Ladder* |
66 | Rails* |
79 | Ice |
80 | Snow |
82 | Clay |
85 | Fence |
86 | Pumpkin |
87 | Netherrack |
88 | Soul sand |
89 | Glowstone |
91 | Jack 'o lantern |
98 | Stone Brick |
101 | Iron bars |
102 | Glass pane |
108 | Brick stairs |
109 | Stone Brick stairs |
110 | Mycelium |
113 | Nether Brick Fence |
114 | Nether brick stairs |
112 | Nether brick |
121 | End Stone |
123 | Redstone lamp OFF |
124 | Redstone lamp ON |
125 | Double wooden slab |
126 | Wooden slab |
* Only when block under or next. For fire there needs to be netherrack below