Guest | accept | a | Accepts an incoming request. | /accept [id] | |
Guest | allow | grant | Allows one or multiple players to the object you're looking at. | /allow [lotid] <username[,username2,...]> | |
Guest | allowedlots | al | Lists all lots that a player is allowed to. | /allowedlots | |
Guest | balance | getbalance, getbal, bal | Gets a player's balance. | /balance | |
Guest | bank | | Command to access a player's bank. | /bank [-deposit, -d <amount>] [-withdraw, -w <amount>] [-note, -n <valutas> [-amount, -a <amount>]] | |
Guest | channel | ch | A command to manage a chat channel by its ID or name. | /channel <channel/ID> [-banned] [-op/-deop <username>] [-disband] [-kick, -k/-ban, -b/-unban, -ub <username>] [-setpass, -sp <password>] [-giveup, -setowner, -gu, -so <new owner>] [-clearpass] [-hide, -h] [-unhide, -uh] [-information, -info] [-invite <username>] [-rename <new name>] | |
Guest | chatsounds | | A command to toggle chat sounds. | /chatsounds <sound type OR all> <on/off> OR [list] | |
Guest | chestshop | cs | A command that is used to list all chest shop lots. | /chestshop [-list [-page, -p <page>]] | |
Guest | clearchat | | This sends a lot of empty messages to the sender, clearing the chat screen. | /clearchat | |
Guest | cmdinfo | | Gives information about a command. | /cmdinfo <command> | |
Guest | commandlist | commands, cmdlist, cmd | Shows all accessible commands. | /commandlist [page] | |
Guest | compass | | Shows the direction the player is looking at. | /compass | |
Guest | countitem | | Counts the number of items in a container the player is looking at. | /countitem <material/ID[:data]> | |
Guest | deny | unallow, disallow, revoke | Denies one or multiple players to the object you're looking at. | /deny [lotid] <-all> OR <username[,username2,...]> | |
Guest | die | | Kills yourself at the expense of losing your experience. | /die | |
Guest | editsign | es | Edits the sign you're looking at. | /editsign [-shift, -s <amount> <up/down>] OR <line number> <new text> OR <-clear, -c> | |
Guest | editsignwand | esw | Manages a player's edit sign wand. | /editsignwand [-blank, -b [line]] [-clear, -c [line]] [-view, -v] <text> | |
Guest | emptybucket | empty, eb | Empties the bucket in your hand. | /emptybucket | |
Guest | findrenamedplayer | frp | A command to find the most current name of a player. | /findrenamedplayer <any player name> | |
Guest | getlot | | Gives a pre-made lot to the player. | /getlot | |
Guest | gotolot | gtl | Teleports to the spawn of the given lot. | /gotolot [lot id] [<username> [lotnumber]] | |
Guest | heal | | Heal yourself at the cost of vote points. | /heal | |
Guest | help | | Displays a help menu. | /help [page] | |
Guest | id | | Shows the material of a block looked at (additional info if owned or a player head).) | /id | |
Guest | ignore | ign | Allows you to ignore a user. | /ignore <player> | |
Guest | ignored | | Allows you to see who is ignored on your list. | /ignored | |
Guest | itemid | iteminfo, ii | Returns a description of the item in your hand. | /itemid | |
Guest | kicksit | ks | Kicks a passenger off of you. | /kicksit | |
Guest | lights | | Toggles the use of your portable light. | /lights [on/off] | |
Guest | login | | A command that logs a player with a password set into the server. | /login <password> [-update <newpassword>] [-delete <current password>] | |
Guest | lotban | | Bans one or multiple players from a lot. | /lotban [id] <username[,username2,...]> [timeout] | |
Guest | lotcenter | | Teleports you to the center of a lot. | /lotcenter [id] | |
Guest | lotinfo | | Prints out info about a lot. | /lotinfo <lotid> | |
Guest | lotkick | | Kicks one or multiple players from a lot. | /lotkick [id] <username[,username2,...]> | |
Guest | lotunban | | Unbans a player from a lot. | /lotunban [id] <username> | |
Guest | mail | | Sends mail to another player. | /mail [-list, -l [-page, -p <number>]] [-read, -r <number>] [-remove, -delete <number>] [<username> <title> <message>] [-clear, -c] | |
Guest | massremove | mremove, mr | Mass removes all items of a player based on type. | /massremove <material> [amount] [-drop] | |
Guest | mcboost | | Boosts the vehicle of the player. | /mcboost | |
Guest | msg | m, w, whisper, tell | Sends a whisper message to the target player. | /msg <username> <message> | |
Guest | mylot | myplot | Teleports the player to their lot. | /mylot [lotnumber] | |
Guest | mylots | | Lists all of your lots. | /mylots [-page, -p <number>] | |
Guest | ping | | Displays your ping, another player's, or all players on the server. | /ping | |
Guest | pvp | | This changes the pvp settings for the player. | /pvp <on/off> | |
Guest | redeem | reward, votepoint, vp, rd, re | Allows you to redeem vote points. | /redeem | |
Guest | reject | | Rejects an incomming request | /reject [id] | |
Guest | reply | r | Replies to the last person that sent you a message. | /reply <message> | |
Guest | requestlist | requests, rq | Lists all incomming requests. | /requestlist | |
Guest | save | | Saves your player profile. | /save | |
Guest | sendmoney | sm, send | Sends valutas to the specified player. | /sendmoney <player> <amount> | |
Guest | serverinfo | | Displays information about the server. | /serverinfo [-help] | |
Guest | setlotname | | Sets a lot's name. | /setlotname [id] [name] | |
Guest | setlotnr | | Sets the lot number of the lot. | /setlotnr [lotid] <lotnr> | |
Guest | setshopitem | ssi | Creates a listing of an item on a chest sign shop. | /setshopitem [item name] <buy/sell> <amount> <price> | |
Guest | setting | settings, playersetting, toggle | Changes the setting for a player. | /setting | |
Guest | spawn | | Sends te player to the spawn. | /spawn | |
Guest | staffrequest | sr | Creates a request the staff can see. | /staffrequest <message> [-list, -l [-page, -p <page>]] [-read, -view, -r, -v <ID>] | |
Guest | statistics | stats | Shows statistics for a player. | /statistics [player] | |
Guest | thatlot | | Displays information about the lot you are looking at. | /thatlot | |
Guest | thislot | | Displays information about the lot you are in. | /thislot | |
Guest | transfercaughtentities | tce | Requests transfer of caught entities to a player. | /transfercaughtentities <player> | |
Guest | trash | | Opens a trash bin. | /trash [-view, -v] [-timeleft, -tl] | |
Guest | unignore | unign | Allows you to unignore a user. | /unignore <player or -all> | |
Guest | unsitpets | | Unsits any pets you may have. | /unsitpets | |
Guest | valutasink | vtsink, vsink | Shows how many valutas were taken from the economy. | /vtsink | |
Guest | version | ver, icanhasbukkit, idpv, omversion | Displays version information of the IDP. | /version | |
Guest | vote | | Shows you all vote sites and when you can vote again. | /vote | |
Guest | warp | | Teleports the player to a warp location. | /warp [list] OR [-warps (-w), -lots (-l) [-page, -p <page number>]] OR [warp name] | |
Guest | who | list | Displays a list of all users online, or in a specific world. | /who [world] | |
Guest | wholot | wl | Displays all users on the lot you're standing in. | /wholot | |
Guest | world | | Displays the world the player is in. | /world | |
User | bleach | | This turns the wool, carpet, or clay in your hand to white (or hard clay), or your entire inventory if you specify -all. | /bleach [-wool, -w] [-carpet, -c] [-clay] [-all] | |
User | changespawn | changelotspawn, setlotspawn | Sets the spawn of a lot. | /changespawn [lotid] | |
User | channellist | chanlist, chlist | Lists all channels, or users in a channel. | /chanlist [channel number/name [-showoffline, -so]] [-page, -p <page number>] [-mychans] | |
User | clearcaughtentities | cce | Removes all caught entities with the fishing rod. | /clearcaughtentities | |
User | emote | em, me | Sends a message as an emote. | /emote <text> | |
User | findObject | find | Lists all owned objects of a certain type you own. | /findObject <-chests> <-waypoints> <-doors> <-trapdoors> <-bookcases> <-switches> | |
User | join | j | Joins a chat channel by its name. | /join <channel> [-setpass, -sp <password>] [-pass, -password, -p <password>] [-hide, -h] | |
User | leave | l | Leaves a chat channel specified by its ID or name. | /leave <channel number/name> | |
User | link | | Allows two switches to be linked to each other. | /link <switchid> [switchid] | |
User | locateplayer | lp | Sets compass target to given player or spawn if no username. | /locateplayer [username] | |
User | lotsafeadd | lsa | Adds a username to the lot safelist. | /lotsafeadd [lot id] <player> | |
User | lotsafedel | lsd | Removes a player from the lot safelist. | /lotsafedel [lot id] <player> OR <-clear> | |
User | present | createpresent | Creates a present from the item in your hand. | /present [title] | |
User | referral | refer | All referral related commands. | /referral [-points] [-refer [reason] [-u player] [-list] [-unlock <bonus>] | |
User | score | | Command to get the score of the current game. | /score [-game <id>] [-player <playername>] | |
User | setchatname | | Change the case of your username in chat. | /setchatname <newname> | |
User | setentermsg | emsg, setentrymsg, setwelcomemsg | Sets the enter message for the lot. | /setentermsg [id] <message> | |
User | setflag | | Sets an object's flags. | /setflag [id] <flag1[,flag2,...]> [on/off] | |
User | setleavemsg | lmsg, setexitmsg | Sets the exit message of a lot. | /setleavemsg [id] <message> | |
User | sortchest | sort, orderchest, order | This will automatically sort the chest you are looking at according to ID and Amount. | /sortchest | |
User | tpback | tpfrom | Teleports you to the location you were at before your last teleport. | /tpback | |
User | tpr | | Teleports a player to you, at the cost of 50 or 35 valutas. | /tpr <username> | |
User | wpadd | addwaypoint | Adds a waypoint at the player's location. | /wpadd | |
User | wpset | waypointset, setwaypoint | Sets the destination of a waypoint. | /wpset <id> | |
VIP | backpack | bp | Opens up the backpack of a player. | /backpack | |
VIP | deletehome | removehome, dh, rh | Deletes a home by its number or home name. | /deletehome <number, or home name> | |
VIP | home | | Teleports the player to their home. | /home [number, or home name] | |
VIP | listhomes | homelist | Lists all of the player's homes. | /listhomes | |
VIP | setbookcasetitle | bookcase, setcasename, casetitle | Sets the name of a bookcase. | /setbookcasetitle <name> | |
VIP | sethome | sh | Sets the home location of the player. | /sethome <[home number] or [-name <name>]> | |
VIP | twcount | | Counts the amount of blocks within your region. | /twcount <block> | |
VIP | twpos | | Sets a point in the selection for TinyWE. | /twpos <nr> | |
VIP | twsize | | Gives information about the selected region. | /twsize [shape] | |
Super VIP | autoharvest | harvest, tractor | This will automatically plant and harvest crops as you walk for 30 seconds. | /autoharvest | |
Super VIP | craft | | Pulls up a mobile crafting grid. | /craft | |
Super VIP | massaccess | ma | Allows or denies a user to all owned objects in the player's selection. | /massaccess <allow/add/deny/remove> <username> | |
Super VIP | respawnlot | rl | Sets the lot you will respawn at. | /respawnlot <peronal lot number> | |
Super VIP | sethelmet | sethelm, helmet, helm | Puts the item in your hand into your helmet slot. | /sethelmet | |
Super VIP | tp | teleport | Teleports to a player. | /tp <username> | |
Super VIP | twclipboard | twclip, twc | Manages your TinyWE clipboard. | /twclipboard [-clear] [-rotate [degrees]] | |
Super VIP | twcopy | | Copies the selected region to your clipboard. | /twcopy | |
Super VIP | twoutline | | This will place blocks around the outline of the selection. | /twoutline <blockid[:data]> [type] [-force, -f] | |
Super VIP | twpaste | | Pastes the region from your clipboard. | /twpaste [-air] | |
Super VIP | twreplace | | Replaces the blocks in the selection with the given block. | /twreplace <fromblockid[:data];..> <toblockid[:data]> [type] [-force, -f] | |
Super VIP | twresize | twr | Allows the player to expand or contract the selected region. | /twresize [help [number]] OR <amount> <north, south, east, west, up, down, face, all, n, s, e, w, u, d, f, a> ... [vertical, vert, v] | |
Super VIP | twrotate | | Rotates the direction of various blocks. | /twrotate <north/south/east/west/up/down> | |
Super VIP | twset | | Sets the blocks in an area to the given block. | /twset <blockid[:data]]> [type] [-force, -f] | |
Super VIP | twshift | | Shifts the TinyWE region in the given direction and amount. | /twshift <amount> <north, south, east, west, up, down, n, s, e, w, u, d> | |
Super VIP | twwalls | | Sets the walls in the selection to the target block. | /twwalls <blockid[:data]> [type] [-force, -f] | |
Goldy | resetprefix | | Resets a player's prefix. | /resetprefix [username] | |
Goldy | setprefix | changeprefix | Sets a prefix for the player. | /setprefix <prefix text> [-username, -user, -u, -player, -p <username>] [-color] | |
Diamond | miningstick | ms | A command to modify the behavior of the mining stick. | /miningstick | |