First of all, I am a little late but Happy New Year!
From the whole Innectis staff!
Best wishes for 2012, and i hope everybody here got to keep their fingers!
Anyway, to get on with the news.
As some of you may have noticed we had a lot of downtime today. I want to keep you informed what happened.
There where 2 separate events where the server was down today.
Approx 2-3 hours ago the server went down due to some some unforeseen circumstances. Due to a (still) unknown reason the database refused to respond to us. After several attempts we got it back to working again.
To bad there was an second incident about 1 hour to 30 minutes ago. This was outside our reach to do anything about.
I've got reports from our hosting company that somebody in our data-centre was using his machine to stage a DDOS attack. This caused increased latency's for several servers, including ours.
They quickly discovered the machine, and shut it down for further investigation.
This all adds up two separate incidents that caused a lot of downtime for the server. Its just bad luck that they where on the same day (on way to start 2012).
I hope this informs you enough about the recent events.
Oh, and to get back on the mod applications. They will be posted tomorrow... With some other news.
That's all for now, so goodbye and goodnight!