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Messages - AterRuit

Pages: [1]
Bans / Aterruit
« on: October 28, 2011, 04:40:24 PM »
Ok. Today is the 28th' and I still can't log on.... Can I haz unban now???

Bans / Aterruit
« on: October 26, 2011, 11:21:27 AM »
I'm not appealing my ban. I broke the rules, and deserve to be punished accordingly. Because I have RESPECT for this COMMUNITY. I will NOT be appealing my ban.  The only reason your pit was removed from your first lot is because you had your lots reset. I am not going to grovel in front of a mod Just so I can play with the likes of YOU aaron. If i wanted to play with little kids who want to pretend to obey the rules just so they can cause chaos in the game then I'd set up a server in a middle school.

Bans / Aterruit
« on: October 26, 2011, 11:07:03 AM »
Aaron want's to throw mud. I caught him wall walking onto my property this morning. He continued to go throw my stuff after I asked him to leave. He then went and ate my cake in my house.  On contrast with aaron's "death trap" Aaron invited me over to his lot, and without warning pulled the lever on the trap. That day his chosen method of griefing was to kill players by unknowingly putting them in traps on his property. Nobody WANTED to be a trap, and he offered a warning to Nobody. I could have reported him for griefing on that that day, but due to the fact that Aaron get's reported all the time, I figured I'd pass that opportunity up and let someone else do it. Sure enough, RageMar put in a temporary ban for Aaron on the 22nd.

The mods continue to do nothing about him, and he is a problem. He is a nuisance. All he does is harass other players. I do nothing, mind my own buisness and keep to myself. I actually HELP other players. My name has never been brought up for a ban for griefing, because i do nothing but help other players on the server. Someone should do something about the situation before it ruin's Innectis's name. Nobody want's to play on a server where the Mods are Chummy with a Griefer.

While I admit that I have used hacks previously, I've never used them to harm or hurt anyone.

And I'm sure other players would agree, that it is better to have a nice player who uses mod's and benefits a server by helping the community, than someone like Aaron. Who does as much damage as he can when he can.

Suggestions / Locked furnaces?
« on: October 23, 2011, 07:47:04 PM »
Kind of difficult to build an established online community with Immature pranksters running around stealing other peoples goods. On a pvp area actions like that would be the norm, if not even promoted. But in a friendly town environment it is unacceptable.

Suggestions / Mobs Apocalypse
« on: October 22, 2011, 11:00:41 AM »
Sounds like fun!

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