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Messages - TheJuanTron7

Pages: [1]
right,  yah im  a noob at programing and stuff so i believe u it'd be  hard, or maybe to hard to be worth it. i was just dreaming out loud realy.. kool idea tho eh? :P

Hi everyonem found this video on youtube and found it fascinating. it is a mod some people are working on, and i though it was really kool, adding a complitely new dynamic to the game. wanted to post it here to share with you all, and in the hopes that maybe one day it could be added in some way?  well we will see, but for now, enjoy!

PS: I moved this forum post from the general forums, if someone can delete that one than sweet. sry i didnt see this forum category  before xD

Announcements / Re: Regarding next update (5.2.5) and inventory wipes
« on: February 22, 2012, 01:09:48 AM »
Veeery nice : )

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