Innectis Community Forum
Innectis - Minecraft Server => Suggestions => Topic started by: SGT_ADZ on March 21, 2012, 05:38:40 PM
I think it would be a good idea for users, vips, super vips can buy lots with volters but not for a super cheap price....
lemme know what you guys think? :)
Why would I buy if its free to use a mod
like if users want another lot....... because ppl who are user always complain that they want another lot and some dont want to donate so i see this as being a fair compramise for users, vips and super vips to be able to have more lots at a cost to them with virtual money :)
like if users want another lot....... because ppl who are user always complain that they want another lot and some dont want to donate so i see this as being a fair compramise for users, vips and super vips to be able to have more lots at a cost to them with virtual money :)
Would also drastically decrease real revenue for the server. No to this idea.
but that amount of vt is hard to get and is time consuming to get, and plus if they buy a lot they arent gonna have any vt left for another one so they have to go thru the whole process if getting them again.
The only thing you need to do is kill 625 Blaze, which isn't hard if you find a sqawner.
Money will not be rewarded with spawners i believe ^^
For one, your prices are way off. 5000vT for a 30x lot is not NEARLY enough. You can get 5000 in 2 hours easily if you know how. Try 50,000 maybe.
And two, if we were to allow buying lots outside your rank's restrictions, it wouldn't be with vT. Referral points perhaps, or vote points. Not vT :P
For one, your prices are way off. 5000vT for a 30x lot is not NEARLY enough. You can get 5000 in 2 hours easily if you know how. Try 50,000 maybe.
And two, if we were to allow buying lots outside your rank's restrictions, it wouldn't be with vT. Referral points perhaps, or vote points. Not vT :P
those prices are just examples and how often do u find a blaze spawner in the nether, only in fortresses tbh, because of the amount of ppl moaning baout wanting more lots then i see this as being fair so they can get more lots without donating. i think this idea can be good and it should be given a trial period.
Buy lots with:
Referral Points
Voting Points
etc :)
Innectis runs on donations. If we suddenly allow users to get additional lots, would they ever donate? Would Innectis go under :O?
A 30x30x256 lot contains 230,000 blocks (or about 60 floors). I think that's a comfortable amount for free users. VIP is only $5 and you get so much more
Actually, Since monster spawner monsters no longer drop vT it's a bit harder to farm it. Naturally spawned blazes no longer give vT, since blazes only exist from spawners. (please change this so they're the exception? lol).
When did that update happen? Just two days ago I was using a blaze spawner.
why are these users complaining it only costs $5 to get vip then they can get 2 more lots its not hard to do i just asked my mum for five dollars and she said "REALLY!!" only 5, it's not hard to do
i know but if they cant afford $5..... and it would be hard a time consuming to get 50,000vt and i doubt ppl would save up that much to get it
But Innectis needs donations or it would be dead, so what if everyone decides to use vT's for lots then Innectis would go bankrupt and the whole thing would be pointless :(
1. pizza, innectis wont go broke thats why hretman works.
2. yeah thats right they might as well just pay five dollars its really not that hard
This bypasses the lot restrictions put in place by the IDP developers. This suggestion will not be added to IDP.
I think users should be allowed only 1 extra 30x30 lot for, I'd say, 100,000-150,000 vt. After that, they have to donate.
But Innectis needs donations or it would be dead, so what if everyone decides to use vT's for lots then Innectis would go bankrupt and the whole thing would be pointless :(
1+ Thats a good one! (Youre comment)
I agree with piz, innectis would lose money if this were the case and it would take some fun out of the server, cause everyone would be competing for the lowest price via chest shop, or just staying in the nether killing pigmen!
+1 Piz
1. pizza, innectis wont go broke thats why hretman works.
First of all, his name is Hretsam. Probably should learn the names of the admins.
Second, Hretsam does not work to pay for Innectis. I know I sure wouldn't shell out loads of cash every month to pay for a server that no one else is willing to pay for. Donations keep us up. Simple as that. Perhaps if donations come in a little slower we will help out on costs. But if that goes on for too long don't expect to see Innectis hanging around..
Not trying to panic anyone. We can run the server for many months with the current donation pool! Just pointing out his incorrect statement.
lynxy just go along with it, jeez ;D