Innectis Community Forum
Innectis - Minecraft Server => Suggestions => Topic started by: Zezarict on March 20, 2012, 07:30:22 AM
I think that, for ease of placing and to make them more easily traded, catching mobs with a rod should give you a spawn egg. that way you can trade them and not have to place every one at once.
(and a side thing, after captured, they actually disappear, unless that's my client side glitch)
The point of fishing rod is to allow you to move animals. Not to store/trade them...
Well is there a reason why we can't store/trade them? I'm not trying to be a smartass, it's an actual question.
Spawn eggs are planned to be reward/event items, it will just be easier for us to keep track of them if such a basic feature doesn't spam them to everyone.