Innectis Community Forum
Innectis - Minecraft Server => Suggestions => Topic started by: Eggnaug on January 25, 2012, 05:28:41 PM
Is there any way we could have another world that resembles the end so we can get End Stone
I'd like if End Stone remains one of the unobtainable blocks in Innectis, This adds more fun to events. :)
I'm with Egg on this, I believe any block/item that can be normally obtained in vanilla MC Survival should have some way to obtain it. I feel when players aren't able to get items they could normally obtain it's almost as if a feature of MC itself is taken away. I can understand why enchanting and potions are disabled for now, but I don't think we should be restricted from access you Endstone just because you want it to be a rare prize :\. And I believe some players actually want to build with some Endstone, and need quite a bit of it.
I also apply this thought to Mushroom Biomes.