Innectis Community Forum

Innectis - Minecraft Server => Suggestions => Topic started by: Nicolethenikki on August 17, 2013, 10:27:01 AM

Title: Skyblock, Parkour and Lava Wars games!
Post by: Nicolethenikki on August 17, 2013, 10:27:01 AM
Hey guys!

So I have been brainstorming about what do to with our gameroom (even though i'm not a moderator :P) and I came up with
3 of my favorite minecraft games that we should add- Skyblock (an old but fun game) Parkour (Challenge!) and Lava Wars! (If any of you guys are skydoesminecraft fans he has a video of that.)

I think that if you guys create those, Innectis will be a more entertaining server!
Title: Re: Skyblock, Parkour and Lava Wars games!
Post by: mercilessdegree on August 17, 2013, 10:55:55 AM
Lol what's Lava wars? I've seen Sky and know what he's about (Like budder I can't stand fanboys going on about that) But lava wars?
I too love skyblock but I don't see much use of it on innectis, I mean we have so much gear, commands and generating lots of worlds for skyblock would probably be a gruelling task (Just my opinion not sure how rest of you feel :P) And we do have parkour already lol try /warp bluebox it's a pretty tricky yet fun parkour lol.
Title: Re: Skyblock, Parkour and Lava Wars games!
Post by: Nosliw on August 18, 2013, 06:42:10 AM
Of those three, some kind of lava based PvP game sounds most interesting, if that's what it is. If I were still working on minigames, I would look into that one, but the others just don't suit. Skyblock Battle though, that could be good though! Jumping puzzles are something that can be done without being added to Minigame world. Anyway, since its now down to Alpha, he might not even maintain the game system, so your guess is as good as mine to if he is going to add some..
Title: Re: Skyblock, Parkour and Lava Wars games!
Post by: hungrybobby1 on August 18, 2013, 11:30:52 AM
Of those three, some kind of lava based PvP game sounds most interesting, if that's what it is. If I were still working on minigames, I would look into that one, but the others just don't suit. Skyblock Battle though, that could be good though! Jumping puzzles are something that can be done without being added to Minigame world. Anyway, since its now down to Alpha, he might not even maintain the game system, so your guess is as good as mine to if he is going to add some..
Why *might* not Alpha be maintaining the War Games? :/
Can't he like just make it community operated? Cuz I swear sometime in the past someone said the goal was to make it community based...
Title: Re: Skyblock, Parkour and Lava Wars games!
Post by: mercilessdegree on August 18, 2013, 11:38:17 AM
Of those three, some kind of lava based PvP game sounds most interesting, if that's what it is. If I were still working on minigames, I would look into that one, but the others just don't suit. Skyblock Battle though, that could be good though! Jumping puzzles are something that can be done without being added to Minigame world. Anyway, since its now down to Alpha, he might not even maintain the game system, so your guess is as good as mine to if he is going to add some..
Why *might* not Alpha be maintaining the War Games? :/
Can't he like just make it community operated? Cuz I swear sometime in the past someone said the goal was to make it community based...
Alpha has stated he is removing 'Some' of Nosliw's pieces, Minigames have never been said to be completely removed. Innectis may be a survival server but I would also prefer minigames to be continued, just maybe some of the lesser used ones could go as they weren't played much, this is all up to Alpha but I'm sure he listens to the communities input aswell as staffs.
Title: Re: Skyblock, Parkour and Lava Wars games!
Post by: TheReasoning on August 18, 2013, 11:55:36 AM
Simple as this. We will not be updating content we feel will die out. For example, it is highly unlikely games such as CTF and Domination will continue to be updated, simply because they are too much work to maintain for the amount they are played. And on top of that, most games are only played for a short while before people almost forget about their existence.
Title: Re: Skyblock, Parkour and Lava Wars games!
Post by: Nosliw on August 18, 2013, 12:04:50 PM
The goal of minigame world was that to community could start the games, the end goal of the other game system such as CTF and Domination was for users to be able to create arenas and run games, but this was never achieved. As for making them community operated, how would that be possible? The staff have to add new arenas, and Alpha would have to fix or add new games. It would require a massive rewrite to change this, something I don't expect to happen now..
Title: Re: Skyblock, Parkour and Lava Wars games!
Post by: TheReasoning on August 18, 2013, 12:06:36 PM
In addition to Nosliw's post

If there is enough interest, and enough time, there is a possibility of community run games of CTF and other games.
Title: Re: Skyblock, Parkour and Lava Wars games!
Post by: Nosliw on August 18, 2013, 12:09:06 PM
In addition to Nosliw's post

If there is enough interest, and enough time, there is a possibility of community run games of CTF and other games.

I tried lowering the spleef game permission, even that was reverted.. A lot of time..
Title: Re: Skyblock, Parkour and Lava Wars games!
Post by: Nosliw on August 19, 2013, 11:33:30 AM
Tomcek, I was referring to the spleef game that would automatically announces when a player is out, or who wins..
Title: Re: Skyblock, Parkour and Lava Wars games!
Post by: Johncrazboy on August 19, 2013, 11:39:57 AM
On my part as a user, I see people mostly enjoy mini-games with prizes at the end, including me. Mini-games aren't really fun unless you have a worthwhile goal to work towards.
Title: Re: Skyblock, Parkour and Lava Wars games!
Post by: TheReasoning on August 19, 2013, 05:44:41 PM
On my part as a user, I see people mostly enjoy mini-games with prizes at the end, including me. Mini-games aren't really fun unless you have a worthwhile goal to work towards.

I've been saying this for a very long time now, i'm glad someone else finally understands.

Games without a prize = dead content.

Too many prizes = ruined economy

Ruined economy = creative server

IDP Games ruin survival
Title: Re: Skyblock, Parkour and Lava Wars games!
Post by: chrisjones23 on August 19, 2013, 06:26:29 PM
IDP Games ruin survival

IDP Games ruin(s) survival

Title: Re: Skyblock, Parkour and Lava Wars games!
Post by: Vector on August 19, 2013, 07:35:47 PM
Part of the reason I wasn't so happy about players being able to run their own games is because Innectis wasn't designed as a minigame community. Thus while people are playing their games, another part of the server may dip in performance because of it. This is kind of like using Windows 2000 (not even the server OS) to host a public minecraft server. If it was oriented on a minigame mechanic, this would not really be much of an argument.
Title: Re: Skyblock, Parkour and Lava Wars games!
Post by: GSTa2000 on August 20, 2013, 02:31:18 AM
This is a great idea. The games room only has like 3 games.
Title: Re: Skyblock, Parkour and Lava Wars games!
Post by: Nicolethenikki on October 10, 2013, 03:39:00 PM
This is a great idea. The games room only has like 3 games.
Title: Re: Skyblock, Parkour and Lava Wars games!
Post by: Hretsam on October 11, 2013, 05:10:37 AM
Part of the reason I wasn't so happy about players being able to run their own games is because Innectis wasn't designed as a minigame community. Thus while people are playing their games, another part of the server may dip in performance because of it. This is kind of like using Windows 2000 (not even the server OS) to host a public minecraft server. If it was oriented on a minigame mechanic, this would not really be much of an argument.

Sorry but that analogy doesn't make sense...

Anyway, I played Skyblock on the server once. I've added something for this a long time ago.
Just nobody wanted to play them when I could get online, so it kinda got pushed into the background
Title: Re: Skyblock, Parkour and Lava Wars games!
Post by: Nicolethenikki on October 11, 2013, 03:01:26 PM
Part of the reason I wasn't so happy about players being able to run their own games is because Innectis wasn't designed as a minigame community. Thus while people are playing their games, another part of the server may dip in performance because of it. This is kind of like using Windows 2000 (not even the server OS) to host a public minecraft server. If it was oriented on a minigame mechanic, this would not really be much of an argument.

Sorry but that analogy doesn't make sense...

Anyway, I played Skyblock on the server once. I've added something for this a long time ago.
Just nobody wanted to play them when I could get online, so it kinda got pushed into the background
That makes......sense.