Innectis Community Forum
Innectis - Minecraft Server => Suggestions => Topic started by: luetzj on January 04, 2013, 09:49:02 PM
Right now, the go to lot command (/gtl) goes to the lot of the person 1st in alphabetical order. This means that if you type /gtl lue, it will not go to my lot, it will go to luebuke's lot. My suggestion is to have it based on rank, not alphabetical order. This could be yet another perk of voting, and limit confusion for when someone tries to visit a donor's lot.
Just my thoughts.
No offense dude but this makes you seem lazy. It's not that hard to type a couple more letters.
No offense dude but this makes you seem lazy. It's not that hard to type a couple more letters.
Actually, all you need to do is type 1 more letter!
He's got a point there
He's got a point there
Me or everyone else?
You have to type the space too. >:(
if you type /gtl liam you go to someone who was last online 183 days ago!!! I want /gtl liam Im the only Liam on Innectis (hopefully)
The amount of work needed to pull this off would be worth far more than the gain of this feature, which would result in less letters being typed. Sorry, but no.
The amount of work needed to pull this off would be worth far more than the gain of this feature, which would result in less letters being typed. Sorry, but no.
Am I allowed /gtl liam though ?
The amount of work needed to pull this off would be worth far more than the gain of this feature, which would result in less letters being typed. Sorry, but no.
Am I allowed /gtl liam though ?
That would require extra coding, or you to change your lot owner to liam, meaning you could not manage it. You can however /setlotname liam and then you can do /warp liam instead.