Innectis Community Forum
Innectis - Minecraft Server => Suggestions => Topic started by: ArronM on July 09, 2012, 11:43:56 AM
People are always complaining they got banned because there little brother/sister or a friend got on there account, so here is an easy way to solve it.
Everytime you login to Innectis it will ask you for a personal set password, if you forget this you will have to come to the forums and request it reset.
If you go on holiday you should be able to ./lockaccount -t 3w (account locks for 3 weeks) this is for when people are on holiday and lend out there laptops people can not abuse there account.
Their account is their responsibility. There's an easier solution to this, Don't have your username and password saved in the Minecraft launcher.
This reminds me of another server, and I hate it. No.
This reminds me of another server, and I hate it. No.
This would be too tedious too,
Nope. That would just be annoying...