Innectis Community Forum
Innectis - Minecraft Server => Suggestions => Topic started by: Diddy on June 20, 2012, 01:30:41 PM
Well, i think that the 'Silk Touch' enchantment should be put back into Innectis, I know that the Ores are rare items and thats a good thing but maybe make the Silk Touch only work on stone so we could pick up Clean Stone instead of Cobble?
Just an idea!
Thanks For Reading!
[EDIT] And Infinite Arrows :D
I'd like Infinite Arrows more than Silk Touch, but not a bad idea, if they can sort out the block problem
Yeah i just edited the post, because i prefer Infinite arrows
Perhaps we can do this. Or just return stone instead of cobble if you're wielding a gold pickaxe?
Yes Alpha thank you.
What about glass?
and ores?
A while back (which some of you didn't know) we actually had something like this.
Gold tools had extra chance to drop 2 blocks instead of one on some blocks (1/50 to drop 2 diamonds).
For Glass it was a chance 1 in 4 (I think) to drop glass again.
We removed it cause it wasn't working fully, but we could re-add something like it
I don't understand Hretsam. You could just make it a lot easier by allowing silk touch but not working on mycelium.
There is a list of blocks we would rather not have silk touch used on. This is only to keep the rarity of these blocks higher.
- Diamond Ore
- Coal Ore
- Redstone Ore
- Mycellium
- Spawners
- Grass
I agree with Egg!
There is a list of blocks we would rather not have silk touch used on. This is only to keep the rarity of these blocks higher.
- Diamond Ore
- Coal Ore
- Redstone Ore
- Mycellium
- Spawners
- Grass Block
There is a list of blocks we would rather not have silk touch used on. This is only to keep the rarity of these blocks higher.
- Diamond Ore
- Coal Ore
- Redstone Ore
- Mycellium
- Spawners
- Grass
Can someone explain why grass is considered rare, because all you need to do to get it is use shears?
On Topic: I like the idea of using gold pickaxes though as it would give gold more use
TBH I think we should just allow silk touch on everything besides mycelium and spawners.
And still it takes like a lvl 50 enchantment to get it and not many people are bothered enough to get that much xp
There is a list of blocks we would rather not have silk touch used on. This is only to keep the rarity of these blocks higher.
- Diamond Ore
- Coal Ore
- Redstone Ore
- Mycellium
- Spawners
- Grass
Can someone explain why grass is considered rare, because all you need to do to get it is use shears?
On Topic: I like the idea of using gold pickaxes though as it would give gold more use
Not tall grass, I mean Grass Blocks.
There is a list of blocks we would rather not have silk touch used on. This is only to keep the rarity of these blocks higher.
- Diamond Ore
- Coal Ore
- Redstone Ore
- Mycellium
- Spawners
- Grass
Can someone explain why grass is considered rare, because all you need to do to get it is use shears?
On Topic: I like the idea of using gold pickaxes though as it would give gold more use
Not tall grass, I mean Grass Blocks.
Oh, ok thanks for clearing that up :)
I agree it should only been everything but mycelium and spawners
Our current reasoning for not allowing it, is to keep the rarity of certain items such as diamond, coal, and redstone ores.
Innectis has a feature with vote points. /trd /togglerawdrops to enable and disable raw drops. Look at tutorials for the full information of this post.
I for one deffinately want Silk Touch in the game, just aslong as it can only be used on certain blocks. (Not spawners, mycelium, etc.)
We can mine raw drops using votepoints it keeps rare blocks rare no need to impliment silk touch
I know how /trd works, but in my opinion it is a very sad way to get people to vote. What does it matter if ores are rare? Silk Touch was added into vanilla and I don't see people complaining the ore blocks are too popular?
People should vote because they like the server, and the community. Not because they have to in order to get certain block types.
Currently only staff members can pick up diamond, coal, and redstone ores.
Skye said we should allow infinity bows in an earlier post. I don't see why not. You cant pick up infinity arrows.
Currently only staff members can pick up diamond, coal, and redstone ores.
Skye said we should allow infinity bows in an earlier post. I don't see why not. You cant pick up infinity arrows.
Eggnaug, I've dropped ores to give to people and they picked it up fine...
I know how /trd works, but in my opinion it is a very sad way to get people to vote. What does it matter if ores are rare? Silk Touch was added into vanilla and I don't see people complaining the ore blocks are too popular?
People should vote because they like the server, and the community. Not because they have to in order to get certain block types.
Actually I think it's a very smart way to get votes. It helps the server and benefits the users.
There is a list of blocks we would rather not have silk touch used on. This is only to keep the rarity of these blocks higher.
- Diamond Ore
- Coal Ore
- Redstone Ore
- Mycellium
- Spawners
- Grass
I fully agree Egg but 1: Silk touch doesn't work on spawners for a LONG time and 2 just take those blocks out of the silk touch list I know there is some way to do it so you can choose what blocks silk touch can be used on
There is a list of blocks we would rather not have silk touch used on. This is only to keep the rarity of these blocks higher.
- Diamond Ore
- Coal Ore
- Redstone Ore
- Mycellium
- Spawners
- Grass
I fully agree Egg but 1: Silk touch doesn't work on spawners for a LONG time and 2 just take those blocks out of the silk touch list I know there is some way to do it so you can choose what blocks silk touch can be used on
I made that post at a time when you could get spawners.
I did suggest a while back to Hret that SuperVIP+ should be allowed to WE grass blocks.
We used to be able too
*Pssssst* I unrestricted oreblocks to everyone when implementing the raw drops feature.