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Announcements / Website set to expire March 14, 2018
« on: February 05, 2018, 03:46:47 AM »
I just canceled the website package for this site, which will go into effect on March 14, 2018. Innectis in general has been such an amazing experience, thank you for all the good times!

I have added some statistics for the changelog here:
Updated the gitstats report here:
New world files have been uploaded here:

Announcements / Server is gone, thanks for all the memories!
« on: March 16, 2017, 03:20:26 AM »
So the server has closed, but the forums will remain for at least a year more. There were 5 of us on at the time the server closed, making the best of the final moments. Even though we were destroying builds, we were having fun until the end.

I'd like to take this time to give a special thanks to a few people: Hretsam for giving me the community when he left. This has been the best experience I have ever been a part of. I'd like to thank Lynxy for finding OtakuCraft and showing it to me back in January 2011, and for suggesting me when Hretsam was looking for a 3rd dev back in July/August 2011. Without you, I don't think I'd ever be a part of this amazing experience. To those I've known since I was a part of Battle.Net affairs (Skye, Moranine, Shhdn, Lynxy), thank you for sticking with me all this time, and showing your support for Innectis. Skye and Moranine have both contributed greatly to the server funds as well, so thank you both!

To my team and all the members that have been a part of it over the years, thank you for helping the community grow into something special. I can only do so much as an individual, but your help was greatly appreciated! We have had our issues over the years, but that's inevitable to some degree. I know I've had my own issues as well.

This community has been the home of a lot of players over the years, and the memories that are shared will be remembered for a long time. Whatever we do after this, may it be the best experience of our lives!

Announcements / The update is here, now let's destroy, not build!
« on: March 09, 2017, 03:07:46 AM »
Well, the time has come for the last week of the server's existence. I wish it didn't have to get to this point, but alas we are here. Some of the server's builds have been around for around 6 years or so, so there is quite a lot of history here. Rather than just let everything go quietly, I figure we could just celebrate by destroying everything. Kind of weird, isn't it? That alone can create memories. Given the fact that we will have no server after March 15, there's no better way than to see it out in a way that will be remembered.

I can remember the TNT party on a map of a previous server that I had built some stuff on with some friends. Seeing everything get destroyed was at a time that I really liked to be a part of, even though we were destroying stuff it took a long time to build. Gosh that was memorable; the build, the TNT event, everything. That event was partly the inspiration of what I'm doing here; taking all the hard work and destroying it all, with a backup of course. It makes for some good memories that I hope I won't only remember, but you guys too. I encourage you to take videos of it as well that can be posted on youtube or somewhere else. I have a video of what we built here (one of our builders was Fangula):

As part of this update, there are some interesting changes that I want to note:

  • You may now build/destroy anywhere
  • Everyone may use /lights on to see underground. Helps if you're just blowing holes in the earth
  • Arrows explode on impact
  • Right-clicking with a stick will make a huge explosion
  • Everyone is in creative mode, so no one takes damage
  • Right-clicking entities will cause a huge explosion
  • Fires will burn everywhere, unrestricted

When March 15 approaches, the plan is to continue maintaining the forums, at least for a year after or so, also allowing you guys to download the world files. There will also be backups of the worlds prior to this week long event. I will also publicize the IDP after the server closes. I'm also thinking of finishing the statistics part of the changelog system to get some in-depth statistics on the latest changelog data.

Announcements / 3 days left till the big week, so tell your friends!
« on: March 06, 2017, 07:33:57 PM »
Innectis has been a big part of a lot of our players' histories in Minecraft, which is no small feat. That is why I feel it's important to get as many people on for the last week as we can. After this, that's it. Innectis has been a big part of my legacy in Minecraft, and I am so glad we have lasted this long. Not every Minecraft server lives to be this old, so thank you to the players for keeping us going.

We may not have come as far as I would have liked, but we certainly did come a long ways from where we began. I don't know what the future holds, but I hope it'll be a good one, for all of us!

Let's get the word out there, and have a party like nothing before!

Announcements / Re: One last party, let's go out with a bang!
« on: March 05, 2017, 10:16:28 PM »
Actually, might as well save that for the 14th, to allow everyone at least 6 days to do their thing. The server stops at 9 AM on the 15th, so I'd have to switch the package to just a website either before I go to bed (partly into the 15th) or when I get up.

That means we will preserve the forums, at least for a year after.

Announcements / Re: One last party, let's go out with a bang!
« on: March 03, 2017, 06:51:54 PM »
As everything was built up, so shall it be taken down.

Giants have taken over; Herobrine's true identity revealed, and his descendants. There shall be destruction unlike anything before. For 7 days there will be chaos.

6 days remain.

Announcements / Re: One last party, let's go out with a bang!
« on: February 18, 2017, 04:58:26 PM »
Added the time the last update will be made.

Announcements / One last party, let's go out with a bang!
« on: February 11, 2017, 01:46:00 AM »
So in the last week of the server's existence (March 9 to March 15) I will make one last update to the server. This will remove all build protections, allow explosions to break blocks, and give the ability to detonate as much TNT as you want. Server will be in creative mode as well. There will be some other things too that should liven up the fun even more! I don't know how many of you will be there, but tell your friends! Let's make this the best party we have ever had!

I figure we shouldn't go out quietly, so let's make the best of this! Also, I will take one last backup too, in case we want to do anything with that at another time.

Edit: The last update will be made around 12:00 AM PST on March 9, 2017.

Announcements / Re: The end of the AlphaBlend era
« on: February 03, 2017, 07:39:37 PM »
Maybe some of us can re-unite under a new banner. I do want to take the helm, same as this, as that has been one of my aspirations. Along with making content, leading it and watching it grow. I will take with me the knowledge I learned here, as well as the mistakes I learned from, with the aspiration of modernizing the community, should it be in Minecraft itself, or some other venture.

I really don't know what the future holds, but time will tell. Also, I want to do things right with a co-owner, something I had in Code Speak, but not since then. Do things right, or the past will just creep up again.

Announcements / The end of the AlphaBlend era
« on: February 03, 2017, 01:02:18 AM »
Pardon the play on Hret's resignation post, but I think my role as owner of Innectis has come to an end. I don't really have much to say about it, but I really lost a lot of passion over the years, and kept making excuses against that. I wanted to make this community into something great, eventually into a studio, but it really sucks when people just aren't motivated enough to do anything. I haven't been very happy coming into this year, and I need to release everything and find something new.

I don't know what that would be, but it has to be something new, whether it's in the Minecraft sphere, or something else, but I need to move on with my life somehow. I've made a lot of mistakes in this community, and I'm glad to have learned from at least some of them, that can then be applied somewhere else. Who knows what my next big venture is, but it has to be something good.

I have lost friends over this community, and that's not cool. To those who I wronged, I am sorry, I am only human. I have some personality flaws that showed through in this community and that shouldn't happen. The good thing, however, is that I can learn from those mistakes. If those of you I wronged would like to have a conversation with me then please find me and we'll chat it up and I can hopefully explain myself.

So you guys are probably thinking right about now, what happens now? Well, I'm not sure. I don't want this community to fade into history, and would like that others are there to replace me. I don't know though, we'll see. There is at least a month's time left for the payment cycle to end, so I'm sure I'll think of something then.

As for the IDP I think I may put it on github for anyone to fork and possibly continue development on.

Sorry, don't really want to say much more, so I'll leave it at that.

Announcements / Innectians, what do you choose...
« on: February 02, 2017, 11:39:52 AM »
This has been sent out in a newsletter, but for the sake of feedback I have chosen to include it here as well.

It's been awhile since I had a bulletin, and I think this needs to be said more than anything. Innectis is around 5 years and 8 months old at this point, and has lost most of its playerbase to other games, or other Minecraft servers.

We have not kept up with the current climate for a long time, and that needs to change. Either with fresh new staff, or with an entirely different community. It's tiring to see the topic of Innectis barely come up at all. That's alarming, especially when you oversee the community. I really hate to see the community go the way it is.

I was not happy coming into 2017, with the current situation and lack of enthusiasm from others. It's been a month and a half since the rest of the staff have done anything. We're all burned out in some way or another. In the last few weeks I have been feeling so conflicted, even losing motivation, but recently have gotten some energy to work on the community. Either way, this year did not start well for me.

Is this the year we will fade into history, or is it the year that people step up to make this community something great? It's hard to find motivation to do much now. We were a lot more active years ago, but it would be nice to find motivation again.

We need a conversation, a good conversation. We need to take a stand and do something, because if we don't, this community will just fade into the annals of history. I already tried a conversation before, but that didn't go over very well. I'm willing to give it another shot, this time trying to get a good direction for the future and possibly some fresh blood to help out with getting us there.

I have created a channel in discord called #next-step to talk about where we are, and what we can do moving forward. Let's step it up, or walk away trying. I'll have the conversation there, and I'd like to include as many people as I can. I don't know if this will work, but there's no harm in trying. There's no set schedule for the conversation, just show up and add to the conversation what you can. This is something I've wanted to have since the situation in August. This has affected me more than anyone else, but it also impacts everything else. This isn't just my community, but its all of ours.

If you are not already on discord, use this link: (just click it, do not type this into your discord program), and you will get sent into our discord. See you there!

Build-A-Feature / Re: Leveling System
« on: January 20, 2017, 05:57:36 PM »
Just replicate McMMO, it's a perfect system and there's nothing wrong with it.
Meh, only so much a one-man development team wants to do. Sorry this has spun around for such a long time, but does no one have ideas for a system that can be wrapped around our features?

Let's hear from some other people on this matter too. I know you've had your fair share of cents to add to this discussion.

Build-A-Feature / Re: Leveling System
« on: January 20, 2017, 02:52:36 PM »
Who wants to start thinking ideas for this?

Announcements / Major IDP Milestone (IDP 11.0.0)
« on: January 15, 2017, 12:50:17 PM »
With the latest update comes the 4th game I wanted to add and a new mechanic for promoting guests to users. When teleporting out of the tutorial they will be promoted to user instead of automatically promoted after 1 hour of gameplay. This update has culminated in the end of the IDP 10.x release and a new major milestone. There has also been an expansion of the rainbow moderator group allowing it to act as a senior moderator rank.

This 4th game I added is called "Ender Golf" and I came up with the idea on the spot, hoping to see just what people think of it. That along with the other games need maps of course, so it won't be ready right away. Also, this system is not final. I want people to be able to start games on their own, just need a good way to do that.

Hope this information satisfies you all, and happy mining!

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