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Messages - ArkaTekK

Pages: [1]
Announcements / Re: Innectis, transparency, and my situation
« on: August 03, 2016, 02:24:51 PM »
I began writing a huge rant, but it seems rather pointless seeing as I'm unlikely to return to Innectis.

Alpha, if I'm going to give a few words of advice:

1) Keep on doing IDP, but step down as community manager. This place needs someone dedicated who actively listens to their playerbase and staff and is consistently present. You're brilliant at coding, but historically have had a less than stellar record in community engagement - if the players and even your staff abandoning you isn't an indication of that, then I don't know what is.

2) It's good to see you don't want to micromanage everything anymore. That was a huge issue for myself and a number of players when we left. Make sure you don't start slipping back into those bad habits.

3) If all else fails, then please, just let go of the past and let this place fade gracefully into obscurity.

Best of luck.

You're a meanie head

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