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Messages - Lynxy

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 13
Announcements / Re: Server is gone, thanks for all the memories!
« on: March 17, 2017, 06:22:48 PM »
So sad I missed it :( had every intention on being there.

Fare thee well, Innectis!

Announcements / Re: The end of the AlphaBlend era
« on: February 03, 2017, 12:58:40 PM »
Innectis certainly had a good run with many good years of memories. I know it is cliche, but all things come to an end.

It may be disheartening, but remember that it isn't all over. Friends were made and they can come along to the next great thing of yours! I wouldn't be surprised to see some self-hosted IDP-based servers popping up with the release of the source on Github. Perhaps we can distribute old world dumps along with it.

Thank you for all you've done Alpha. Wouldn't have made it this far without your hard work and dedication.

Announcements / Re: We present to you a new administrator!
« on: March 29, 2016, 07:33:26 AM »

Announcements / Re: And Now It Begins... Again
« on: March 22, 2016, 07:52:34 AM »
Let the rebirthing commence!

It does sound like a lot of bad news, but I think it's awesome that we still have maintainers who care so much about preserving the gameplay for all, as well as trying to maintain an active community, even after all these years.

Announcements / Re: New things are coming
« on: July 23, 2015, 07:24:38 AM »
Make sure the new one has RSS!  ;D

Announcements / Re: 4 Year Anniversary!
« on: June 01, 2015, 08:17:51 AM »
Hi everyone! It's so cool that Innectis has been around this long. Most communities I've been a part of do not survive a fraction of that time. Makes me want to come back!

Announcements / Re: 4 Year Anniversary!
« on: May 29, 2015, 08:31:48 AM »
I think Lynxy said she was friends with Dan Bull, or knew someone that was friends with him.

*ears perk*

Announcements / Re: Happy 3 year anniversary Innectis!
« on: May 19, 2014, 08:02:44 AM »
Wow 3 years :) seems like just yesterday...

Announcements / Re: Welcome OrangeBlueZ to the team!
« on: May 07, 2014, 08:17:47 AM »
Yay OBZ congrats! It's been a long time coming. I know for certain you'll do a great job!

Announcements / Re: A few recent happenings
« on: April 14, 2014, 08:16:37 AM »
Most of this news is great to hear.

Farewell Skyeheart

Expect me to be very active soon

Hmmm.. *considers becoming active again*

Bans / penguin12344321
« on: November 22, 2012, 11:11:01 AM »
Banned for 24 hours for using hacks to attack tens of thousands of times per second. You know, this causes great stress on our server. That is worse than most types of hacks.

Tutorials / Chat Channels
« on: May 03, 2012, 01:17:02 AM »
Chat channels allow you to communicate with certain people. Only the other people inside the channel will be able to hear your text. If you are the owner or an operator of the channel you have additional abilities such as being able to kick or ban users from the channel.

1. General Commands

To join or create a channel, simple type:
/join <name>
If it is a new channel, it will be created automatically. Once joined, you will get an ID for the channel. There are some arguments and options that you can apply when using this command. They are:

-setpass, -sp <password>
This will set the password for the channel if you end up creating it. No one will be able to join unless they know the password. (Ex. /join passchannel -setpass hidden)

-hide, h
This will make the channel hidden from the /chlist command. If hidden, it will only show up if you are a member of the channel.

-password, -pass, -p <password>
This supplies a password when joining the channel, if a password is required. If not entered correctly, you will not be able to join the channel.

To leave a channel:
/leave <id or name>
You can either use the channel's ID, or its name.

To see all channels currently created, or to view the members of an existing channel, use the following command:
/chlist [ID or channel name]
Just typing /chlist by itself will show all chat channels in existence on Innectis. Hidden channels you are not a member of do not show up on this list. When supplied with a channel ID or name will show all members of the channel, even if they are offline. The owner is represented by a pink asterisk next to their name.

To view information on a specified channel use the following command:
/channel (/ch) <channel name> -info, -informatoin
This will displays name of channel, the ownerowner, if it's hidden or not, channel password, and list of channel operators. This can only be used by members of the channel.

To talk in a channel, type a forward-slash, followed by the channel ID, followed by your message. Example:
/1 hey guys
You can be in up to 20 channels at once.

To view a list of your own channels, type the following:
/chanlist -mychans
This shows a list of all channels that you are currently in.

2. Channel Moderation

Channel moderation may be used via the /channel (/ch) <ID or name> command. All commands may be used by operators unless noted in the command description. The arguments and options that follow after are as follows:

To op a user, type the following:
-op <username>
This will op the specified user. They must be a member of the channel in order to be oped. Channel owner only.

To deop a user, type the following:
-deop <username>
This will deop the specified user. They must be a member of the channel in order to be deoped. Channel owner only.

To kick a user from the channel, type the following:
-kick, -k <username>
This will kick a user out of the channel. They don't need to be online in order to get kicked.

To ban a user from the channel, type the following:
-ban, -b <username>
This bans the specified user from the channel. The user doesn't need to be in the channel to get banned.

To unban a user from the channel, type the following:
-unban, -ub <username>
This unbans the specified user from the channel.

To view a list of all banned users in the channel, type the following:
This will show all the users that were banned from the channel.

To hide a channel once it's already been created, type the following:
-hide, -h
This will hide the channel from the /chlist command. It may be useful to hide or unhide the channel after it has already been created. Channel owner only.

To unhide a channel once it's already been created, type the following:
-unhide, -uh
This will make the channel visible to the /chlist command. Channel owner only.

To set a password once a channel has already been made, type the following:
-setpass, -sp <password>
Once a channel has already been created you can use this to change the password. Channel owner only.

To clear a channel's password, type:
This will basically clear the password of the specified channel, allowing anyone to join it without one. Channel owner only.

To disband the channel, type:
This completely destroys the channel, kicking everyone out, even the owner. Channel owner only.

To give up your owner rank to another channel member, type the following:
-giveup, -gu <username>
This will make you a regular member, and make the specified user the owner. The user must be a member of the channel. Channel owner only.

Suggestions / Re: NoRain!
« on: May 02, 2012, 12:11:19 AM »
It would not require vanilla mod, nor CB. It could be implemented per-player or per-lot with spoofing packets. Just means more work for IDP, and like the other comments said, this is an unnecessary feature. Rain is part of the game and doesn't hurt anything like snow formation does, except maybe you're FPS. Build a roof :)

Suggestions / Re: Offline Messages/PMs/Mail System
« on: April 30, 2012, 03:09:38 PM »
This is a pretty good idea, I will add it to our todo list!

Bans / nickster1134
« on: April 28, 2012, 08:27:18 PM »
Banned for 1 day for combat hacks.

Turn them off or get perma banned next time...

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