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IDP Updates / Re: IDP Version 10.10.1
« on: January 06, 2017, 08:18:33 PM »
There will be a choice in the next update. Lapis will take priority over vT. Also, we are putting in a penalty for breaking a waypoint. You get 2 lapis back or 20 vT depending on whether you created a waypoint with lapis or vT.

IDP Updates / Re: IDP Version 10.10.1
« on: January 04, 2017, 11:33:34 AM »
Creating a waypoint costs 30 vT instead of 3 lapis lazuli blocks

Why not have a choice between the 2?
We figured that 3 lapis lazuli blocks was too expensive. I suppose this could be talked about. What do you think about the change? Was the original cost too much, or what?

Information / Re: Server Features
« on: January 03, 2017, 09:37:15 PM »
Updated to change requirement of waypoint creation from 3 lapis lazuli blocks to 30 vT.

Suggestions / Re: Update the server
« on: January 03, 2017, 07:07:49 PM »
I typically follow a Minecraft update with an Innectis one, despite how little (if any) new things have been put into a future Innectis update.

Btw I just got back like 30 minutes ago.

Announcements / Happy holidays/Merry Christmas, IDP 10.10.0 and more
« on: December 19, 2016, 12:22:09 AM »
Seasons greetings everyone! I recently updated Innectis to IDP 10.10.0 and did something I have not done in a long time. Tron was not only re-added to IDP, but also QuakeCraft and hunger games were added too! The last game I personally added was CTF and that was 3+ years ago. That game also got some updates, including using the scoreboard to track team statistics. There is a 4th game that I wanted to add in the update, but that needed more testing and I just didn't want to go through all that. That will get released in the coming updates.

Unfortunately, I'm going on vacation in 2 days so there won't be anymore updates for the rest of the year. In the future, there will be some more important updates to our commands, staff request system, mail system and more.

As for the games, maps will need to be made for them. I haven't decided as yet how that's going to work, but I imagine players will be able to help make maps, same as they have for existing games. That can be figured out at a later date. Since we have the creative world that makes it easier to allow such a thing to happen in the first place.

Well, this is just an update on what's been going on for now.

Announcements / Status Report 11/30/2016
« on: December 01, 2016, 12:50:41 AM »
Time for another status report! It has been awhile since the last status report, so let's just get on with the important changes!

New Changelog System

We switched from the forum topic changelog into a broader system that allows even better tracking on new versions. I went ahead and corrected some mistakes from the original changelog, but did a lot more with the new changelog system.The highlights include:

  • Separate HTML page that lists all versions that have changes logged
  • Jumping between versions really easily, permalink gets the full URL of a specific version
  • RSS feed to keep track of new versions without having to check the forum
  • Update posts are automatically created on the forum when new versions come out
  • Update message when logging into the server that directs you to the latest version changes

This is the first part of the new changelog system. The other part involves comprehensive statistics on updates that might interest you. There is a version you can view here that is not the final version. As this statistic document is not final, nor is it official as that will come later, you can see some of the things that will go into the final version. This 2nd part of the changelog system will be released at a later time.

New Tutorial

The old tutorial has been replaced by a new one. This one is more condensed and gets to main points of the server more quickly. Guests no longer have to take a long time before completing the tutorial. Hopefully this should encourage more guests to stay on the server.

Official chat moved from Skype to Discord

The official chat that we had been using for years has switched from Skype to Discord. As many of you know, Discord is one of the most popular forms of communication when it comes to communities. With this service we are now able to take advantage of more features than what was possible with Skype. One thing that I love about Discord is its moderation, something we had poor use of on Skype. Another benefit is channels, where discussions are held where appropriate. Another feature I'd like to use eventually we can get through integrations.

You can connect to the discord at

Staff move to Slack

The staff have moved our main communication from Skype over to Slack. For those of you who don't know what Slack is, it's a communication tool meant for teams that operates much like Discord, with more features meant for teams. This will allow us to be more productive as it's also a channel-based tool, so we can have designated channels for various topics. There are of course other features that make it perfect for teams. For more information on slack see here.

Minecraft 1.11 Update

It took us only 6 days from when Mojang updated Minecraft to 1.11 until we were on 1.11 ourselves. It actually took us less than 3 days from the release of Minecraft 1.11 for Paper until our server was updated as well. As the official update is taken care of by Spigot, I would like to thank them for making the server much more stable before release. As always with Minecraft updates, I want to make sure the server is stable enough before updating Innectis to it. Fortunately, we had very minor hiccups, including the fishing rod behavior breaking, but that got fixed recently.

Stay tuned for future status updates!

Build-A-Feature / Official Shop System
« on: November 27, 2016, 12:49:40 AM »
Over the years, there has been an official shop system in various forms, but has not been in a form that works very well. The last version was removed over 2 years ago. Now we want to bring it back, but in a way that works well. Give us your ideas and let's turn them into a great shop system.

Announcements / Innectis has updated to Minecraft 1.11!
« on: November 21, 2016, 12:35:14 AM »
Paper released their Minecraft 1.11 update on friday, and less than 3 days later, we are on Minecraft 1.11 too! Fortunately I can start adding game content to Innectis again.

Announcements / We have moved to Discord!
« on: November 16, 2016, 08:51:15 PM »
We have been using Skype as our main chat platform for the community for years now. Over time it seems to just keep losing its relevance, as not a lot of activity has been seen in the channel over a long period of time. Now, 3 months ago you guys were polled on what chat platform you'd like us to move to: Skype, Slack, Discord, or TeamSpeak. The majority of you chose Discord, by a large margin (though only 21 people voted, 13 chose discord).

It is my pleasure to say that we are officially moving from Skype to Discord! This chat platform performs what Skype did but allows much more! One thing I've really wanted was good moderation, something Skype is poor at. Another good thing is the channel system. There are other features that make it superior to Skype. This is where our interviews will also take place when interviewing new staff for Innectis.

Some of you may not have even heard of Discord at all, or aren't really familiar with it at all. For that reason I won't do away with the Skype group yet. I'll allow people to transition over a period of time, until the channel loses its relevance. That way the process is done in a comfortable way.

Now, you guys probably want to know the link, so I'll just wrap this announcement up. I hope that this move becomes a positive one, and can bring the community closer together.

Here's the link to join our Discord by the way:

Suggestions / Re: Reszone
« on: November 14, 2016, 08:23:30 PM »
It's important to clarify that they are not 5 worlds, but spawn points in a single world.

Sorry for the late reply, but a few things stood in the way of us moving forward with this decision. At any rate, as the polls say mostly Discord, I have made the decision to move the community to discord. When the discord is ready I will make an announcement and a newsletter about it. As far as things go, I would like to keep the Skype operational until there is no longer any reason to have it, that way we can have a sort of transition for those who aren't yet comfortable with discord yet would like to still use Skype for the time being.

Information / Finding the current name of a player
« on: November 13, 2016, 01:27:45 PM »
If you know what username someone used, but don't know their current name, there is a way to figure out their most-current name, so long as they have logged into Innectis with that new name.

Code: [Select]
/findrenamedplayer <player name>

You can use any name they used to find their most recent name.

Tutorials / Re: Chest Shops
« on: November 12, 2016, 10:45:24 PM »
Updated with information from IDP 10.9.0.

Announcements / Add your chest shop to the official chest shop list!
« on: November 12, 2016, 10:37:49 PM »
As of IDP 10.9.0 it is now possible to get a list of all lots with chest shops! That way if someone wants to know where to find chest shops they can just use /chestshop -list to find all chest shop lots!

For those of you who have chest shops and would like them added feel free to submit a staff request with your lot's ID and what you want the name of the shop to be.

Announcements / New tutorial established
« on: November 11, 2016, 10:35:57 PM »
I can finally announce the newest tutorial! The old one which we had been using for a long time has been replaced. The biggest problem it had was that it was too long. The new one is far more condensed than the older one, and the lot part of the tutorial is the first thing past the initial rules area. It still has a lot of the same elements as the last tutorial, but for everything the tutorial doesn't cover, that will be shown in a feature area that will come in the future, including an expansion of existing features.

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