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Messages - Moranine

Pages: [1]
Bans / Re: codybravo
« on: December 18, 2014, 12:20:00 AM »
I dont see any advertising...

Suggestions / Re: TinyWE in Reszone
« on: November 21, 2014, 01:01:27 PM »
Should all ores be allowed then? Down to a certain point in the world? Of course it would all stop after a certain distance.
That one is up to you as coal and iron are valuable in massive quantites. You could make it like it is now and require a pickaxe to mine them, making them less desireable.

I say we should be able to use TinyWE for basic items only such as sand, gravel, dirt, stone but not any ores (not even iron or coal)

If you want you can tinywe all the cobble on my 2nd lot ;)

and I am pretty sure most of your 2nd lot is dirt. It's not called Shiny Dirt HQ for nothing ;)
In order to make that possible, stone, dirt, cobble etc are all found above and below y=55. Making it so you cant get the items in your inventory when you tinywe would make them less desirable to goldys because we have to waste our time and diamond pickaxe's to mine them.

Diamond will be strictly forbidden, but diamonds is only found below y=15 so you dont have to worry about that. Gold is rather invaluable as its only uses is in the crafting of minecart booster tracks and a few other items. Iron is good for all sorts of things which in my opinion makes it better then gold, so making us mine it using our pickaxe will make it a little less desirable to mine. Coal is coal, could care less about it, since charcoal is easier to make and has the same energy properities as coal.

Suggestions / Re: TinyWE in Reszone
« on: November 20, 2014, 09:28:25 AM »
Should all ores be allowed then? Down to a certain point in the world? Of course it would all stop after a certain distance.
That one is up to you as coal and iron are valuable in massive quantites. You could make it like it is now and require a pickaxe to mine them, making them less desireable.

Announcements / Re: Moderator Election Update!
« on: November 19, 2014, 11:36:40 PM »
Anytime after 10 pm during the week and some weekends, (Adam knows how to get ahold of me when im not on skype)

Suggestions / Re: What do you want to see as part of player ranks?
« on: November 18, 2014, 12:28:29 AM »
Semi-Builders stick. I mean, we can't TinyWE in reszone, so might as well give us a buidlers sticks.
Customizeable Name's (w/ Color) on items
As we all know a while ago Joel along with several of the staff decided it best for the server economy to remove TinyWE from Resource zone, bringing stability back to the lands!

However with my big inventive brain I thought of a good suggestion to bring TinyWE back to Resource Zone under some much different circumstances, simply because harvesting massive amounts of dirt and cobble doesnt hurt the economy at all (or very little, who buys cobblestone anyway?) and because these items are all above sea level (64) they are easy to get, but time consuming when you need a ton of 1 type (i.e. wood, and/or dirt)

The circumstance for the return of TinyWE would be that it be disabled below a set coordinate of Y (height level.) I suggested this to Joel a few weeks ago and the Staff have all given their thoughts on it. However under the guidance of Joel I was told to make a suggestion thread for this change as it reflects the future use of Reszone and its interests.

Implimenting this change would allow the use of harvesting common blocks and keeping Iron, Coal, Diamond, etc at the same value. Bringing the worth of Cobblestone (already worth nothing) Wood, Dirt, Sand, Gravel, etc down (except they are already worth nothing.)

Further suggestions are welcome and always, I must let everyone know that I do indeed still like pie.

Thank you.
It pays to read sometimes.

Suggestions / TinyWE in Reszone
« on: October 31, 2014, 04:12:40 PM »
As we all know a while ago Joel along with several of the staff decided it best for the server economy to remove TinyWE from Resource zone, bringing stability back to the lands!

However with my big inventive brain I thought of a good suggestion to bring TinyWE back to Resource Zone under some much different circumstances, simply because harvesting massive amounts of dirt and cobble doesnt hurt the economy at all (or very little, who buys cobblestone anyway?) and because these items are all above sea level (64) they are easy to get, but time consuming when you need a ton of 1 type (i.e. wood, and/or dirt)

The circumstance for the return of TinyWE would be that it be disabled below a set coordinate of Y (height level.) I suggested this to Joel a few weeks ago and the Staff have all given their thoughts on it. However under the guidance of Joel I was told to make a suggestion thread for this change as it reflects the future use of Reszone and its interests.

Implimenting this change would allow the use of harvesting common blocks and keeping Iron, Coal, Diamond, etc at the same value. Bringing the worth of Cobblestone (already worth nothing) Wood, Dirt, Sand, Gravel, etc down (except they are already worth nothing.)

Further suggestions are welcome and always, I must let everyone know that I do indeed still like pie.

Thank you.

Suggestions / Re: TinyWE Copy/Paste/Cut
« on: October 17, 2014, 02:19:31 PM »
Interesting...very interesting...
More interesting then that, how do they get the ****ing cream into cream filled donuts without breaking the donut????? I **** it up everytime!!

Announcements / Re: Welcome OrangeBlueZ to the team!
« on: July 18, 2014, 01:45:59 AM »
Obz is one of the longest serving members of Innectis, dating back all the way to Otakucraft. He's not just "that guy who promotes people."
Ehmmmm. I heard that.

I would of been a better choice. Congrats none the less.

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