I was thinking. Could we get Chat Mods that focus only on chat-related problems and Ambassadors (fancy word for helpers) to help new users that join the server.
Chat-mods could kick people that abuse or bypass the anti-swear thingy or people who spam.
Ambassadors could give info on what to do and where to go and to help anyone that has questions or needs help with something.
Both could have tags like: [
Ambassador]Dinnerbone or [
Chat-Mod]Dinnerbone ( <- this should be a washed-out red so as to not be confused as admins).
Now with
currency: Volters are just too confusing to be refered to as currency. Why not just have a currency called dollars, euros, or gold? With that, it is pretty hard to earn currency if you don't have anything to sell. I'm suggesting that we create other ways to earn that.
Voting: Most servers now give rewards for voting for their servers on Minestatus such as: currency, diamonds, or other valuable things. I was thinking we could implement a system that allows us to earn 500 gold everytime we vote.
Lastly: We should
events like we used to do. I would gladly help design and test them. Prizes could be currency or diamonds.

P.S. I've been busy so I haven't been able to work on my trailer but I am hoping to finish that soon.