So im thinking there can be a bank where you can store volters and save up. It could lead to some other things that i thought of, even though I don't quite like all of them.
- Losing a small amount of vT when you die
- Exchanging items for vT, If you don't have the time to sell
- and other stuff i didn't think of
and some random vT ideas:
-Co-own shopsign 50/50 money split
- Undo buying command /unbuy - unbuys the last thing you bought. One time a user accidently bought a WAY overpriced item. They lost thousands of volters with one
accidental click.

- /sm all <amount> sends an amount of volters to everyone online
-/sm @ <amount> sends money to all people who would recieve a local message (or /sm local <amount>
- Possibly earning vT if you build alot/ build cool things
Some other Ideas related to shops:
- make a warp like /warp shoplist that has a large board/wall/area where people can have signs saying their shop and shop warp. Ex:
: Haspet's Store! :
:/warp Store! : So it would get people's shops out there. Some people don't have many customers. Some non at ALL.
:/gtl Haspet 1 ! : Its hard to get your message out there, and many people ignore you.
---------: :----------
: :
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-Make a command /customer or /shop or / <insert word here>
and it will tell you how many times people bought something at your store since the last time you checked, or since forever.
So those are ALOT of ideas i came up with.
Please look into them?