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Author Topic: Items in lots  (Read 5870 times)


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    • Carl Bennett
Items in lots
« on: July 01, 2011, 05:49:20 AM »
Blocks in a user's lot cannot be broken or placed inside that lot unless the user lotallow's them, yes? Well...

If an item is dropped by anyone on the lot, more specifically, the owner of the lot, anyone can pick that item up.

This opens the opportunity for someone to come along and steal items you have dropped (by either accidentally or purposely).

I'd rather not see someone steal the blocks I'm breaking from my own lot. I have plans to re-use the blocks I break.

If at all possible, can you implement a check to see when the owner of the lot drops items (blocks or otherwise), and make it so only the owner can pick those items up?

Since a lot of people like to trade on their own lot, you could also implement a command in the server, so that it will enable/disable this feature for the user executing the command. If enabled, no one will be able to pick up the owner's items. If disabled, they will be freely able to pick them up. If the owner wants to open for trade, they disable this feature using the command. If they wish to build on their lot, and not trade to someone at the moment, they can re-enable this feature using the command.

Edit: You could also make it so lotallow'd players could pick those items up regardless of the permission.
« Last Edit: July 01, 2011, 05:54:41 AM by Jailout2000 »
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Items in lots
« Reply #1 on: July 01, 2011, 03:22:00 PM »
Bad idea. Theft is completely allowed, just not by griefing. If people are stealing your drops, then LOT BAN them.
  • Sciamancer


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Items in lots
« Reply #2 on: July 02, 2011, 01:09:24 AM »
Interesting concept. I kind of like it. Could be a lot flag, for example NOPICKUP - only owner & members can pickup items. I have run into the issue too where people just follow you around to try and get blocks. While theft is allowed, I don't know if we should promote it by not adding nice features like this.
  • The_Lynxy