Innectis - Minecraft Server > Suggestions



The resource zone has been apart of Innectis for a very long time. By now it's gotten pretty old and boring. If each resource zone had different world generation perimeters it could change the blandness of one type. We should start off by removing one-two reszone spawns. Once those one-two are gone the server won't have to take accommodate for five worlds dedicated to the same thing. For instance one of the worlds could have an increased chance to spawn a specific biome, another could be a donator only world and have increased ores, and maybe one world with lower water level.

It's important to clarify that they are not 5 worlds, but spawn points in a single world.

There are 5 warp points in the 1 reszone world. Plus, the chunks aren't even generated or loaded until a player goes to each said lot.


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