Innectis - Minecraft Server > Tutorials

Chat Sounds


As of IDP 10.5.0, sounds have been added for various chat events. If you would like IDP to play sounds to notify you of any chat event then read on.

There are 4 different categories for each sound:

1. Global chat and emote messages
2. Channel chat
3. Whisper chat
4. Lot and local chat

The commands for this are specified below:

--- Code: ---/chatsounds list

--- End code ---

Lists all chat sounds that can be turned on/off, as well as whether they are on or off for you.

--- Code: ---/chatsounds <type OR all> <on/off>

--- End code ---

Turns on/off the specified chat sound type. If "all" is used, every chat sound will be turned on/off.


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