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Author Topic: New things are coming  (Read 7635 times)


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New things are coming
« on: July 12, 2015, 01:28:02 AM »
As you all may know, we haven't had a substantial update for around 2 months. Some might find this alarming, and would be prone to asking why that is. Is anything going to be done about that? What is happening right now? I'll answer questions you may be having in this announcement, as well as update you on what's been going on community-wise.

First of all, stuff has been happening behind-the-scenes, even if there is no work to show for it. For me, I've been putting in more time the last 2 weeks or so, and even stated that I want to be more of a presence here. This server needs a lot of improving, and I feel like I know just what needs to be done about it. I have already done a whole lot more for this upcoming update than most updates have content-wise, enough to move a major version of IDP from 9.6.3 to 10.0.0!

Regarding the latest changes I've already done for the upcoming update, I have re-added player rank colors to the tab list, as well as something else related to that that is special. Another neat note in the upcoming update is that I added a world border to all the worlds, making it easier to see where the edges of each world is. I have also updated existing features, giving more fun uses of them, and done a lot of other improvements regarding new features as well.

Transient (StarScythe7) has been working on his games Hide and Seek, Duck Hunt, Ghast Survival, and Blue Box, updating them with new and exciting things. The spawn areas of Hide and Seek and Duck Hunt have been improved to add more appeal to those games. He has also been working on a race track. I won't spoil the details of that too much, but it should be exciting once that is all finished.

SGT_ADZ has been working on a spawn for event world, so players will be able to access various events of ours easily instead of just through the warp list. He has also been working on some other projects as well that should be exciting once the plans for those are unveiled.

Among these, I have been working on centralizing my own events, and removing old and unfinished ones, depending on the circumstances. I would very much like to re-engage netherspleef, which is what we used to host a lot awhile ago, but haven't done much since.

One final note I'd like to mention is the upcoming website. I haven't started on it yet, but just as soon as I release this big IDP update, I will put my focus onto this website to make it as elegant as I can. One thing I'd like to bring back that was lost is the bug tracker. Not only that, but I think I'm going to make it multi-purpose to not just include bugs, but feature requests as well. Of course, the user experience is my main focus for this website. I would like to be able to give a big enhancement over the current user experience, which is just discussion forums. That's really a limiting factor, and impedes more than helps our situation.

As someone who has had 9+ years experience in communities, I've developed an understanding of what people like to see. Sometimes it's hard to deliver to them to show what they want to see. But I have the confidence that I can improve on what we currently have.

These are just the start of our plans to improving Innectis overall. A lot has to be done, and we're moving forward and getting stuff done.

Happy mining!
  • AlphaBlend
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Re: New things are coming
« Reply #1 on: July 12, 2015, 12:55:46 PM »
I just remembered that I never finished the Creative World spawn. Oops.
  • Eggnaug
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Re: New things are coming
« Reply #2 on: July 22, 2015, 10:18:46 AM »
At this point, we have decided to upgrade our forums. As it stands, a straight-on website is probably too complex for a gaming community. The forums are just the right touch for such a community as ours. I want to move to a forum whereby our experience can be improved upon where it is right now.
  • AlphaBlend
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Re: New things are coming
« Reply #3 on: July 23, 2015, 07:24:38 AM »
Make sure the new one has RSS!  ;D
  • The_Lynxy


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Re: New things are coming
« Reply #4 on: July 23, 2015, 11:01:47 AM »
Make sure the new one has RSS!  ;D
I actually was thinking about your needs too. I know Lynxy likes herself some RSS! :)

Yeah, and hopefully others can understand how it works too, so that they can also realize the power of RSS.
  • AlphaBlend
I like to make things. That pretty much describes the kind of person I am.