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Author Topic: Ban Appeal (Really?)  (Read 5562 times)


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Ban Appeal (Really?)
« on: April 20, 2013, 12:43:59 AM »
If you murdered someone ten days ago, hid the body, and someone found it today, do you really think the police are going to just say,"Oh, this man was murdered ten days. It obviously wasn't today, so we feel that the man who did this should go free, because it happened ten days ago."

Think about it like that, and hopefully you'll understand why it was dealt now.

Have anyone ever think about the fact that MAYBE it was their already and I just attempted to fix it?

If it was already there, and you fixed it, why would it still be there?
It was there. It could've been broken. Maybe I fixed it? Hmmm?
Maybe it was broken and I fixed it. Then broke it again because I fixed it wrong? Hmmm?

Also, its creative, many Super VIPs and Goldie's come and go from their daily. Why is it that SGT notices? Why not Star, Nosliw, Alpha, Skye, or any of the players?

It may have not been SGT that noticed. It could have been another player who reported it and he was the first staff member to respond.

Quote from: Bobby
What seems interesting is that I have been told the SGT finds me...ah...annoying. Is this perhaps a way to shut me up for week?
Quote from: SGT
I don't put personal issues with people when dealing bans.
Yet you go on rants about how our community needs help. Then you proceed to taunt me. (Already discussed with Alpha)

^That answers that question.

How was this found?

Does it matter?
Actually yes. Currently, SGT hasn't replied Piggybacking on Rick's investigations.

What did it say?

Who cares? It's irrelevant.
Currently, SGT hasn't replied Piggybacking on Rick's investigations.

Why is it cropped out?

Because that's the only part that needs to be shown. The rest is irrelevant.

y only ONE picture?

Because only one is needed to prove you're guilty.

Quote from: Bobby
erm....i didn't do that?

You did do that.

Quote from: SGT
Block logs don't lie.

In case you don't know what block logs are, they track every single block placed and broken by you that can trace back months. Oh the power of CoreProtect proving someone wrong once again.
Refer to question one.
Detective Rick AWAY!! *flies away*

Now, we all know 1 week of being banned is no big deal. So why am I going to lengths to do this? Because me and Alpha have already talked about SGT's attitude and bias. I personally find this disgusting. Eluding questions and disregarding reasoning as well as piggybacking on other's players investigations.

I hope you leave this up here. I would be more at peace if a Admin was to read this and make the final decision. Question me if necessary.
The only time I recall "griefing" creative was when I hit a white wool block jokingly and told DaftPunk03 that I "griefed" creative. But I replaced the block.

I find SGT's behavior suspicious. When SGT was online on the forums, I continously refreshed the page in wait of SGT's response to my reasoning.
But, none come. But, in it's place is RicktheRuler (extremely well response btw) response. I find SGT's action EXTREMELY suspicious. Not replying to my threads. Threatening to trash my Ban Appeal AS SOON AS I post it. I find this weird. If he is so confident in himself, why is he threatening to trash my appeal. If he views this as "Spam" then he can just take it off and send it to the Admins. Easy. Why all the threatening?
  • hungrybobby1
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Re: Ban Appeal (Really?)
« Reply #1 on: April 21, 2013, 05:39:13 PM »
Have anyone ever think about the fact that MAYBE it was their already and I just attempted to fix it?

If it was already there, and you fixed it, why would it still be there?
It was there. It could've been broken. Maybe I fixed it? Hmmm?
Maybe it was broken and I fixed it. Then broke it again because I fixed it wrong? Hmmm?

Good theory, but then we would have logs of both placing as breaking.

How was this found?

Does it matter?
Actually yes. Currently, SGT hasn't replied Piggybacking on Rick's investigations.

Prop, somebody told SGT and he checked the logs...

What did it say?

Who cares? It's irrelevant.
Currently, SGT hasn't replied Piggybacking on Rick's investigations.

The logs say the following (this is just one block, don't feel like posting them all):
User: Hungrybobby22
Action: block break
location: (-27,3,1)
world: Creative

I hope you leave this up here. I would be more at peace if a Admin was to read this and make the final decision. Question me if necessary.
The only time I recall "griefing" creative was when I hit a white wool block jokingly and told DaftPunk03 that I "griefed" creative. But I replaced the block.

I find SGT's behavior suspicious. When SGT was online on the forums, I continously refreshed the page in wait of SGT's response to my reasoning.
But, none come. But, in it's place is RicktheRuler (extremely well response btw) response. I find SGT's action EXTREMELY suspicious. Not replying to my threads. Threatening to trash my Ban Appeal AS SOON AS I post it. I find this weird. If he is so confident in himself, why is he threatening to trash my appeal. If he views this as "Spam" then he can just take it off and send it to the Admins. Easy. Why all the threatening?

First of all, we have other things to do then respond to threads. So it might be possible that he is doing something else...
We occasionally do that you know?

As for trashing this thread, no we should not do that.
But all your questions have been answered already.

If there is something between you and SGT I can't find anything that is not true in the thread.

Appeal denied.
  • Hretsam


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Re: Ban Appeal (Really?)
« Reply #2 on: April 21, 2013, 05:55:55 PM »
Just deal with it! You griefed your banned. Don't take it out on SGT or other staff members for doing there job. On many servers even minor greif like breaking 1 block is a perm ban!!! Stop being ungrateful
  • l_iamW