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Author Topic: Suggesting temporary ban for ArronM  (Read 6029 times)


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Suggesting temporary ban for ArronM
« on: October 22, 2011, 01:32:07 PM »
It seems impossible to log on these days without the chat flowing with people angry over ArronM in some way or another griefed them.

I know that stealing from unlocked chests furnaces is somewhat acceptable due to the locking system, it is not in any way a positive impact on the community having someone who will steal and then brag about it to the victim.
Neither is it benefitting to the growth of the community having him asking people to come to his lot just to have what not contraptions causing them to die and thereafter lot-banning them.

Therefor I would like the admins and moderators to consider a temporary ban to him because he is harming the name of innectis with his constant griefing atm, atleast untill he have learned to behave amongst other people.

This server have a really nice system in place to stop normal block griefing and is potentially one of the best servers, but if you just let someone piss off all new users or they can read in chat that he thinks he can do what ever he wants then they arnt going to stick around.


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    • ArronM
Suggesting temporary ban for ArronM
« Reply #1 on: October 22, 2011, 01:57:14 PM »
Rage, I have done nothing at all to upset you and the incident today was people would not get off my lot. The sign above my door clearly states when they are asked to leave and they do not that a punishment will be left in place. I would like to PM you about ceede as it isn't a thing for despute and have already put an email in about him. The thing with this server is that everyone is so tied up that one person says one thing then they all follow, abit like a domino affect. So Ceede tells everyone to shout abuse to me then everyone is. If this is causing you hastle when logging on then just do not look at the chat or tell Ceede to shut up yourself, I have tried and failed.
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Suggesting temporary ban for ArronM
« Reply #2 on: October 22, 2011, 02:46:41 PM »
Its not the fact that you have done anything against me personally, or whether the spam hurts my eyes or not. Its the point that you seem to enjoy being in these situations where other players gets frustrated over you.

The reason I play on a online server is because of the community and that I want people to see my creations.
As long as you are acting as you are towards people in a hostile manner causing annoyance you are a threat to potentially growth of the community, and that is why Im writing this post.

I do not demand a ban I suggest one, its up to the admins/moderators to find a solution but something has to happen cause if you continue to do as you do its not going to be worth playing here as you will just have a community where people yell and scream or every one have 50% of the servers population lot banned.


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Suggesting temporary ban for ArronM
« Reply #3 on: October 22, 2011, 02:48:01 PM »
If you dont want someone to steal from a furnace, place it in a locked room with a steel door.

There is no need for this thread to be produced as it will only cause arguments and concern amongst other members of innectis.
For this reason the thread will be closed, in future please PM a Mod or Admin about such issue.

We wouldnt let anyone 'Ruin' the experience of Innectis for other players, the developers strive to produce updates for the server which will make us more unique then which we already are and to bring new things which other servers dont have. I appreciate you raising the issue and it will be looked in to but im afraid if ArronM took from your furnace we cant return the items.
  • Nortan360