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Author Topic: Aidencool6  (Read 4994 times)

aiden cool6

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« on: December 19, 2012, 10:19:02 PM »
Hey everyone I was banned for 10 days due to greifing randyathomes lot. But I believe the charges of ban should be lifted after all Greifing is basically the same as stealing and stealing is allowed. Secondly I've never heard of this rule therefore I didn't know that I shouldn't have done it in the first place and because it's the same as stealing basically I thought it was allowed. Thirdly I understand that I possibly won't be fully unbaned but the time should be shorter then 10 days because I know people who have Hacked on this server and they were banned for about 3 days tops. Now you must agree Hacking is much more serious then what I did so why I am getting a BIGGER punishment I will never know. Now administrators Mods ect. I know I did the wrong thing but I'm also willing to make it right I still have all of randys possessions so I could give them back and help him rebuild. Lastly admins mods please I know it was silly but please read this and please be reasonable if you think about it the charges you have put against me are way to high so please just think about it and be reasonable please it is all I ask. Plus if you were to reason with the players just a little more the server would be a much better environment for everyone so please read this and think.

Thank You. Aidencool6
  • aidencool6


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Re: Aidencool6
« Reply #1 on: December 19, 2012, 10:36:31 PM »
I have denied your appeal because you destroyed all of randyathome's stuff. He had to get a new lot and restart with pretty much nothing. Also griefing is not the same as stealing. Stealing is taking dropped items from people. Griefing is destroying placed blocks on someone else's lot. With the amount of things griefed (his ENTIRE lot), I set the ban to 10 days. You should have read the server rules and if you didn't fully understand them, you should have asked a staff member for more information.

I am closing this thread and my decision is final. Your ban appeal has been denied.

Thread Closed
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