Hello it is me(Zander),
And I have a idea it goes off an old very very very very old idea of eggs a bit(a really tiny bit). Basically, we add a plan spawned world and make it PVP. In the middle there will be like a temple with chest ect that re-fuel every hour or so randomly and there will be a no build perimeter around that 30x30 probalbly anyway that will be called the captital. Once you leave that area you must run to a place and start building a fort(custom inventory and there it will have trees and stuff) and in the fort you must set a home block. Then you protect the fort and you can invite people ect. and you can damage bases for points then you can enchant items with the point or upgrade your home block potection. There will be a time limit for attacking a base probaly 5 minutes ect. Then once destroyed there will be a explosion or something. The world will be a free build other than the capital and home bricks also you can raid chests. This is complex and could take a while to do.
I want a fortress