Innectis Community Forum

Author Topic: Giving Mods the ability to place water/lava without being lot allowed  (Read 8509 times)


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The whole idea behind the lot protection is that somebody can't modify your lot without you knowing.

A looong time ago, we decided that it would be better to avoid conflicts to not allow mods to edit lots without permission.
We have had moderators in the past who went on a griefing spree.

Anyway that said we could add something to provide temp access to a lot?

Like /help <player> for the mod, where the player gets a question if you allow him. When accepted he gets access on the lot your on for a period of time?

Cough trekking.
Cough Ninjaasssin
  • Nortan360


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Personally, I like Hretsam and SGT_ADZ's ideas. It's a bit quicker and cleaner than having to /lotallow someone, and I think people would be more likely to respond to a request in their chatbox (think of a similar thing to the /accept or /deny prompt when having a lot removed) than to go out of their way to /lotallow a moderator. +1 for you both!
  • gohKamikaze
Hi. My name's gohKamikaze. I Reddit and stuff.

Quote from: The Cloak
'Between you and me Yuric, I think those Ruskies need a good kick in the balls. Right in the testicles, the source of their commie power.'