How to set your prefix as a Goldy and Diamond:
To set the the prefix use the following command example: /setprefix 'text' -c 5 (or -c darkpurple) where the argument after -c is a color code, or name of a color.
Color Codes And Strings
These are the color codes that are possible to use. You may substitute these for a string in the parentheses following the color code.
0 = Black (black, or blk)
[Mod+]1 =
Dark Blue (darkblue or dark_blue)
2 =
Dark Green (darkgreen or dark_green)
[Mod+]3 =
Dark Aqua (darkaqua, dark_aqua, darkcyan, or dark_cyan)
4 =
Dark Red (darkred or dark_red)
[Mod+]5 =
Dark Purple (darkpurple or dark_purple)
6 =
Gold (gold)
7 = Grey (gray)
8 = Dark Grey (darkgray or dark_gray)
9 =
Blue (blue)
A =
Green (green)
[Mod+]B =
Aqua (aqua, or cyan)
C =
Red (red)
[Mod+]D =
Light purple (lightpurple, or light_purple)
E =
Yellow (yellow)
F = White (white)
The prefix may have the following characteristics:
- Character A to Z (both capitalized and uncapitalised)
- Numbers 0 to 9
- Spaces (' ')
- Underscores ('_')
- Dashed ('-')
Furthermore, the prefix is allowed to have a length up to 14 characters. Banned words and staff names (like 'administrator') are not allowed.
The first letter in the prefix will always be capitalized.