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Messages - Ace

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 7
Requests / Write to webpage
« on: March 15, 2009, 06:26:37 AM »
Quote from: Reason
gimme a day or so i'll see what i can do.
You'll need to have a mysql database i can use though

Don't have one

Requests / Google Script
« on: March 15, 2009, 06:25:02 AM »
Should we be posting gnome scripts that annoy the crap out of people sometimes?  For the amount of people we could get, I go against it.  You can send it via PM.

Requests / Write to webpage
« on: March 10, 2009, 01:39:57 PM »
There will be a file I have that is updated when a certain command is used.  Every x minutes, the bot will read out of that file and post its contents on a page.

Requests / Google Script
« on: March 10, 2009, 01:12:14 PM »
A. We didn't forget about it, it couldn't have been done easily.
B. Would other search engines work? (ex. Dogpile?)

Requests / Write to webpage
« on: March 09, 2009, 06:49:18 PM »

Ok...... Could someone show me how to do this in a quick piece of code?

Requests / Write to webpage
« on: March 09, 2009, 03:24:36 PM »
Just wondering, not needing something complex for this, but whatever. Just a quick example.

Requests / Write to webpage
« on: March 08, 2009, 07:02:17 PM »
Is there a way to use a plugin to write to a blank webpage?
Ex. Last 15 Users seen or whatever (that's not what i need it for but just an example)

Scripting / Greet Script
« on: March 08, 2009, 06:59:32 PM »
@shadow - He's just learning, that's a good way to shoot down the idea.

News / Clan remade
« on: February 26, 2009, 06:59:12 PM »

Plugins and Add-Ons / Server Checker
« on: February 13, 2009, 05:56:14 PM »
This script checks the BNLS servers that are online every 30 minutes, and checks if the BNLS you use is currently down, if you use one.
You can change these numbers at the top of the script.

Code: [Select]

Const servers_AutoDisplayTimer = 30 '// Time in minutes to check all servers.  Displays them with addchats.
Const servers_CheckBNLSTimer = 5 '// Time in minutes to check your server.  Only displays an error if your server is down and you use BNLS.
Const servers_AutoChange = True '// True or False - Changes your BNLS if the current one is down and you do not use Hashes.

Sub servers_event_load()
Addchat vbMagenta, "Server checker loaded.  Type ""/server update"" to check the server statuses."
Atime = 60 * servers_AutoDisplayTimer
TimerInterval "servers", "Autodisplay", Atime
TimerEnabled "servers", "Autodisplay", True
Btime = 60 * servers_CheckBNLSTimer
TimerInterval "servers", "CheckBNLS", Btime
TimerEnabled "servers", "CheckBNLS", True
End Sub

Sub servers_event_pressedenter(text)
 If left(lcase(text), 8) = "/server " Then
  If lcase(text) = "/server update" Then
  Content = scInet.OpenURL("")
  Args = Split(Content, "<img src='img/text_")
  Serverlist = Split(Content, "<a href='status.php?server=")
   For i = 0 to Ubound(Serverlist)
   Serverlist(i) = Left(Serverlist(i), Instr(Serverlist(i), ":") - 1)
   For i = 0 to Ubound(Args)
   If left(Args(i), 1) = "d" Then Addchat vbred, "Server " & Serverlist(i) & " is currently offline."
   If left(Args(i), 1) = "c" Then Addchat vbgreen, "Server " & Serverlist(i) & " is currently online."
  End If
 End If
End Sub

Sub servers_Autodisplay_timer()
Text = "/server update"
Call servers_event_pressedenter(text)
End Sub

Sub servers_CheckBNLS_timer()
BNLS = GetConfigEntry("Main", "SetBNLSServer", "Config.ini")
Content = scInet.OpenURL("")
Serverlist = Split(Content, "<a href='status.php?server=")
For i = 0 to Ubound(Serverlist)
Serverlist(i) = Left(Serverlist(i), Instr(Serverlist(i), ":") - 1)
For i = 0 to Ubound(Serverlist)
If BNLS = Serverlist(i) Then
Args = Split(Content, "<img src='img/text_")
 If Left(Args(i), 1) = "d" Then
 Addchat vbred, "Warning: Your current BNLS server is offline or is not on the trusted servers list.  Please change it or use the auto-change feature."
  If servers_autochange Then
   If GetConfigEntry("Main", "UseBNLS", "Config.ini") = "Y" Then
   Addchat vbyellow, "Your BNLS Server is offline - Using auto-change to use a new server."
    If BNLS <> "" Then
    WriteConfigEntry "Main", "SetBNLSServer", "", "Config.ini"
    WriteConfigEntry "Main", "SetBNLSServer", "", "Config.ini"
    End If
   Call ReloadSettings(1)
   If SSC.IsOnline() = False Then
    Call Command(BotVars.Username, "/cq", True)
    Call SSC.Connect()
   End If
  End If
 End If
End If
End If
End Sub

Please reply with comments or errors.

News / Hosting expires in april
« on: February 11, 2009, 05:32:35 PM »
How did it get moved to April?

Scripting / [Resolved] Unseen Error
« on: February 03, 2009, 04:51:56 PM »
I have marked this topic as resolved.

If you have any questions or if your problem continues, please reply and provide as much information as possible.

Scripting / [Resolved] Unseen Error
« on: February 02, 2009, 03:49:14 PM »
I can't seem to find why this messes up.  It always returns Invalid Character.  The Addchat is correct though, and in lowercase.
Code: [Select]
  If left(lcase(message), 10) = botvars.trigger & "runeword " Then
  Args = Split(message)
  Char = Args(1)
  Character = lcase(Args(1))
  Addchat vbgreen, Character
  x = 1
  Select Case Character
  Case sorceress
  Runes = "Pul+Ral+Sol"
  Struck = "5% for Level 15 Fire Ball"
  Striking = "5% for Level 15 Blaze"
  Bonuses = "+1 to warmth|+30% Enhanced Defense|Fire Resist +30%|Damage Taken -7"
  Case necromancer
  Runes = "Sol+Um+Um"
  Struck = "15% for Level 10 Bone Armor"
  Striking = "15% for Level 10 Bone Spear"
  Bonuses = "+100-150 mana|All resistances +30|Damage taken -7| -None-"
  Case paladin
  Runes = "Ral+Gul+Eld"
  Struck = " -None-"
  Striking = "100% for Level 5 Holy Bolt"
  Bonuses = "15% slower stamina drain|+5% to max poison resist|Fire Resist +30%| -None-"
  Case barbarian
  Runes = "Hel+Amn+Nef"
  Struck = "3% for Level 1 Howl"
  Striking = "10% for Level 1 Taunt"
  Bonuses = "+30% Defense vs. Missile|Replenish life +10|Attacker takes 14 damage|Requirements -15%"
  Case amazon
  Runes = "Shael+Thul+Amn"
  Struck = "4% for Level 5 Slow Missiles"
  Striking = "2% for Level 15 Valkyrie"
  Bonuses = "+20% faster hit recovery|+2 to Critical Strike|Cold Resist +30%|Attacker Takes 14 damage"
  Case assassin
  Runes = "Shael+Thul+Lem"
  Struck = "5% for Level 15 Fade"
  Striking = "15% for Level 15 Venom"
  Bonuses = "+45% attack speed|+20% Faster Hit Recovery|Cold Resist +30%|+50% gold from monsters"
  Case druid
  Runes = "Ort+Mal+Ith"
  Struck = "5% for Level 15 Cyclone Armor"
  Striking = "5% for Level 15 Twister"
  Bonuses = "+100-150 mana|Lightning Resist +30%|Magid Damage -7|15% Damage taken goes to Mana"
  Case Else
  AddQ "/w " & Username & " Invalid Character."
  x = 0
  End Select
  If x = 1 Then
  Bonus = Split(Bonuses, "|")
  AddQ "/w " & Username & " Runeword for " & Char
  AddQ "/w " & Username & " Runes: " & runes
  AddQ "/w " & Username & " When Struck: " & Struck
  AddQ "/w " & Username & " When Striking: " & Striking
  AddQ "/w " & Username & " Bonus 1: " & Bonus(0)
  AddQ "/w " & Username & " Bonus 2: " & Bonus(1)
  AddQ "/w " & Username & " Bonus 3: " & Bonus(2)
  AddQ "/w " & Username & " Bonus 4: " & Bonus(3)
  End If
  End If

Trash Can / From: Hosting expires in april
« on: February 01, 2009, 09:33:15 AM »

Project Neglected Fury / Project Update
« on: January 29, 2009, 01:58:25 PM »
So now you are working on this and shadow chat?
Good luck.

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