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Topics - Zakara

Pages: [1]
Graphic Requests / A Request
« on: March 08, 2009, 09:23:51 PM »
Two requests: Signature and Avatar

I have a rather complex request for a signature. I need a medieval style signature described as such:

Castle in background with forests on either side with armies clashing with one being lead by a wolf-like princess (Ears and tail of a wolf; the rest is human like) in full silver armor (minus helm) that has black hair and the other by a wolf-like male with black armor (silver highlights) and silver hair. The scene takes place at night to a full moon partially blocked with ominous clouds. It should be around say 640 x 400 (So this way I can reduce it when using it as my signature to meet various other boards and forums max sizes) with Zakara going across the picture in very faint lettering (as close to medieval style font as you can
get to).

As for the avatar, make it simply the before mentioned castle and forest with a moonlit background with Zakara in noticeable lettering across it.

Shadow Chat / Development
« on: February 19, 2009, 08:39:40 AM »
Me and ArticWolve will start on this project as soon as our lives calm down enough for us to have some free time during the day. As of right now, the project is suspended semi-indefinitely.


(ArticWolve told me to post it since I was online and he was working on the other computer.)

Project reopened. This is now the Developmental Discussion Thread.

Trash Can / From: [Resolved] .host game script
« on: January 30, 2009, 05:02:08 AM »
No, Ferre7 opened his mouth. I happened to notice it when Shadow was logged in (and forgot to log out).

Trash Can / From: [Resolved] .host game script
« on: January 29, 2009, 03:28:01 PM »
This also sounds resolved. Where's that infamous [Resolved] multi-moderation marking?

Trash Can / From: Question
« on: January 14, 2009, 05:28:21 AM »
John...... watch what you post and say things. Some people do not take to your humor like others do.

Requests / External Mail
« on: December 18, 2008, 03:37:20 PM »
Sorry to bug you guys again, but seeing as I am banned from Stealth or rather will be if I log onto my account there, I had to post here. I would like a Script/Plugin to be made so that anyone with the correct clan tag(s) (User defined) can use the .sendmail, .notice, and .checkmail commands.

Requires only the Clan's Tag (Not War3 Tag Mind You)

.Sendmail <User> Message
Sends User the Message. Can be used only once every 45 seconds. All commands are then queued to prevent flooding the bot out. Checks if User contains a clan tag; If so, removes the tag and then sends the message to a data file for future retrieval. If not, bot just sends it to the data file.

Bot gives you the mail. Can be used only once every 45 seconds. All commands are then queued to prevent flooding the bot out If no Mail, then bot whispers: "You have no mail."
Basically this command checks a file to see if the User has mail or not.

.Notice <On/Off>
Toggles whether the bot tells you that you have mail or not. IE Bot does not notify that you you have Mail when you enter.

.Announce <All/Group>
90 Access
Sends a message to everyone or specific Tag.

.WaitTime <2 to 5 seconds>
90 Access
Changes the time between 2 and 5 seconds. Cannot be less then 2 and not greater then 5. This also affects the time the script responds that the user has mail. IE This SETTING affects everything: Command Response Time; Notifications; Confirmations ETC...

Ideally this will check the clan's site daily (around 2AM EST) and then update a file that contains all the "Clan Members". Also, this script will act something like the delay greet by Hero. If the user leaves the channel after only a few seconds, then it does not tell him he has mail on the bot. So basically, it checks for two things: 1) If the user is on a list; 2) If the user has recently left the channel. If you want to do this, I will have to give you the site it has to parse/check for the user information.

Completed / MBCC
« on: December 08, 2008, 07:01:14 PM »
Not really a Public Command, but it found its way in there!
Code: [Select]
 '& Mirage Bot Clan Commands:Zakara; Updated by Sarah
 Sub MBCC_Event_Load()
   AddChat VBYellow, "[MBCC] ", VBPink, "Zakara and Sarah's ", VBYellow, "Mirage Bot Clan Commands"
   TimerEnabled "MBCC", "Wait", False
   TimeInterval "MBCC", "Wait", 60
 End Sub
 Sub MBCC_Event_USertalk(USername, Flags, Message, Ping)
   GetDBEntry Username, Access, Flags
   If LCase(Message) = BotVars.Trigger & LCase("Cpub") Then
     If Access < 90 Then Exit Sub
     If MBCCStop > 0 Then Exit sub
     MBCCStop = MBCCStop + 1
     Command BotVars.Username, "/clan public", True
   End If
   If LCase(Message) = BotVars.Trigger & LCase("Cpriv") Then
     If Access < 90 Then Exit Sub
     If MBCCStop > 0 Then Exit sub
     MBCCStop = MBCCStop + 1
     Command BotVars.Username, "/clan private", True
   End If
 End Sub
 Sub MBCC_Wait_Timer()
   MBCCStop = 0
 End Sub

Trash Can / From: We're Back
« on: October 28, 2008, 04:47:06 PM »
{bump} Yea of course they get a weird error when you're being flooded. And then you get an admin who deletes the accounts that [color=#39red#39]THE DUMB ASS[/color] doesn't know about. *Looks at ace* And to top it off...... you are still getting spam accounts joining!

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