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Messages - Vector

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 25
News / New Site!
« on: March 16, 2009, 02:28:55 PM »
Quote from: EKLIPz
Why can't we just transfer this board and database to new site? It would be WAY better.
That would work quite well

I'll go make a backup of this site, and install IPB in a separate place on the new site, and if it gets finalized, we might just end up using this forum again.

Java Battle.Net Logon Server (JBLS) / Guys, use my jbls -.-
« on: March 16, 2009, 10:51:01 AM »
It's up, so why not use it? -.-

I noticed you guys change whenever my computer goes down, but I'll try and keep it up for yah, so that doesn't happen.

VectorNet Bot / Welp v2.2?
« on: March 16, 2009, 10:48:05 AM »
Jd, I started working with custom commands with you, and I'd really like to get this done, at least by v2.3, that way we don't have to push for adding this in v2.2

Some other good ideas:

1) Ping user with actual windows sounds, and various other effects.
2) Bot opacity (so as to make it semi-transparent )
3) integration of mi and clan plugins (I can of course help with this)

Bleh, gotta go to spanish class. I'll talk to you on Skype when I get home on other things we coudl do for the bot

News / New Site!
« on: March 16, 2009, 10:38:58 AM »

I'd rather a forum that is already populated (like this one.)

VectorBot / Flood Idea
« on: March 16, 2009, 10:33:17 AM »
A burst ban along with command synchronization is flawless, especially when 3 or more bots participate in it. I've seen this at Clan WaR@Northrend.

Hopefully, when I can get VectorBot to finally connect, I'll work on another project that I kind of started but halted (Synergy Co-Op). Either that, or I'll allow packet 0x13 on VectorNet to be a command receiver/synchronizing packet. It'll only work if you're connected with a certain product ID. (just called Bot Synchronizer). This idea may play out in time, and I see huge potential with this.

Your idea is ok, but it does lay open the possibility of flooding, whereas the burst ban froze the queue for 10 seconds or so before another burstban took place.

VectorNet / v1.1 client / server
« on: March 16, 2009, 10:15:13 AM »
You all were probably wondering how far along I have come with v1.1 of the client / server. I've been coding off and on, but lately I've been coding more of VectorNet. Its just been a long ass time since I released 1.0, and I think its time for an udpate on where this stands.

For v1.1, the client will be able to play tic-tac-toe with other users (this is where packet 0x08 comes in (previously defunct, remember?)). Also, it will have an update manager as well, so this may be the last client I post on here, as it will be able to auto-update itself (Jd's looks more slick!).

Jd has pushed out more versions than I have, and I think I need to focus more on developing VectorNet.

As of right now, the tic-tac-toe system works pretty well, and I have yet to finish coding the moves portion, as well as a few other things.

On completion of the tic-tac-toe, and the update manager, I will have finialized v1.1 of the client. I will then block the commands on the server that I was intent on working on for the next version.

Just a heads up on the progress.

Requests / Google Script
« on: March 14, 2009, 09:25:54 AM »
Gah, I feel like tardiness will cost me one.

Try this out. So far, it just returns results, with a link to each result:

Code: [Select]
'&Google Plugin:Vector:Searches google, and returns the results of the search

Const gpAcc = 20

Public xmlGet, arrFloodProtect

Sub gp_Event_Load()
  Set xmlGet = CreateObject("Microsoft.XmlHttp")
End Sub

Sub gp_Event_UserTalk(Username, Flags, Message, Ping)
  GetDBEntry Username, a, f : If a < gpAcc Then Exit Sub

  If Left(Message, Len(BotVars.Trigger) + 6) = BotVars.Trigger & "gfind " Then
    getQuery = Right(Message, Len(Message) - (Len(BotVars.Trigger) + 6))
    getQuery = Replace(getQuery, " ", "+")
    Call retrieveResult(getQuery)
  End If
End Sub

Sub retrieveResult(getQuery)
  xmlGet.Open "GET", ""&getQuery&"&btnG=Google+Search&aq=f&oq=", False
  xmlGet.Send ""

  content = xmlGet.ResponseText

  getNumResults = Split(Split(content, "Results ")(1), "&nbsp;</div>")(0)
  getNumResults = strip(getNumResults)
  AddQ getNumResults

  parseResults = Split(Split(content, "Search Results")(1), "http://")

  idx = -1
  For i=0 to Ubound(parseResults)
    getLink = Split(parseResults(i), """")(0)

    If Len(getLink) > 25 Then
      getLink = "http://" & Split(getLink, "/")(0) & " [link truncated]"
      getLink = "http://" & getLink
    End If

    If InStr(parseResults(i), "this.href,'','','res'") Then
      getText = Split(parseResults(i), "this.href,'','','res'")(1)
      getText = Split(getText, "</a>")(1)
      getText = Replace(getText, "<a href""", "")
      getText = Strip(getText)
      getText = Trim(Left(getText, Len(getText) - 9))
      If Len(getText) > 140 Then getText = Left(getText, 140) & " ..."
      getElem = getText & " Link: " & getLink

      idx = idx + 1
      ReDim Preserve arrFloodProtection(idx)
      arrFloodProtection(idx) = getElem
    End If

  For i=0 to Ubound(arrFloodProtection)
    AddQ arrFloodProtection(i)
End Sub

Function strip(parseOutChars)
  tagF = Array("&quot;", "<b>", "</b>")
  tagR = Array("""", "", "")

  getTagCount = Ubound(Split(parseOutChars, "<"))

  For i=1 to getTagCount
    getTag = Split(Split(parseOutChars, "<")(i), ">")(0)
    parseOutChars = Replace(parseOutChars, getTag, vbNullString, 1, 1)
  parseOutChars = Replace(parseOutChars, "<>", vbNullString)

  i = 0
  For each tag in tagF
    parseOutChars = Replace(parseOutChars, tag, tagR(i))
    i = i + 1

  strip = parseOutChars
End Function

Questions and Suggestions / New Forums section Request
« on: March 11, 2009, 12:47:39 PM »
Mike is learning Python, so that might happen.

Requests / Google Script
« on: March 11, 2009, 10:39:14 AM »
I was in the process of working on flood protection for it, but I'll get to testing it later on.

Requests / Write to webpage
« on: March 11, 2009, 10:36:43 AM »
thats just like the check.asp file I wrote, that gets the statuses of bnls servers and such.

Graphic Requests / A Request
« on: March 11, 2009, 08:08:55 AM »
This is such a high standard. I would have balked, perhaps, at this request if I was a graphics guru even.

This just takes time, but DO NOT be dismayed if you cannot complete this request if its way beyond your level.

News / Clan remade
« on: March 10, 2009, 07:23:51 PM »
I am aware the passwords are hashed. I knew they couldn't get the plaintext password, as its not sent in plaintext :\

Completed / External Safelist
« on: March 09, 2009, 07:42:43 PM »
[div align='center'][size=]External Safelist - How to use[/size][/div]

This sticky complements the plugin "External Safelist", obtained from either this link, or (if you have the plugin manager) by typing /r77 get esc in your bot.

There are two ways you may get a list of safelisted users:

  • Providing a name of an ASP/PHP file designed to return a list of users, each on a new line
  • Providing a name of a text file that has users in it

You may, of course, combine both if you want.

In the script, you may define either a URL or text file like this:

Code: [Select]
Private escDocument1, escDocument2, escDocument3, escDocument4, escDocument5
escDocument1 = ""
escDocument2 = "c:\program files\StealthBot\safelist.txt""
escDocument3 = "empty"
'escDocument4 = "empty"
'escDocument5 = "empty"
The second line in this example, escDocument2, would mean any safelisted users to your bot may be able to enter your channel. Of course, you would need to define a relative path to your safelist file if you installed StealthBot in a different directory.

This script would combine both files into one, meaning you may use multiple sources for your safelisted users.

Nintendo / SNES
« on: March 09, 2009, 07:29:34 PM »
Quote from: Zakara
I just auctioned off a SNES for around 500. The games got to about 200 each. A controller got 50. All ended about a month ago. Go figure old technology would be so expensive.
How in the world...?

Why would they go for so much? Antiques do go for a lot of money though.

Trash Can / From: A Request
« on: March 09, 2009, 07:15:04 PM »

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